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quinta-feira, 31 de maio de 2018

WCPT E-Update - May 2018

WCPT Eupdate
WCPT E-Update - May 2018
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Boa Leitura
Global Rehabilitation Alliance launched
The Global Rehabilitation Alliance (GRA) was launched in Geneva last week with WCPT President Emma Stokes elected as Vice President of the Alliance’s inaugural board.
Emma said "Today, we commit to global collaboration to ensure the peoples of the world will receive timely, quality and person-centred rehabilitation without financial hardship."
The GRA is an outcome from the World Health Organization’s stakeholder meeting, Rehabilitation 2030: A Call for Action, held in February 2017. Since that time WCPT has been working with colleagues from other stakeholder organisations to develop an international body to further the development of rehabilitation around the world.

Read the full story:
WCPT calls for improved access to assistive technology
WCPT Vice President Margot Skinner delivered a powerful message committing the global physical therapy community to supporting improved access to assistive technology at the World Health Assembly (WHA) in Geneva on Monday 21st May.
WHO estimates that more than 1 billion people need one or more assistive products and that this number will rise to beyond 2 billion by 2050. Only 1 in 10 people in need currently have access.

Read the full story:
Free webinar on accreditation and global mobility
What can we learn from physiotherapy and other professions about accreditation, regulation and global mobility? In this jointly hosted webinar, INPTRA (International Network of Physiotherapy Regulatory Authorities) and WCPT examine the differences in accreditation around the globe. The implications that variation in accreditation has on global mobility will be explored, along with the challenges of accrediting international programmes when practice is different.
Live session: Tuesday, June 5, 2018: 16:00 – 17:00 ET (20:00 UTC)
To register for the webinar please email with the following information:
  1. Your name
  2. Your organisation
  3. Your country
  4. Your email address
Find out more about the webinar:
If you are unable to join the live session the webinar will be made available via the INPTRA website:
WCPT Congress 2019 - call for abstracts now open
The call for abstracts for poster and platform presentations is now open. Deadline: 6th September
Have you been working on a research project and are now ready to present your findings? Do you have an innovative service, practice, resource or theory to share? This is your opportunity to present to a global audience at the profession’s largest international congress. WCPT is encouraging physical therapists from all over the world, at every level of the profession, to submit their abstracts.
WCPT visits Tajikistan
Developing education programmes in rehabilitation was the key theme for WCPT’s recent week-long visit to Tajikistan to meet with representatives of government, education, hospitals, and other stakeholders. The visit was part of a WHO-led programme, in response to an initiative by the Tajik government to build a collaborative approach to improve the provision and delivery of physiotherapy education and services in the country.
Read the full story:
Following its earlier success the SCI MOOC, run in conjunction with the International Spinal Cord Society, is being made available once again. The content is now available in English, Spanish, Portuguese and Chinese.
The course is aimed at physical therapy students and physical therapists with little or no experience in the management of people with spinal cord injuries.
Course dates: Starts 30th July 2018 for 5 weeks with a time commitment of approximately 5 hours per week.

To register and for further information go to:
WCPT awards programme - call for nominations
Do you know a physical therapist who has made an outstanding contribution to the profession internationally? WCPT is calling on its member organisations, regions and subgroups to submit nominations - if you know a physical therapist you would like to nominate please contact the WCPT member organisation in your country:
The awards will be presented in Geneva at the time of the WCPT General Meeting and Congress in 2019.
See each of the award categories:
The deadline for nominations is 31st August.
Earlier this month the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) published a press release highlighting that an incident of violence against health-care facilities or personnel has taken place every single week in the past two years:
Alongside the press release the video "Why we can't save her life" was also published as part of the Health Care in Danger campaign:
Cochrane Rehabilitation newsletter
The latest issue of the Cochrane Rehabilitation Newsletter was published this month: Cochrane Rehabilitation NL Issue 8| May 2018

The newsletter contains an update on the Cochrane Rehabilitation activities, Cochrane Systematic Reviews and blogshots of rehabilitation interest.

quinta-feira, 24 de maio de 2018

Recordando o VII Congresso Brasileiro de Fisioterapia

Nota do Editor: A política de postagens do Blog 14-F FISIOTERAPIA, defende a preservação da memória dos fatos e eventos que contribuíram para o desenvolvimento e engrandecimento da história da profissão.

