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terça-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2018

WCPT E-Update - janeiro 2018

WCPT Eupdate
WCPT E-Update - January 2018
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Boa Leitura
World Cancer Day
Every year on 4th February, World Cancer Day unites the world’s population in the fight against cancer.

It aims to save millions of preventable deaths by raising awareness and education about the disease, pressing governments and individuals across the world to take action.

It's primary objective is to get as many people around the globe to talk about cancer on 4th February - find out how you can join the conversation

#WorldCancerDay #WeCanICan
WCPT/HI SUDA project
This successful two year project comes to an end on 31 January. Set up as collaboration between WCPT and Handicap International (HI), with funding by USAID, the project focused on strengthening physical therapy as a profession in Mali, Niger and Senegal.

The SUDA Project was set up as a response to professionalise and strengthen physical therapy services in these conflict-affected countries for a large population of persons with disabilities. The quality of physical therapist entry level education was addressed, along with strengthening the physical therapy national associations there and securing adequate wheelchair training and provision.

For further information about the SUDA project go to:
Call for WCPT Education Policy and Guidelines Expert Working Group (EPG-EWG)
WCPT is issuing an open call for physical therapists to be a part of  the EPG-EWG. The group will support and guide a project to review the WCPT policy statement on education and the suite of associated guidelines.

For further information go to:

The deadline for applications is 23rd February 2018.
WCPT Congress 2019
The Congress Programme Committee (CPC) met face-to-face in London for two days last week to start designing an exciting, relevant and engaging programme for #WCPT2019 in Geneva next year. Joining the CPC were WCPT President, Emma Stokes, WCPT Deputy CEO, Tracy Bury, along with members of WCPT staff and representatives of physioswiss.

Call for focused symposia: if you would like to be involved in one of Congress's key sessions, the deadline to submit a proposal for a focused symposium is 23rd February
Handicap International becomes Humanity & Inclusion
On 24th January Humanity & Inclusion became the new name of Handicap International's global network. The organisation, which shared the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997 for its work to ban anti-personnel landmines, implements more than 300 projects in about 60 countries.

'Humanity & Inclusion' expresses one of the organisation's central values, humanity. This is reflected every day in HI's benevolent and empathetic approach, close proximity with its beneficiaries, and respect for individuality.
Educational webinar
If you missed the HUR educational webinar, “Strength training in disease management and rehabilitation”, you can now view it in your own time at

This freely available presentation by Dr Arto Hautala, Adjunct Professor in Physiotherapy, at the University of Oulu in Finland, provides the latest scientific based evidence using exercise as medicine in cardiometabolic diseases with special reference to strength training.
WCPT Experts Database
The WCPT Experts Database is going to be relaunched as WCPT-DOVES (Database of Volunteers & Experts). Further information will be provided in the next E-Update. 
The 7th International Conference of Physiotherapy in Psychiatry and Mental Health
Registration is now open for the 7th International Conference of Physiotherapy in Psychiatry and Mental Health, taking place in Reykjavik, Iceland, from 10th - 12th April 2018.

The conference aims to increase the knowledge of mental health issues and the connection between mental and physical health among physical therapists around the world.

Find out more and register:
International conference on health professional regulation
Early bird registration deadline: 15th February

The fifth World Health Professions Regulation Conference, scheduled to take place 19th - 20th May 2018 in Geneva, will provide participants with insights, perspectives and discussion on current challenges in health professional regulation. Key speakers will explore the lessons learned from competence-based approaches to regulation, compare regulatory models and examine ways of promoting best practice in regulatory governance and performance.
International Conference on Physical Therapy in Oncology (ICPTO)
The first International Conference on Physical Therapy in Oncology (ICPTO) will take place on 5th June in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

The conference aims to bring together physical therapists working in oncology from around the globe, to discuss the way forward for oncology PT and to exchange knowledge and best practices.

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