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domingo, 31 de março de 2019

WCPT Atualização março 2019

WCPT Eupdate
WCPT E-Update - March 2019
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Boa Leitura 
Find out about physical therapy around the world
Did you know that 6 out of 10 physical therapists around the world are women?

To find out about physical therapy in your country visit the members section of the WCPT website, select your country and click "View country profile". Each country profile displays the data in a series of infographics showing how your country compares to the rest of the world, as well as information on physical therapy practice.

Interactive maps are also available showing the global profile of the profession: 
Advancing physical therapy in Vietnam
Education and engagement were the focus of a three-day stakeholder WCPT workshop in February with representatives from local universities and the newly-founded Viet Nam Physiotherapy Association (VNPTA) in Ho Chi Minh City.

The workshop was designed to kickstart the ADvAncing PhysioTherapy In ViEtnam (ADAPTIVE) project. The ADAPTIVE project will review the physical therapy education programmes in Vietnam to assist them to develop towards international standards, and to help VNPTA achieve its goal of becoming a WCPT member organisation.

Jonathon Kruger, WCPT chief executive officer, said: ‘This workshop demonstrates how WCPT is building capacity around the globe. It’s great to be able to be part of making change happen in Vietnam and helping raise the profile and influence of physical therapy in the country.'

Read the full story:
International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action
4th April is International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action.

The theme Advancing Protection, Peace, and Development echoes the vision of the United Nations Secretary-General and his reforms of the peace and security architecture comprising the entire humanitarian, peace building and sustainable development continuum.

Find out about WCPT’s policy on The consequences of armed violence, landmines and other weapons of war

Find out more about the day:
UN Photo / JC MIlwaine
Conference planning workshop in Benin
Conference planning and event management were the topics for a two-day workshop for WCPT member organisations and provisional member organisations in west Africa.

Mathias Ahissan Krou, President of the Association Ivoirienne des Masseurs-Kinésithérapeutes, said: 'It was a beautiful experience on all levels - relational, knowledge, learning. The WCPT membership engagement approach makes us confident knowing there is a mentor behind on whom we can count. As it is said, "what deserves to be done, deserves to be well done".'

WCPT Deputy Chief Executive Tracy Bury, WCPT Congress Manager Natasha Joyner, and WCPT Head of Programmes and Development Sidy Dieye delivered the workshop, which took place in Cotonou, Benin.

Read the full story:

sexta-feira, 29 de março de 2019

#50AnosFisioterapia Fisioterapeutas do Nordeste - Reunião da ABF 1976


#50AnosFisioterapia - Fisioterapeutas nordestinos em foto após Reunião da Associação Brasileira de Fisioterapeutas ABF. São Paulo 1976. Geraldo, Zenildo, Dayse, Perlucy, Luciano, Abigail, Joaquim, Laurentino e Lucena.

terça-feira, 26 de março de 2019

domingo, 24 de março de 2019

Congresso WCPT atualização março 2019

WCPT Congress Update
21 March 2019 
Optamos pelo texto original em inglês para manter a originalidade e a credibilidade da fonte.

Use Google Translate se necessário.

Boa Leitura 
Final chance for advance registration
Last remaining days to save up to 10% with the advance rate. 

Register online by 26th March 2019 and save on your registration fee. After 26th March registration will only be available onsite in Geneva.

Over 4,000 physical therapists have already registered. Don't miss this opportunity to attend the profession's largest international gathering - register now and gain a global perspective of the profession, make long-lasting connections with international colleagues, and learn from world experts on the latest topics.

Take a look at the final programme and see why you should attend a WCPT Congress.

Register now:
Deadline for tickets for prestigious WCPT Awards Dinner
Tickets for the WCPT Awards Dinner only on sale until 28th March.

Join your colleagues to congratulate the physical therapists who are being recognised for their outstanding contributions to the profession at this distinguished event.

The dinner will be held on Thursday 9th May at the Starling Hotel Geneva at 19:30. Tickets are priced at £95.