domingo, 20 de maio de 2018

História da Fisioterapia DL 938/69

Nota do Editor: A política de postagens do Blog 14-F FISIOTERAPIA, defende a preservação da memória dos fatos e eventos que contribuíram para o desenvolvimento e engrandecimento da história da profissão.

quinta-feira, 17 de maio de 2018

História da Fisioterapia: Presidentes dos Congressos da ABF 1964/1985

História da Fisioterapia - Presidentes dos Congressos da Associação Brasileira de Fisioterapeutas ABF. Período de 1964 a 1985. Fonte: Página 17 brochura do VII Congresso Brasileiro de Fisioterapia. Belo Horizonte MG 1985.

quinta-feira, 10 de maio de 2018

Congresso da WCPT 2019 chamada para apresentação de resumos

WCPT Congress Update
Chamada para apresentação de resumos!

A chamada para resumos e apresentações de cartazes e plataformas está aberta.  
Prazo: 6 de setembro.

Você já trabalhou em um projeto de pesquisa e está pronto para apresentar suas descobertas? Você tem um serviço, prática, recurso ou teoria inovadores para compartilhar? Esta é sua oportunidade de apresentar a um público global no maior congresso internacional da profissão. 

A WCPT está incentivando Fisioterapeutas de todo o mundo, em todos os níveis da profissão, para que apresentem seus resumos.

Recordando o VI Encontro Nordestino de Fisioterapeutas e Terapeutas Ocupacionais

Nota do Editor: A política de postagens do Blog 14-F FISIOTERAPIA, defende a preservação da memória dos fatos e eventos que contribuíram para o desenvolvimento e engrandecimento da história da profissão.

terça-feira, 8 de maio de 2018

Congresso Mundial de Fisioterapia de 2021 acontecerá em Dubai

A Confederação Mundial de Fisioterapia WCPT anunciou na semana passada que o  Congresso Bienal da Confederação será realizado em 2021 em Dubai. 
Falando na Conferência de Fisioterapia da Emirates, a presidente da WCPT, Emma Stokes, confirmou Dubai como o local do Congresso, que será organizado pela Emirates Physiotherapy Society.   “A Emirates Physiotherapy Society tem uma localização única, e Dubai oferece a chance de que a comunidade global de Fisioterapia possa reunir-se  em um destino que liga a Europa, Ásia e África”, disse Emma.  

“Mais uma vez, como na Cidade do Cabo, estamos convidando a comunidade global a se juntar a nós em uma parte do mundo que não visitamos antes para relizar um Congresso. Trata-se m dos primeiros países do golfo, parabenizamos a Emirates Physiotherapy Society por sua proposta bem-sucedida e esperamos aprender e compartilhar tudo o que pudermos. ”  

 “A Emirates Physiotherapy Society está satisfeita e orgulhosa por ter sido escolhida para sediar o Congresso da WCPT de 2021”, disse a presidente do EPS, Amal Alshamlan.   “Tem sido uma meta estratégica para a sociedade, alinhada com a estratégia do governo, trazer um evento tão prestigioso para Dubai. O Congresso trará um valor incrível para a Fisioterapia nos Emirados Árabes Unidos e para a região. A emoção já começou a construir". 

Após um processo competitivo de escolha e visitas ao local, a Diretoria da Confederação concordou que a Emirates Physiotherapy Society, que é membro da WCPT desde 2007, oferece um local para o Congresso, interessante e distinto.
O Congresso da WCPT  terá a partir de agora sua realização a cada dois anos. Após um dos congressos de maior sucesso  realizado na Cidade do Cabo, em 2017, o de 2019 será realizado em Genebra, de 10 a 13 de maio.   Em 2016, o Congresso WCPT 2015 foi reconhecido pela excelência, ganhando o prêmio de Melhor Conferência, conforme o Singapore Tourism Awards.  Foi novamente reconhecido em 2017 pelo  Congresso realizado na Cidade do Cabo, ganhando o prêmio 'Incredible Impacts' por sua gama de atividades e pelo legado que beneficiaram a África e a comunidade em geral.



