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terça-feira, 30 de outubro de 2018

Atualização WCPT outubro 2018

WCPT Eupdate
WCPT E-Update - October 2018
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Boa Leitura
WCPT urges UN member states to set commitments on NCDs
WCPT, as part of the World Health Professions Alliance (WHPA), has urged the UN member states to set clear and measurable commitments around noncommunicable diseases (NCDs).

At a recent meeting of the UN High-Level Meeting on Noncommunicable Diseases in New York, member states agreed a Political Declaration. This declaration emphasises the importance of strengthening health care systems and the healthcare workforce. But WCPT is concerned at the lack of detail and commitment for country targets, the omission of monitoring measures, and the lack of specific commitments and targets for funding.

Jonathon Kruger, WCPT Chief Executive Officer, said: ‘As healthcare professionals, physical therapists see first-hand the impact of noncommunicable diseases, and the negative impact of inaction. Noncommunicable diseases are increasing the bill and burden on already under-resourced health care systems across the world.

Read the full news story
Last chance to register at Super Early Bird rate
This is your final chance! There are only two days left to register at the Super Early Bird rate before the 31st October deadline.

Register now to join the global profession in Geneva and save up to 35% on your registration fee. With 1200 delegates already registered, this is your opportunity to experience the profession from an international perspective, make long-lasting connections with colleagues from around the world, and hear from global experts on the latest topics.
WCPT pays tribute to AJ Fernando
Earlier this month WCPT learned of the death of Prof AJ Fernando, who served as WCPT President (1991-95).

Born and educated in Sri Lanka, AJ Fernando graduated from the Medical College of the University of Colombo and obtained his doctorate from the University of Manchester. He later became Dean of the School of Medical Rehabilitation, University of Manitoba, Canada. Before serving as WCPT President, he served as a WCPT Executive Committee country member from the Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA) and WCPT Vice President.

Read the full tribute.
PEDro celebrates 19th birthday
For 19 years PEDro (the Physiotherapy Evidence Database) has been providing physiotherapists around the world with easy access to high-quality clinical research so they can practice effectively and safely. In this time PEDro has been used to answer over 20 million questions.

A WCPT professional partner, PEDro is the world’s most complete index of randomised controlled trials, systematic reviews and evidence-based clinical practice guidelines evaluating physical therapy interventions.

Visit the PEDro website:
WCPT Future Network calls for Network Facilitators
Could you be a Network Facilitator for WCPT Future? If you’re a student or early career physical therapist/physiotherapist and want to help encourage, promote, and facilitate ideas and activities to others like you, WCPT Future wants to hear from you!

Network Facilitators will have a chance to: 
  • represent their region on the world stage
  • contribute to discussions in the profession
  • help amplify the voice of physical therapy students and early career professionals
  • create engaging social media
  • develop their career and contacts with the global physical therapy profession.
If you’d like to find out more about WCPT Future, please visit or follow the network on Facebook and Twitter.

To apply to become a Network Facilitator, please complete the application form and send it to Individual PTs can apply but must have the support of their WCPT member organisation.

Deadline for applications: 16th November 2018
World Physical Therapy Day 2018
If you haven't yet had the chance to see how World Physical Therapy Day was celebrated around the world go to and take a look at the fantastic events that took place.
WCPT Annual Review published
Engagement and advocacy were key highlights of WCPT activities during 2017, and feature heavily in the recently-published annual review.

Read about these, along with the other achievements and projects WCPT undertook providing support and services to its member

WCPT Congresso 2019

WCPT Congress Update
29 October 2018 
Final chance for Super Early Bird registration
Quick! Quick! Only three days left to register at the Super Early Bird rate.