For further information and to purchase tickets go to:

Please note that tickets for the WCPT Awards Dinner are not available through the congress registration. This is a separate event and you will need to be logged in to the WCPT website to purchase tickets.
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sábado, 16 de março de 2019

Um coração parando o jogo

Uma equipe de Críquete da Inglaterra estava em turnê na Nova Zelândia em fevereiro de 1975 para disputar duas partidas. Na segunda partida o batedor da Nova Zelândia Ewen Chatfield foi atingido por uma bola arremessada pelo inglês Peter Lever, ficando inconsciente devido a uma parada respiratória. Nesse momento entra em cena o Fisioterapeuta Bernard Thomas da equipe da Inglaterra: Thomas traciona a língua do jogador, faz massagem cardíaca e respiração boca-a-boca. Um Chatfield inconsciente, mas estabilizado foi retirado de campo e levado ao hospital, onde identificaram fratura no crânio.
Texto original de Glenn Ruscoe. 
Acesse o link para conhecer a história completa:

sexta-feira, 15 de março de 2019

Congresso WCPT - atualização março 2019

WCPT Congress Update
March 2019 
Two weeks to advance registration deadline
Last chance to save up to 10% with the advance rate. 

Register online by 26th March 2019 and save on your registration fee. After 26th March registration will only be available onsite in Geneva.

Nearly 4,000 physical therapists have already registered. Don't miss this opportunity to attend the profession's largest international gathering - register now and gain a global perspective of the profession, make long-lasting connections with international colleagues, and learn from world experts on the latest topics.

Take a look at the final programme and see why you should attend a WCPT Congress.

Register now:
Final programme now available
Use the interactive iPlanner to plan your days. 

Access the congress final programme via the iPlanner and start to build your personal timetable. With 26 focused symposia, 33 networking sessions, 12 discussion sessions, 17 seminars and the presentation of more than 1,800 abstracts planned over the three days, the scientific programme has been designed to showcase the best in physical therapy research, education, practice and service delivery across the breadth of the profession.

To help plan your days you can filter and display information by chairs and speakers, topics, session types, or by day.

View the final programme:
Earn CEUs from your congress attendance
WCPT has awarded WCPT International Physical Therapy Continuing Education Units (WCPT IPT-CEUs) to congress days and pre- and post-congress courses.

Details of the WCPT IPT-CEUs allocated will be included on certificates of attendance.

Individual physical therapists will need to check the continuing professional development requirements in their own country. They are advised to contact their member organisation, or regulatory body, to see if recognition will be awarded for continuing education resulting from attendance at the WCPT Congress and any course.

For further information see the congress FAQs:
Attend the prestigious WCPT Awards Dinner
Tickets are now available for the WCPT Awards Dinner on Thursday 9th May.

Join your colleagues to congratulate the physical therapists who are being recognised for their outstanding contributions to the profession at this distinguished event.

The dinner will be held at the Starling Hotel Geneva at 19:30. Tickets are priced at £95.

For further information and to purchase tickets go to:

Please note that tickets for the Awards Dinner are not available through the congress registration. This is a separate event and you will need to be logged in to the WCPT website to purchase tickets.
PT Hub in Geneva Connect with fellow delegates
physiogeneve, the regional group of physioswiss from the Geneva Canton, will be offering delegates the chance to mingle and purchase food and drinks at affordable prices at the PT Hub situated in the Théâtre Pitoëff.

Head there once the congress day is over and you will find a variety of street food priced at 9 CHF and drinks from 3 CHF. Entrance is free with your congress pass.

Find out more:
Join the event's official Facebook group, WCPT Congress: Connect, and start conversations with fellow delegates.

Members and staff of physioswiss will also frequently update you with their favourite locations in Geneva so that you can live like a local and get tips on everything from where to go for a run or swim to the best bars and where to shop.

Join now:
Is this your first time at a WCPT Congress?
Is this the first time you're attending a WCPT Congress or maybe it's your first visit to Europe?

If so, WCPT will be offering a "WCPT friends" session in the Indaba zone on the first morning of congress. This is where you will be able to get some tips and insights from experienced WCPT Congress goers and buddy up with delegates who are also new to the congress experience.

If you have already attended a WCPT Congress and remember that slightly overwhelmed feeling then please do join us to offer yourself as a "WCPT friend".

