Pernambuco Brasil - Foto/GB Blog 14-F FISIOTERAPIA

quinta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2022

Informativo World Physiotherapy - janeiro 2022

January 2022

 Fisioterapeuta da Jordânia eleita membro do Conselho Executivo


  As organizações membros da World Physiotherapy elegeram uma Fisioterapeuta da Jordânia como membro do Conselho Executivo. 


 Alia Alghwiri, membro da Jordanian Physiotherapy Society, iniciou seu mandato de dois anos em 1º de janeiro de 2022 e terminará em 31 de dezembro de 2023.


Physiotherapist from Jordan elected as executive board member 

World Physiotherapy member organisations have elected a physiotherapist from Jordan as an executive board member.

Alia Alghwiri, a member of the Jordanian Physiotherapy Society, started her two-year term of office on 1 January 2022 and will finish on 31 December 2023.

Find out more about the election results

World Physiotherapy now represents more than 685,000 physiotherapists

World Physiotherapy now represents more than 685,000 physiotherapists around the world, through its 125 member organisations.

Jonathon Kruger, World Physiotherapy chief executive officer, said: “World Physiotherapy is committed to expanding our membership to ensure that physiotherapists around the world benefit from the networking, support, and collaboration platform that we provide to our community.” 

A national physiotherapy association, Yemeni Physical Therapy Association, has become a new member organisation of World Physiotherapy. 

Ahmed Hasan, general secretary of the Yemeni Physical Therapy Association, said: “Being part of World Physiotherapy is a great opportunity for the Yemeni Physical Therapy Association to learn from the experiences of other member organisations and collaborate to develop and improve the physiotherapy profession in Yemen.”

Find out more about the rise in physiotherapists around the world

Updated version of Physiotherapy management for COVID-19 now available in multiple languages

An updated version of Physiotherapy management for COVID-19 in the acute hospital setting and beyond: an update to clinical practice recommendations was published in December 2021.

It is an update to the first version of the guideline and is produced by the same team. It has again been endorsed by World Physiotherapy and others. The paper is published online by the Journal of Physiotherapy.

Copies of the guideline are now available in Bulgarian, Chinese (Simplified)Chinese (Traditional), Dutch, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, Thai, Turkish, Vietnamese.

Download a copy of the updated recommendations

Deadline extended for AWP regional congress abstract submissions 

The organising committee for the AWP regional congress has extended the deadline for abstract submissions.

The deadline for abstract submissions is now 18 February 2022.

The congress will take place, with the Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association conference, in Hong Kong, 18-20 June 2022. It will be a hybrid event. The theme of the congress will be Advancing physiotherapy practice: from institution-based to community-based care.

For more details, visit the congress website.

Find out more about the AWP regional congress

Paper on physiotherapists’ core capabilities to deliver quality care via videoconferencing is named paper of the year 

The Journal of Physiotherapy, the official journal of the Australian Physiotherapy Association, has announced its paper of the year: An international core capability framework for physiotherapists to deliver quality care via videoconferencing: a Delphi study

Luke Davies, one of the authors of the paper, said the development of telehealth, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, had highlighted a need for physiotherapists to receive additional guidance and training to enable them to adapt to new service delivery models, such as videoconferencing.

Learn more about the Journal of Physiotherapy's paper of the year

Join IFPTOHE for a webinar on working together

Competencies for occupational health physiotherapy practice is the focus for the latest in a webinar series on Working together.

Organised by the World Physiotherapy subgroup International Federation of Physical Therapists working in Occupational Health and Ergonomics (IFPTOHE), the aim of webinar series is to bring physiotherapists together 
to share information, research and practice on topics of work and health. The 60-minute webinar will include short presentations and a discussion. 

Date: 22 February 2022, 11:00 UTC
Moderator: Marisa Coetzee, from South Africa
Presenters: Barb McPhee, from Australia, Claudia Patricia Rojas Silva, from Colombia, Tracey Atkinson, UK.

Register for the IFPTOHE webinar

Close the Care Gap is the theme for World Cancer Day

Close the Care Gap is a three-year campaign about the equity gap that affects everyone - in low, middle, and high income countries/territories - and is costing lives.

The first year of the Close the Care Gap campaign is about understanding and recognising the inequities in cancer care around the globe: 

  • Inequity in cancer care costs lives. 
  • People who seek cancer care hit barriers at every turn. 
  • Income, education, location and discrimination based on ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability and lifestyle are just a few of the factors that can negatively affect care. 
  • The gap affects everyone, including you and your loved ones. 
  • These barriers are not set in stone. They can be changed.  
World Cancer Day is on 4 February. Find out more about World Physiotherapy subgroup IPT-HOPE, International Physical Therapists for HIV/AIDS, Oncology, Palliative and Hospice Care.
Learn more about the Close the Care Gap campaign

WHO report focuses on investing in noncommunicable diseases

WHO has recently published a report, Saving lives, spending less: the case for investing in noncommunicable diseases, exploring the opportunities to invest in key health care interventions. 

Investing in the fight against noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) has never been more important. These diseases cause seven out of every 10 deaths around the world. Yet many of the deaths could be prevented with an additional investment of less than one dollar per person per year.

The report identifies 16 NCD Best Buy interventions around tobacco, alcohol, healthy diets, physical activity, cardiovascular disease and diabetes, and HPV vaccination and cervical cancer screening.

Download your copy of Saving lives, spending less


quinta-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2022

Papa Francisco se beneficia de sessões de Fisioterapia

A 'ciática dolorosa' (Ciatalgia) que atormenta o Papa desde o início de seu pontificado parece ter se intensificado. 
“Minha perna dói e hoje dói ficar de pé”, disse o Papa Francisco no início de uma audiência com a delegação da Revista Terra Santa em 17 de janeiro de 2022. O Pontífice, que optou por ler seu discurso sentado, pediu desculpas a seus convidados por não ficar de pé: “Assim é melhor para mim.”
 O Papa Francisco sofre regularmente de problemas no quadril e mostra alguma dificuldade em andar. Em 2015, por ocasião da viagem do Papa aos Estados Unidos, seu porta-voz assegurou que o pontífice se beneficia de sessões de “fisioterapia regular” por causa de problemas nas pernas.
 O claudicar, às vezes bastante notável do Santo Padre, é devido à ciática, uma condição geralmente causada pela compressão de um nervo nas costas. A ciática costuma causar dores intensas nas costas e em uma perna, e já no primeiro ano de seu papado, o Papa falou que isso lhe causava problemas. “A ciática é muito dolorosa, muito dolorosa! Não desejo isso para ninguém!” disse ele, voltando da Jornada Mundial da Juventude no Brasil.
 A doença parece ter afetado particularmente o papa de 85 anos nos últimos dois anos: em 31 de dezembro de 2020, a Santa Sé anunciou que Francisco não presidiria as cerimônias de 31 de dezembro de 2020 e 1º de janeiro de 2021 por causa da “ciática dolorosa”. Posteriormente, o Pontífice adiou ou cancelou vários compromissos oficiais.
 Há algumas semanas, o Papa Francisco voltou a delegar a presidência da celebração das Vésperas e do Te Deum de 31 de dezembro ao cardeal Giovanni Battista Re, desta vez sem explicação. 
“Hoje dói ficar de pé”, admite Papa Francisco

O texto original de Kathleen N. Hattrup - publicado em 17/01/2022, pode ser acessado em: Aleteia