Pernambuco Brasil - Foto/GB Blog 14-F FISIOTERAPIA

segunda-feira, 12 de abril de 2021

Congresso Mundial de Fisioterapia 2021 - Atualização 12/04/2021

World Physiotherapy congress update
12 April 2021
1.000 pessoas assistiram pela Internet a sessão de encerramento do Congresso
 A sessão de encerramento relembrou os destaques dos últimos três dias e celebrou o sucesso do congresso. 
Jonathon Kruger, diretor executivo da World Physiotherapy, apresentou Shane Patman, presidente do comitê de programa do congresso, que agradeceu a todos aqueles que estiveram envolvidos no planejamento e entrega de um programa científico de imenso sucesso. Jonathan então apresentou a nova presidente, Jackie Whittaker, para o próximo congresso da World Physiotherapy que acontecerá em Tóquio, Japão, em 2023.
 O prêmio PEDro para o melhor relatório de um ensaio clínico randomizado também foi anunciado. Foi concedido a Rachael Mary Cowan, da Austrália, por seu resumo: Terapia hormonal e exercícios como intervenções para mulheres na pós-menopausa com síndrome da dor trocantérica maior: um ensaio clínico randomizado.
 Emma Stokes, presidente da Confederação Mundial de Fisioterapia, agradeceu aos participantes pela confiança neste congresso e seu papel em torná-lo um evento tão espetacular, "Fisioterapeutas de 122 países puderam participar deste congresso, que é realmente incrível".
 Emma então apresentou o presidente da Associação Japonesa de Fisioterapia, Kazuto Handa. Em sua mensagem, ele deu as boas-vindas a todos no Japão em 2023 e olhou para o ano passado e para o impacto que o COVID-19 teve, tanto no Japão como em todo o mundo. 
 O Congresso Mundial de Fisioterapia 2023 será realizado de 1 a 4 de junho de 2023 em Tóquio, Japão.  
1,000 people tune in live to watch closing session
The closing session looked back at highlights of the past three days and celebrated the success of the congress. 

Jonathon Kruger, World Physiotherapy chief executive officer, introduced Shane Patman, chair of the congress programme committee, who thanked all those that had been involved in the planning and delivery of an immensely successful scientific programme. Jonathan then introduced the incoming chair, Jackie Whittaker, for World Physiotherapy's next congress taking place in Tokyo, Japan in 2023.

The PEDro award for the best report of a randomised controlled trial was also announced. It was awarded to Rachael Mary Cowan, from Australia, for her abstract: Hormone therapy and exercise as interventions for post-menopausal women with greater trochanteric pain syndrome: a randomised controlled trial.

Emma Stokes, World Physiotherapy president, thanked the participants for their trust in this congress and their role in making it such a spectacular event, "Physiotherapists from 122 countries were able to participate in this congress, that is truly amazing". 

Emma then introduced the president of the Japanese Physical Therapy Association, Kazuto Handa. In his message he welcomed everyone to Japan in 2023 and looked back at the last year and the impact COVID-19 has had, both in Japan, and around the world.

Watch the closing session

World Physiotherapy Congress 2023 will be held 1-4 June 2023 in Tokyo, Japan.
Power, privilege and disadvantage in physiotherapy - who decides?
This is the question that was considered in a focused symposium chaired by John Hammond, from United Kingdom. He was joined by speakers Maria-Louisa Busuttil, from Malta, Anupa Pathak, from Nepal, and Jenny Setchell from Australia.

This interactive symposium began with a brief introduction by the chair to outline the basic tenets of power, privilege and disadvantage, and introduce some frameworks for critical reflection and how these relate to physiotherapy. Each speaker was then given the opportunity to explore a personal example from within their own physiotherapy contexts and policy.

Watch the focused symposium

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Please note that sessions can only be accessed by registered participants, you can still register here:
Congress sessions focus on the impact of technology on physiotherapy
Two sessions focused on the impact of technology in physiotherapy during the final day of congress.

A focused symposium was held which looked at implementing virtual environments and serious games in neurological physiotherapy practice. Chaired by Judith Deutsch, the session presented the most current findings on use of virtual environments (VEs) and serious games for the rehabilitation of balance, mobility and fitness for persons with neurological conditions. Alongside this it provided concrete examples and strategies for implementing VEs and serious games in physiotherapy practice.

Also held was a seminar on digital health technologies in physiotherapy: possibilities, challenges and experiences. Chaired by Cindy Veenhof, the panel presented case examples involving specific technologies, which in the end, resulted in better health outcomes for the patients. These were used to create more awareness of the wide range of possibilities in this field and to discuss the implementation of digital health technologies in physiotherapy practice.

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Please note that sessions can only be accessed by registered participants, you can still register here:
What does Long Covid mean for physiotherapists?
The World Health Organization states that globally there have been over 134 million confirmed cases of COVID-19 and nearly 3 million deaths.

Global data currently focuses on mortality, cases and vaccination rates. At present there is no global data on morbidity or disability as a result of Long Covid. However, the latest estimates suggest that up to one in seven patients with COVID-19 will have ongoing symptoms for 12 weeks or more. 

The impact of Long Covid and what it means for physiotherapists was the focus of a discussion session chaired by congress programme committee members Darren Brown, from United Kingdom, and Remla Shirima, from Tanzania.

Watch the discussion session

Read the news story

Please note that sessions can only be accessed by registered participants, you can still register here:
Discovering physiotherapy in Japan   Nearly 1,200 abstracts available on demand
Jonathon Kruger was joined by Tomonori Ito, from the Japanese Physical Therapy Association (JPTA), in an inspiration session. Insights were shared about the profession in Japan and the role JPTA is playing in the upcoming Olympics.

Watch the inspiration session
  Discover all the platform and ePoster abstract presentations in the on demand section of the congress platform. See which presentations have been designated state of the art, or search by presenter, keyword, session code, speaker, topic or presentation. 

Access abstracts
Workshops at congress deliver content relevant to daily practice
Eight workshops were held over the three days at congress, each delivering content relevant to areas of clinical practice.

The first workshop held on the final day of congress was a practical session on clinical reasoning and is of interest to physiotherapists across all specialties. The workshop was held by Mark Jones in Australia, and moderated by congress programme committee member Hana Alsobayel, from Saudi Arabia.

Also held on Sunday was the workshop on Shoulder: Theory and practice by Jeremy Lewis, from the United Kingdom. Here the importance of taking a biopsychosocial approach for the assessment and management of musculoskeletal conditions involving the shoulder region was emphasised.

Workshops were also held on: Watch workshops

All workshops will be available on demand for registered participants until 8 July, you can still register here:
Recorded sessions and abstract presentations available for three months
If you didn't get time to view all the content you wanted to see during congress, or you haven't yet registered for the event, you can still access the material. 

You can watch recordings of all the live sessions shown during congress (except for networking sessions) over the three days. You can also catch up on the nearly 1,200 platform and ePoster abstract presentations that are available in the on demand section. 

All content will be available to registered participants until 8 July.

Register now 


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