sábado, 5 de maio de 2018

Visualizações de página por país - semana 28/04/2018 22:00 – 05/05/2018 21:00

Visualizações de página por país

Gráfico dos países mais populares entre os visualizadores do blog
Entrada                                                                                                           Visualizações de página
Estados Unidos
Emirados Árabes Unidos

Recordando o III Congresso Internacional de Postura

quarta-feira, 2 de maio de 2018

Notas Avulsas - 9

 - Homenageando Lynda Woodruff

 Conheci Lynda Woodruff  (1947 - 2018)  quando da sua estada em Recife pelo intercâmbio do Comitê Pernambuco/Georgia com Partners of Americas. Ela veio da Georgia State University ministrar cursos para os Fisioterapeutas pernambucanos em 1980 e causou  impacto amplo e profundo na profissão

- Dia Mundial da Fisioterapia 2018

A Confederação Mundial de Fisioterapia WCPT iniciou os trabalhos coletando materiais para o Dia Mundial da Fisioterapia deste ano. A mensagem será focada no papel da Fisioterapia na saúde mental.

A WCPT mantém  estreita colaboração com o subgrupo da entidade, a Organização Internacional de Fisioterapeutas em Saúde Mental (IOPTMH), para produzir os materiais.

O kit de ferramentas deste ano estará disponível para download no site da Confederação em junho.

- Projeto SUDA

 A WCPT comemora o sucesso do projeto SUDA após reunião no Capitólio em Washington (USA).
A Presidente Emma Stokes e o CEO Jonathon Kruger, juntamente com os líderes da Associação Americana de Fisioterapia (APTA), reuniram-se na semana passada com representantes do Leahy War Victims Fund. O programa especial da USAID, financiou o projeto SUDA permitindo à WCPT fortalecer a profissão de Fisioterapeuta na África Ocidental. O projeto reforçou as Associações de Fisioterapia no Mali, Níger e Senegal  melhorando a qualidade e os padrões dos programas de educação do Fisioterapeuta, estabelecendo um modelo de capacitação que pode ser transferido para outros países com poucos recursos.

 Ocorrendo no Capitol Hill, Washington, a reunião deu a WCPT a oportunidade de agradecer in loco  pelo subsídio de US $ 1,2 milhão, além de propor ideias para expandir ou replicar o projeto em outros países.

Leia a história completa:

- Dor Lombar 

Em abril deste ano, a WCPT publicou um artigo mostrando como os Fisioterapeutas estão  atendendo ao chamado para desenvolver mais tratamentos baseados em evidências sobre dor lombar, afirmando que os pacientes obtêm melhores resultados quando são orientados por conselhos que possibilitam estilos de vida ativos, em vez de tratamentos ineficazes de alto custo e muitas vezes prejudiciais ao paciente. A Fisioterapia como abordagem de primeira linha conservadora baseada em exercícios e conselhos sobre a postura corporal mais adequada ao paciente, bem como a prescrição moderada de analgésicos não opióides apresentam-se como a melhor opção de tratamento.

Um estudo importante sobre lombalgia resultou em pedidos para impedir práticas de tratamento prejudiciais e um reconhecimento mundial da deficiência decorrente da condição. A série de artigos, publicada na revista The Lancet, pede que a profissão médica pare com tratamentos ineficazes e potencialmente prejudiciais, como a prescrição de drogas fortes e opiáceos, injeções e cirurgias desnecessárias.

Leia o artigo completo acessando:

terça-feira, 1 de maio de 2018

Confira no Blog 14-F FISIOTERAPIA: WCPT E-Update April 2018

WCPT Eupdate
WCPT E-Update - April 2018
Optamos pelo texto original em inglês para manter a originalidade e a credibilidade da fonte.
Use Google Translate se necessário.

Boa Leitura
Do you have a project you need assistance with or are you looking for an expert opinion? The recently relaunched experts database, the WCPT Database of Volunteers and Experts (DOVES), is now open to search. It contains a list of international volunteers who are willing to develop the profession by supporting WCPT member organisations and their collaborators.

