Pernambuco Brasil - Foto/GB Blog 14-F FISIOTERAPIA

segunda-feira, 27 de abril de 2020

Fisioterapia na Islândia comemora 80 Anos

A Associação de Fisioterapeutas da Islândia ( IPA)  foi criada originalmente em 26 de abril de 1940; sendo inicialmente denominada de Associação de Massagistas. 
A importância da Fisioterapia no País nunca foi maior do que é agora, com a quantidade  de idosos aumentando consideravelmente, tendo os Fisioterapeutas que lidar com as consequências das doenças decorrentes do estilo de vida.  A atual Presidente da Associação é a Fisioterapeuta Unnur Pétursdóttir.

quinta-feira, 23 de abril de 2020

Informativo WCPT - Campanha de advocacia em apoio ao acesso aos EPI

WCPT Eupdate
WCPT E-Update: #PPE4PT campaign launches
Atualização eletrônica do Informativo WCPT: lançamento da campanha
Os Fisioterapeutas têm um papel crítico a desempenhar na manutenção da saúde e bem-estar de indivíduos e comunidades em todo o mundo durante a pandemia de coronavírus.

Porém, muitos Fisioterapeutas, como seus colegas em outras funções da área de saúde, estão sendo colocados em risco inaceitável, porque não recebem o equipamento de proteção individual correto necessário para realizar seu trabalho.

Para ajudar a resolver esse problema, a WCPT está lançando um pacote de campanha # PPE4PT, com materiais em inglês, francês e espanhol:

    fichas técnicas sobre proteção aérea, proteção contra gotículas e recomendações para fisioterapeutas
    vídeos com legendas

    kit de ferramentas de advocacia

    carta dirigida aos ministros da saúde do governo para uso das organizações membros do WCPT

Todos eles podem ser usados ​​para apoiar fisioterapeutas em diferentes países e elevar o perfil dos fisioterapeutas e seu papel na resposta ao COVID-19.
Texto original em inglês 
WCPT launches advocacy campaign in support of access to PPE
Physiotherapists have a critical role to play in maintaining the health and wellbeing of individuals and communities around the world during the coronavirus pandemic.

But many physiotherapists, like their colleagues in other healthcare roles, are being placed in unacceptable risk because they are not being provided with the correct personal protective equipment they need to do their jobs.

To help address this WCPT is launching a #PPE4PT campaign pack, with materials in English, French, and Spanish:
  • factsheets about airborne protection, droplet protection and recommendations for physiotherapists
  • videos with subtitles
  • advocacy toolkit    
  • letter addressed to government health ministers for use by WCPT member organisations
These can all be used to support physiotherapists in different countries and raise the profile of physiotherapists and their role in the response to COVID-19.

Access the campaign materials:
COVIDPhysio Registry
The COVIDPhysio Registry is a register of physiotherapy-related work in progress in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

It includes projects such as guidelines, policy statements, campaigns, online continuing professional development, research, new education delivery and assessment methods, and the translation of material, providing a hub to support opportunities for collaboration and to avoid duplication of effort.

We urge all those who are involved in COVID-19 projects to log their project on the registry as it will be a valuable resource for the global physiotherapy community.

Entries can be made using the online form and a record of projects and activities will be updated and published frequently.

Access the CovidPhysio Registry:
COVID-19 information hub
WCPT has created a global information hub on its website with information and resources about COVID-19 relevant to the physiotherapy profession.

Resources have been collated from reputable sources and organised into categories including:
Access the information hub:

terça-feira, 21 de abril de 2020

Congresso WCPT 2021: Confirmados 12 Simpósios focados com 55 palestrantes

A Confederação mundial de Fisioterapia WCPT tem o prazer de anunciar os líderes de opinião e inovadores em Fisioterapia que apresentarão as principais sessões no maior encontro da profissão no mundo - o Congresso do WCPT, a ser realizado em Dubai, de 8 a 10 de abril de 2021.

O programa do congresso inclui 12 simpósios focados confirmados, com 55 palestrantes de todo o mundo. Simpósios focados são sessões principais onde tópicos relevantes de ponta serão explorados de uma perspectiva internacional e diversificada. Palestrantes de alto nível criarão experiências de aprendizado perspicazes e envolventes que, em última análise, informam, inspiram, envolvem e capacitam os delegados.

“Ficamos incrivelmente satisfeitos com a amplitude e a qualidade das muitas propostas que recebemos. Os simpósios focados a serem apresentados em Dubai combinam perspectivas verdadeiramente globais com conteúdo que acreditamos representar desafios profissionais que os Fisioterapeutas de todo o mundo estão enfrentando hoje. Os tópicos cobrem uma variedade de tópicos oportunos, como controle da dor, serviços para refugiados e migrantes, economia da saúde e o papel da tecnologia, e são relevantes para clínicos, gerentes, educadores e pesquisadores ”, disse Shane Patman, presidente do comitê de programa (CPC), responsável pela elaboração da programação para o Congresso WCPT 2021.

