Pernambuco Brasil - Foto/GB Blog 14-F FISIOTERAPIA

segunda-feira, 23 de março de 2020

O Fisioterapeuta e a telessaúde

Via @WCPT1951

O conselho executivo da Confederação Mundial de Fisioterapia WCPT publicou um relatório descrevendo o futuro da prática da fisioterapia digital.

O relatório, produzido em conjunto pela WCPT e pela Rede Internacional de Autoridades Reguladoras de Fisioterapia (INPTRA), reconhece o desenvolvimento e a implementação da prática da fisioterapia digital e estabelece considerações e recomendações importantes para garantir que a profissão global de fisioterapia possa maximizar as oportunidades ofertadas pelas práticas digitais.

Jonathon Kruger, CEO da WCPT, disse: ‘Este é um relatório oportuno que ajudará nossas organizações membros e seus membros individuais. Muitos Fisioterapeutas estão lidando com a complexidade do COVID-19 e os desafios de trabalhar em um espaço digital. Este relatório articula claramente os problemas que os Fisioterapeutas precisam considerar ao passarem a trabalhar virtualmente para fornecer telessaúde às pessoas necessitadas. '

sexta-feira, 20 de março de 2020

Informativo WCPT - atualização março 2020

WCPT Eupdate
WCPT E-Update - March 2020
A Confederação Mundial de Fisioterapia  WCPT está dedicando esta edição da E-Update ao COVID-19. Abaixo, você encontrará links para recursos e informações que coletamos.

Cada país/território terá sua própria resposta ao COVID-19. Adquira as informações da sua associação nacional de fisioterapia, governo ou órgão de controle de infecções. Se você não possui essas organizações ou estruturas em seu país/território, consulte as diretrizes da Organização Mundial de Saúde.

Você encontrará informações sobre a prática clínica, prevenção e controle de infecções, questões políticas e éticas nos links abaixo.
A WCPT possui uma página em seu site com informações e recursos sobre o COVID-19. Esta página é atualizada regularmente.
Texto original em inglês  
WCPT is dedicating this issue of the E-Update to COVID-19. Below you will find links to resources and information we have collated.

Each country/territory will have its own response to COVID-19. Please defer to information from your national physiotherapy association, government, or infection control body. If you do not have these organisations or structures in your country/territory, please defer to WHO guidelines.

You will find information about clinical practice, infection prevention and control, policy and ethical issues in the links below.

WCPT has a page on its website with information and resources about COVID-19. This page is updated regularly:
WHO: information and resources
The World Health Organization (WHO) has several resources on its website which are updated regularly. 
WCPT member organisations: information and resources
The WCPT member organisations listed below have published information about COVID-19. This list will be updated regularly on the WCPT website. Australian Physiotherapy Association
Canadian Physiotherapy Association
French National Council of Physiotherapists
Italian Association of Physiotherapists
Physiotherapy New Zealand
Consejo General de Colegios de Fisioterapeutas de Espana
Taiwan Physical Therapy Association
Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
American Physical Therapy Association

If you are a WCPT member organisation and have open access resources you would like to share, please contact
Just published! Report on digital physical therapy practice
The WCPT executive board has published a report setting out the future of digital physical therapy practice. 

The report, jointly produced by WCPT and the International Network of Physiotherapy Regulatory Authorities (INPTRA), recognises the development and implementation of digital physical therapy practice and sets out key considerations and recommendations to ensure the global physical therapy profession is able to maximize the opportunities that digital practice offers.

Jonathon Kruger, WCPT chief executive officer, said: ‘This is a timely report that will help our member organisations and their individual members. Many physical therapists are grappling with the complexity of COVID-19 and the challenges of working in a digital space. This report clearly articulates the issues physical therapists will need to consider as they shift to working virtually to provide telehealth for people in need.'

Read the article:
Download the report:
Personal protective equipment for health workers
Global health organisations are calling for healthcare workers to be given adequate protection.

WCPT has issued a joint press release with the World Health Professions Alliance (WHPA) calling on governments and healthcare organisations to support front line healthcare workers in any way they can, but especially and urgently through the supply of crucial personal protective equipment (PPE). They are also asking to ensure that staff are getting adequate breaks during their shifts, and time off between shifts, to be able to carry on in what could be a long-term global crisis:

WHO is also calling on industry and governments to increase manufacturing by 40 per cent to meet rising global demand to address the shortage of PPE, which is endangering health workers worldwide. WHO has warned that severe and mounting disruption to the global supply of PPE – caused by rising demand, panic buying, hoarding and misuse – is putting lives at risk from COVID-19 and other infectious diseases.
Physiopedia: free online COVID-19 course
To contribute towards the global effort to reduce the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, Physiopedia is providing a free online programme of courses on its online learning platform at Physioplus.

The aim of these courses is to provide a practicing physiotherapist/physical therapist with the knowledge, practices and skills to allow them to play a proactive role in global and local efforts to reduce the impact of COVID-19.

Find out more:
Postponed and cancelled events
Due to the fast-evolving global situation created by the spread of COVID-19 a number of our regions and member organisations have had to make some quick and hard decisions to cancel or postpone events.

A page has been set up on the WCPT website giving updates about events we know have been cancelled or postponed. If your organisation has cancelled or postponed an event and would like details included here, please contact
Additional resources

Physiotherapists may find these additional open access resources helpful.

The Lancet: to assist health workers and researchers working under challenging conditions to bring this outbreak to a close, The Lancet has created a Coronavirus Resource Centre. This resource brings together content about COVID-19 from across The Lancet journals as it is published.

Cochrane: a Special Collection: Coronavirus (COVID-19): evidence relevant to critical care has been released, it is available in English, Farsi,  French, Japanese and Spanish. News item is also available in German and Polish.