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quinta-feira, 29 de outubro de 2020

Informativo World Physiotherapy - Outubro 2020


October 2020


 A World Physiotherapy está produzindo uma série de artigos informativos que exploram o impacto do COVID-19 na educação, prática e questões de defesa de direitos.

Estamos agora trabalhando em um artigo de briefing sobre a prática digital. Queremos nos basear nas experiências de fisioterapeutas e incluir alguns estudos de caso no documento informativo.

Alguns países / territórios já oferecem serviços de fisioterapia para prática digital, incluindo telessaúde, há algum tempo. Com a pandemia COVID-19, esses serviços viram um grande aumento na prevalência e a diversificação das populações atendidas. Além disso, surgiu como um novo modelo de prestação de serviços em outros países / territórios.

A World Physiotherapy quer entender mais sobre as lições aprendidas neste ano e as implicações para o futuro da fisioterapia e da prestação de serviços. Além das contribuições de nossas organizações membros e subgrupos, estamos coletando feedback de fisioterapeutas individuais por meio de uma pequena pesquisa.


Share your experience of digital practice in our online survey


Confira a seguir o texto original em inglês:

World Physiotherapy is producing a series of briefing papers exploring the impact of COVID-19 on education, practice, and advocacy issues.

We are now working on a briefing paper on digital practice. We want to draw on the experiences of physiotherapists and include some case studies in the briefing paper.

Some countries/territories have had digital practice physiotherapy service provision, including telehealth, for some time. With the COVID-19 pandemic, such services have seen a major increase in prevalence and the diversification in populations served. In addition, it has emerged as a new model for service delivery in other countries/territories.

World Physiotherapy is keen to understand more about the lessons learned this year and the implications for the future of physiotherapy and service delivery. In addition to input from our member organisations and subgroups, we are gathering feedback from individual physiotherapists via a short survey.

Deadline: 30 November 2020
Take part in our survey about digital practice

Join the WHPA Stand Up for Positive Practice Environments webinar 

The World Health Professions Alliance (WHPA) is holding a Stand Up for Positive Practice Environments webinar as part of their campaign to improve work environments for health professionals around the world.

The webinar, Beyond the applause: demanding supportive workplaces and conditions for our front line professionals, will take place on Friday 6 November 16.00 CET. It will include presentations from health care professionals involved in the response to and affected by COVID-19. Physiotherapist Darren Brown will be one of the presenters.

The Positive Practice Environments campaign highlights the real need for healthcare settings that support decent working conditions, attract and retain staff, provide quality patient care, strive for excellence and strengthen the health sector as a whole. 

WHPA, which represents 34 million health professionals around the world, says that empowering health professionals is an essential step to meet the ambitious targets required to achieve universal health coverage and meet the Sustainable Development Goals. Health professionals are at the heart of every health system and governments must provide safe, supportive environments to help them thrive.

Register for the Positive Practice Environments webinar
Access the Positive Practice Environments campaign materials

Webinars for educators in times of COVID-19

Watch webinar #2

The second in our series of webinars on the impact of COVID-19 on physiotherapist entry level education is now available to view. Watch Judith Deutsch, John Xerri de Caro, Soraya Maart, Joost van WIjchen and Dyanna Haley-Rezac discuss overcoming challenges in clinical practice in times of COVID-19: revisiting the scope of clinical training
Watch the webinar

Save the date

The webinar on digital solutions for online education will take place on Monday 16 November 2020 at 14:00 GMT.
Join Rachael Lowe, Djenana Jalovcic, Marco Y. C. Pang, Nihad A. Almasri, and Michael Rowe as they examine this issue.
Additional webinars will take place later in the year.
See all webinars

Over 1,800 abstracts submitted for World Physiotherapy Congress 2021

A total of 1,867 abstracts have been submitted for World Physiotherapy Congress 2021 online. 

Of the submitted abstracts, women submitted 57% of the abstracts and men submitted 37% of the abstracts, 6% of submitters did not give their gender. Globally, 66% of physiotherapists are women.

The submitted abstracts will be peer reviewed by 400 volunteer reviewers over the next few weeks. All abstract submitters will be notified of the outcome on 14 January 2021.
Visit the congress website

COVID-19 briefing papers now available in Albanian and Spanish

Thanks to our member organisations in Albania and Spain, two of our briefing papers are now available in translation.

Briefing paper 2: Rehabilitation and the vital role of physiotherapy

Briefing paper 5: the impact of COVID-19 on fragile health systems and vulnerable communities
Access the briefing papers


sexta-feira, 9 de outubro de 2020