NEW briefing paper on Long COVID published
The latest World Physiotherapy briefing paper focuses on safe rehabilitation for people living with Long COVID.
Physiotherapy has published a new briefing paper, Safe rehabilitation
approaches for people living with Long COVID: physical activity and
exercise. The briefing paper presents considerations for safe
rehabilitation specific to physical activity, including exercise or
sport, for people living with Long COVID.
The statements presented in the briefing paper may be used by
physiotherapists, and other healthcare professionals, assessing and
treating people living with Long COVID, to consider how post-exertional
symptom exacerbation, cardiac impairment, exertional oxygen
desaturation, and autonomic nervous system dysfunction impact on safe
prescription of rehabilitation, including physical activity.
Versions of the briefing paper in Bulgarian, French, Polish, Portuguese
(European and Brazilian), and Spanish will be available on the World
Physiotherapy website shortly. Volunteer translators are working on
versions of the briefing paper in more languages.
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