Over 1,000 people have already taken the opportunity to save up to 35% and registered at the Super Early Bird rate. If you register before 31st October, you could join them and gain a global perspective of the profession, make long-lasting connections with international colleagues, and hear from world experts on the latest topics. Here’s what previous delegates have said about congress:
  • "The combination and variety of methods of learning were terrific – it works, in my opinion don’t change a thing."
  • "The WCPT Congress was truly one of the most inspirational experiences of my career…The insights, the connections and the knowledge I gained are things I will carry with me forever."
  • It is magic … absolute magic … it fills your soul. You cannot go away and not feel warm, and enriched and have a little bit of encouragement for the time going forward."
  • "The overwhelming feeling here is that it is wonderful to be in such a global environment with delegates being able to learn from each other and constantly challenge local assumptions we make about what it is to ‘be a physiotherapist’."
  • "The event was an eye opener, offering more learning, sharing and engagement opportunities than I had expected."
  • "I had a chance to not only meet and network with PT leaders from a variety of countries, cultures, and practice settings, but also gain a new perspective on how physical therapists fit into the global healthcare picture."
Register now and be a part of the global profession in Geneva.
Add to your congress experience
Make the most of your congress experience and trip to Geneva.
  • Pre- and post-congress courses: over 19 courses are available to add to your congress registration. A wide range of subjects are on offer, with a number of courses offering support in other languages.
  • Clinical visits: if you are attending the whole congress add a clinical visit to benefit from this unique opportunity to see how physical therapy is practised in Switzerland. All are offered in French, most in English and some have support for other languages.
  • Party night: choose either a three-course Swiss dinner at the Bâtiment des Forces Motrices (105 EUR) or drinks and canapés at the Brasserie des Halles de l'Île (50 EUR). Both include a DJ and dancing.
  • Accommodation: save time, money and hassle by booking your accommodation at a congress hotel. All those staying at a congress hotel will receive a free public transport ticket.
  • Tours: take a look at the physical therapy study tour on offer.

sexta-feira, 19 de outubro de 2018

Siga a Confederação Mundial de Fisioterapia WCPT nas Redes Sociais

Participe da conversa e acompanhe a WCPT e o congresso WCPT2019  nesses canais

     Facebook: @ WCPT1951
     Grupo do WCPT Congress Connect no Facebook:
     Twitter: @ WCPT1951 hashtag do Congresso: # WCPT2019
     Instagram: @ WCPT1951

terça-feira, 16 de outubro de 2018

Comunicado da Associação Internacional de História da Fisioterapia IPHA

Aos colegas Fisioterapeutas

Como vocês já devem ter visto, o site está funcionando perfeitamente. Um dos  objetivos do Comitê Executivo este ano foi colocar o site em funcionamento.

Agora que o temos, podemos pedir-lhe para promovê-lo entre os seus vários colegas, organizações de profissionais e instituições nos seus países de origem.

O site tem a capacidade de ser traduzido em muitos dos principais idiomas e é atualizado regularmente. Temos certeza de que isso será de interesse para os colegas do mundo todo e esperamos contar com sua ajuda para divulgá-lo.
Desde já, agradecemos.
Dave Nicholls (Presidente), Nicky Wilson, Fiona Jenkins, Sarah Marshall, Glenn Ruscoe, Robert Jones, Sandra Schiller e Geraldo Barbosa

Comitê Executivo da IPHA

Atualização do Congresso WCPT 2019 - outubro 2018

WCPT Congress Update
October 2018 

Optamos pelo texto original em inglês para manter a originalidade e a credibilidade da fonte.

Use Google Translate se necessário.

Boa Leitura

Last chance for Super Early Bird registration
You only have two weeks to save up to 35% by registering at the Super Early Bird rate.

With the Super Early Bird deadline on 31st October, register now to save €£$ on your registration fee and join the over 600 who have already registered. The WCPT Congress takes place only once every two years and offers a unique opportunity to gain a global perspective of the profession, make long-lasting connections with international colleagues and hear from world experts on the latest topics.

If you have not yet had the chance to attend a WCPT Congress, here's how some previous delegates describe it:
  • "The combination and variety of methods of learning were terrific – it works, in my opinion don’t change a thing."
  • "The WCPT Congress was truly one of the most inspirational experiences of my career…The insights, the connections and the knowledge I gained are things I will carry with me forever."
  • "The overwhelming feeling here is that it is wonderful to be in such a global environment with delegates being able to learn from each other and constantly challenge local assumptions we make about what it is to ‘be a physiotherapist’."
  • "The event was an eye opener, offering more learning, sharing and engagement opportunities than I had expected."
  • "I had a chance to not only meet and network with PT leaders from a variety of countries, cultures, and practice settings, but also gain a new perspective on how physical therapists fit into the global healthcare picture."
Register now and be a part of the global profession in Geneva.
Congress courses now available
Pre- and post-congress courses are now available to add to your congress registration.