The DOVES database offers the chance to search for professional expertise and connect with practitioners who have world-class insights on global health. More than 300 physical therapists have already registered, creating a major resource offering advice on practice, education, research and policy.

Read the full article:
Low back pain
Earlier this month WCPT published an article showing how physical therapists are joining the call to further develop evidence-based low back pain treatments, asserting that patients are better-served by advice that enables active lifestyles rather than high-cost ineffective treatments.

A major study on low back pain has resulted in calls to stop harmful treatment practices, and a worldwide recognition of disability arising from the condition. The series of papers, published in The Lancet, asks the medical profession to stop ineffective and potentially damaging treatments such as the prescription of strong drugs and opioids, injections, and unnecessary surgery.

Read the full article:
World Physical Therapy Day 2018
Work has started on the materials for this year's World Physical Therapy Day. The message will be focused on the role of physical therapy in mental health.

WCPT is working closely with the WCPT subgroup, the 
International Organization of Physical Therapists in Mental Health (IOPTMH), to produce the materials.

This year's toolkit will be available for download from the WCPT website in June.
WCPT Congress 2019
Physical therapists around the world are being encouraged to start preparing their abstract submission ahead of the call opening next month. The call for poster and platform presentations offers the unique opportunity for a physical therapist to present their work on the global stage to an international audience.

Download the submission guidelines and start planning your abstract:

The deadline is 6th September.

#WCPT2019 #globalpt
WCPT launches call for awards nominations
This week saw the launch of the WCPT awards programme for 2019. Established to recognise outstanding contributions by physical therapists to the profession internationally, a call has been sent to WCPT member organisations, regions and subgroups requesting nominations.

There are several categories of award, all presented every four years, with the next presented in Geneva at the time of the WCPT General Meeting and Congress in 2019.

An awards committee has been established to oversee the programme: George Chigali (Zambia), Ibtissam M Saab (Lebanon), Judy King (Canada), Oscar Ronzio (Argentina), Shirley Ngai (Hong Kong).

See each of the award categories and view previous recipients:
To nominate an individual contact the WCPT member organisation in your country:
WCPT celebrates success of SUDA project in Capitol Hill meeting
WCPT President Emma Stokes and CEO Jonathon Kruger, along with leaders of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), met last week with representatives from the Leahy War Victims Fund. The grant, a special USAID programme, funded the SUDA project that has enabled WCPT to strengthen the physical therapy profession in West Africa. The project has bolstered the physical therapy associations in Mali, Niger and Senegal to improve the quality and standards of physical therapist education programs, and establish a model for capacity-building that can be transferred to other low-resource countries.
Taking place in Capitol Hill, Washington, the meeting gave WCPT the opportunity to thank the representatives for the $1.2 million grant, as well as outline ideas for expanding or replicating the project in other countries.

Read the full story:
Regulation conference
Setting the right standards and ensuring safety, quality and compliance in professional regulation are some of the challenges that will be considered at the World Health Professions Regulation Conference, taking place 19-20 May 2018 in Geneva.

Join your peers at this global platform for shared learning and discussion. Speakers will include WCPT Vice President, Margot Skinner, who along with other experts will explore the lessons learned from competence-based approaches to regulation, compare regulatory models, consider quality in lifelong learning and examine ways of promoting best practice in regulatory governance and performance.

Deadline for online registration: 14th May 2018
NCDs in focus
In the lead up to the third UN High-Level Meeting on non-communicable diseases (NCDs), the Lancet family of journals start a year-long focus to publish several major initiatives to ensure the best evidence is at the heart of policies to reduce the global burden of NCDs.

NCDs such as stroke, heart disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer account for over 70% of all deaths, of which nearly half are in people younger than 60 years.

#beatNCDs #LancetNCDs
WCPT seeks Professional Adviser
  • Are you passionate about supporting the development of the global physical therapy profession?
  • Do you want to help deliver an exciting and ambitious strategic plan?
  • Are you an innovative and creative physical therapist who focusses on solutions not problems?
  • Are you interested in a unique professional opportunity with international exposure and impact?
WCPT is looking for someone with these qualities to work as a professional adviser on a range of projects that support the development of high quality physical therapy practice and education. The position will be based in the London office.

For further details go to: