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domingo, 31 de março de 2019

WCPT Atualização março 2019

WCPT Eupdate
WCPT E-Update - March 2019
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Boa Leitura 
Find out about physical therapy around the world
Did you know that 6 out of 10 physical therapists around the world are women?

To find out about physical therapy in your country visit the members section of the WCPT website, select your country and click "View country profile". Each country profile displays the data in a series of infographics showing how your country compares to the rest of the world, as well as information on physical therapy practice.

Interactive maps are also available showing the global profile of the profession: 
Advancing physical therapy in Vietnam
Education and engagement were the focus of a three-day stakeholder WCPT workshop in February with representatives from local universities and the newly-founded Viet Nam Physiotherapy Association (VNPTA) in Ho Chi Minh City.

The workshop was designed to kickstart the ADvAncing PhysioTherapy In ViEtnam (ADAPTIVE) project. The ADAPTIVE project will review the physical therapy education programmes in Vietnam to assist them to develop towards international standards, and to help VNPTA achieve its goal of becoming a WCPT member organisation.

Jonathon Kruger, WCPT chief executive officer, said: ‘This workshop demonstrates how WCPT is building capacity around the globe. It’s great to be able to be part of making change happen in Vietnam and helping raise the profile and influence of physical therapy in the country.'

Read the full story:
International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action
4th April is International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action.

The theme Advancing Protection, Peace, and Development echoes the vision of the United Nations Secretary-General and his reforms of the peace and security architecture comprising the entire humanitarian, peace building and sustainable development continuum.

Find out about WCPT’s policy on The consequences of armed violence, landmines and other weapons of war

Find out more about the day:
UN Photo / JC MIlwaine
Conference planning workshop in Benin
Conference planning and event management were the topics for a two-day workshop for WCPT member organisations and provisional member organisations in west Africa.

Mathias Ahissan Krou, President of the Association Ivoirienne des Masseurs-Kinésithérapeutes, said: 'It was a beautiful experience on all levels - relational, knowledge, learning. The WCPT membership engagement approach makes us confident knowing there is a mentor behind on whom we can count. As it is said, "what deserves to be done, deserves to be well done".'

WCPT Deputy Chief Executive Tracy Bury, WCPT Congress Manager Natasha Joyner, and WCPT Head of Programmes and Development Sidy Dieye delivered the workshop, which took place in Cotonou, Benin.

Read the full story:

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