These courses offer a focus on applied knowledge and skills and give delegates an additional opportunity to explore issues in depth, gain practical experience, and learn directly from experts via a range of learning formats.

A total of 19 courses are offered on a wide range of subjects, with a number of courses offering support in other languages.
See the full list:

Add a course to your registration via the online registration system.
Clinical visits   Congress accommodation
Are you attending the whole congress? If so, why not make the most of your registration and add a clinical visit - a unique opportunity to see how physical therapy is practised in Switzerland.

physioswiss has arranged clinical visits for congress delegates to a range of public and private physical therapy facilities, across a wide area of interests. Most clinical visits will be supported in English and French and some will offer additional language support.

Add a clinical visit to your registration:
Save time, money, and hassle by booking your accommodation at a congress hotel. Delegates who make their reservation through our hotel booking service will benefit from specially negotiated rates, available until 1st May 2019.

All those staying at a congress hotel will receive a free public transport ticket.

The Geneva Marathon is due to take place on Sunday 12th May 2019. Congress delegates are advised to book early to avoid disappointment:
Preliminary programme now available
The preliminary programme for congress has now been published.

With all the key sessions included and over 150 speakers confirmed, now is the time to start planning your days in Geneva and make sure you know more about the programmed focused symposia, discussion sessions, networking sessions and seminars.

Take a look at the overview of each day online or download a pdf of the programme:
Book your party night   Visas
Tickets are selling fast so remember to add a party night to your congress registration. You can choose from two options: a three-course Swiss dinner at the Bâtiment des Forces Motrices (105 EUR) or drinks and canapés at the Brasserie des Halles de l'Île (50 EUR). Both include a DJ and dancing.

Find out more:
  WCPT is encouraging all delegates to review travel visa requirements and, if necessary, start making visa applications as soon as possible.

You can find information about visa requirements for travel to Switzerland, including letters of invitation to download in support of an application, on the congress website 
Give the Gift of Congress   Follow us on social media
WCPT is aiming to raise £20,000 for delegates who otherwise wouldn't be able to attend congress. If you are able to help a physical therapist from a low or lower middle-income country attend there is an option to donate when you register for congress. You can also donate via the JustGiving website.

Whatever the size of your donation, it will help support a physical therapist to attend WCPT Congress 2019. Thank you!

Find out more about the bursary programme:
  Join the conversation and follow WCPT and the congress on our SoMe channels:
Facebook    Twitter    LinkedIn    YouTube

domingo, 14 de outubro de 2018

Visualizações de página por país: semana 07/10/2018 23:00 – 14/10/2018 22:00

Visualizações de página por país

Gráfico dos países mais populares entre os visualizadores do blog
Entrada                                                                                                                Visualizações de página
Estados Unidos
Região desconhecida

terça-feira, 9 de outubro de 2018

Semana de Fisioterapia - Centro Universitário Joaquim Nabuco

Semana de Fisioterapia no Recife: Palestras sobre História da Fisioterapia e Protagonismo  do Fisioterapeuta na Sociedade ministradas pelos Fisioterapeutas Geraldo Barbosa e Marli Costa no dia 08 de outubro de 2018, a convite da Professora Rosângela Calheiros do Centro Universitário Joaquim Nabuco.

segunda-feira, 1 de outubro de 2018

HISTORY.PHYSIO um novo site com estilo de Revista

 A Associação Internacional de História da Fisioterapia lançou um novo site com estilo de revista em
A entidade foi criada no ano passado após o Congresso da Confederação Mundial de Fisioterapia (WCPT) na Cidade do Cabo. É uma comunidade de Fisioterapeutas e outras pessoas interessadas em promover o estudo da história da Fisioterapia nos níveis internacional, nacional e local com uma visão “para trazer a história da Fisioterapia viva”.
Acesse o Twitter @history_physio  ou o facebook