The Indaba session will take place at 10:45 - 11:30 on Saturday 11th May. A further networking session will also be run on Sunday.

If you don't want to wait until congress, whether it will be your first time or you are a regular attendee to WCPT congresses, join the congress Facebook group and reach out to other delegates now. 
Congress accommodation About Geneva
Due to a number of public events taking place in Geneva, if you haven't yet made a reservation we would advise delegates to book accommodation as early as possible.

Use the congress accommodation service to save time, money, and hassle. All those staying at a congress hotel will receive a free public transport ticket. If you would prefer to stay in the centre of Geneva near the lake, public buses are available which will take you directly to the congress centre in approximately 25 minutes.

Book now to avoid disappointment:
Take a look at the Visitor information page on the congress website to find out more about Geneva, including ways to save and links to the Geneva Tourism website.

Visas: have you checked your travel visa requirements for congress? WCPT is providing all the information you may need concerning travelling to Geneva, including the option to download letters of invitation. See

sexta-feira, 1 de março de 2019

Atualização Informativo WCPT fevereiro 2019

WCPT Eupdate
WCPT E-Update - February 2019
WCPT Board member appointed as Zambian ambassador
Esther Munalula Nkandu, WCPT Treasurer and Chair of WCPT's Finance Committee, has been appointed by the President of Zambia as the country’s ambassador to Belgium.

A former President of the Zambia Society of Physiotherapy and a former Chair of the WCPT Africa Region, Esther has been involved with WCPT and the global physical therapy profession for 15 years. She headed the University of Zambia’s Department of Physiotherapy between 2000 and 2013 and, as a bioethicist, served on Zambia’s National Health Research Ethics Committee.

Read the full story:
Congress final programme now available
The congress iPlanner is now live. Incorporating all focused symposia, discussion sessions, networking sessions, seminars and platform presentations, it's time to start building your personal itinerary for congress.

Advance registration: The deadline for advance registration is less than one month away.  Save up to 10% on your registration and register before 26th March. Registration is only available onsite after this date. 
WCPT President
Earlier this month WCPT President Emma K Stokes spoke to Krysta Wark on the Canadian Physiotherapy Association’s Global Physio Podcast. Highlighting the role of WCPT as the global body for the profession, the podcast also covers the importance of professional associations, global policy change, young physiotherapists as leaders and where Emma sees physiotherapy in the future.

Find out which article Emma K Stokes chose for PEDro's #MyPTArticleOfTheMonth. Taken from the Harvard Business Review (, the article looks at the power of self compassion in the face of regrets or setbacks. Emma also chose an article exploring how taking a self-compassion mindset when considering regret experiences can lead to more personal growth.

Zhang JW, Chen S. Self-compassion promotes personal improvement from regret experiences via acceptance. Pers Soc Psychol Bull 2016;42(2):244-58 (
Black History Month
For this year's Black History Month, WCPT member organisation, the American Physical Therapy Association, dug into its archive to take a look at some truly ground-breaking African American physical therapists who achieved greatness despite obstacles, transforming the profession along the way.

Read the article: Vision, Courage, Compassion: Black Physical Therapists Who Transformed the Profession
World Tuberculosis Day
The World Health Organization will commemorate World Tuberculosis (TB) Day on 24th March to raise public awareness about the devastating health, social and economic consequences of TB, and to step up efforts to end the global TB epidemic.

TB remains the world’s deadliest infectious killer. Each day, nearly 4,500 people lose their lives to TB and close to 30,000 people fall ill with this preventable and curable disease. Global efforts to combat TB have saved an estimated 54 million lives since the year 2000 and reduced the TB mortality rate by 42%. To accelerate the TB response in countries to reach targets, Heads of State came together and made strong commitments to end TB at the first-ever UN High Level Meeting in September 2018.

Download resources and find out more about this year's theme, ‘It’s time’:
Cochrane Rehabilitation Newsletter - latest issue published
The 17th issue of the Cochrane Rehabilitation Newsletter has recently been published: Cochrane Rehabilitation NL Issue 17| February 2019

The newsletter contains several articles including Should post-surgical cancer patients exercise? and Is chest physiotherapy effective in children with pneumonia?