“Simpósios focados são uma grande oportunidade de ouvir palestrantes de renome mundial, especialistas em sua área e obter uma compreensão e uma visão global únicas em um campo específico.

“O CPC está empolgado em anunciar a primeira programação confirmada para o Congresso WCPT 2021 e está ansioso para desenvolvê-la ainda mais com conteúdo relevante e inovador.”

Cada simpósio focado é organizado por um especialista reconhecido na área, que lidera um grupo internacional de palestrantes trabalhando juntos e interagindo com o público para extrair a relevância, os desafios, a aplicabilidade e as mensagens para levar para casa.

Mais detalhes sobre os simpósios focados no Congresso WCPT 2021 podem ser encontrados em:

Se você tiver alguma dúvida específica, entre em contato com

A WCPT e o comitê do programa do congresso continuam monitorando a situação global em rápida evolução criada pela expansão do COVID-19. No entanto, o planejamento está em andamento para um congresso do WCPT em Dubai no próximo mês de abril e informaremos se há alguma alteração que possa afetar o evento.
 Informações e recursos, em vários idiomas, sobre o COVID-19 estão disponíveis no site do WCPT:

terça-feira, 7 de abril de 2020

Congresso WCPT 2021 - Atualização abril 2020

WCPT Congress Update
April 2020 
Com a situação global em rápida evolução criada pela disseminação do COVID-19, sabemos que muitos de vocês foram impactados pela pandemia e pela incerteza que ela criou. A WCPT e o comitê do programa do congresso continuarão monitorando a situação relacionada ao COVID-19, mas por enquanto o planejamento está em andamento para um emocionante congresso da WCPT em Dubai; nesse mês de abril e iremos informá-lo se houver alguma alteração que possa impactar o evento.

A WCPT está apoiando suas organizações membros com informações e recursos, em vários idiomas, sobre o COVID-19:
Texto original em inglês  
With the fast evolving global situation created by the spread of COVID-19, we are aware that many of you have been impacted by the pandemic and the uncertainty it has created. WCPT and the congress programme committee will continue to monitor the situation relating to COVID-19, but for now planning is proceeding for an exciting WCPT congress in Dubai next April and we will advise you if there are any changes likely to impact the event.

WCPT is supporting its member organisations and their members with information and resources, in a number of languages, about COVID-19:
Call for abstracts opens
The call for abstracts for poster and platform presentations is now open. The deadline is 30 July.

The WCPT congress offers you a unique opportunity to present to a global audience at the profession’s largest international meeting. Whether you have been working on a research project or have an innovative service, practice, resource or theory to share, WCPT is encouraging physiotherapists from all over the world, at every level of the profession, to submit their abstracts.

Abstracts are invited that:
  • report on the latest research with original scientific data
  • address new and unique developments in practice, theory, education, management, policy and resources
  • describe innovative ways in which established methods have been adapted to meet the changing needs of practice
Find out more:
Resources for abstract submitters
If you have limited experience of abstract submissions, presenting at a WCPT congress or if English is not your first language, we have put together several tools to help you.
Selection criteria
Submitted abstracts will go through a blind peer-review process carried out by international reviewers. 

The following principles will be used to review abstracts.
  1. Does the report address a "significant" or "important" issue?
  2. Do the methods/approach enable the question to be answered rigorously?
  3. Have the data/findings been interpreted appropriately?
  4. Are the contents of the abstract clear and logical?
Download the submission guidelines
Registration   Key sessions to be announced
Registration fees will be available to view on the congress website next month, including deadlines for early bird rates.

Registration will open in June.
  Focused symposia sessions and speakers will be announced later this month.

domingo, 5 de abril de 2020

Informativo WCPT - Atualização COVID-19

WCPT Eupdate
WCPT E-Update: COVID-19 resources
COVID-19 - a resposta da profissão global de fisioterapia

Esta atualização eletrônica inclui informações e recursos sobre o COVID-19.

Muitas organizações membros da Confederação Mundial de Fisioterapia WCPT e seus membros estão envolvidos com respostas ao COVID-19 em uma variedade de configurações. Reunimos informações e recursos sobre o COVID-19 para Fisioterapeutas em nosso site e destacamos alguns deles nesta E-Update.

Sabemos que alguns Fisioterapeutas já estão trabalhando em questões relacionadas ao COVID-19, por exemplo, telessaúde, alterações na oferta de educação, saúde e bem-estar, retornando ao condicionamento físico, flexibilidade, força, coordenação e resistência e resistência.

Se você ou seus colegas estiverem envolvidos em alguma pesquisa ou atividade relacionada ao COVID-19, informe-nos em:
Texto original em inglês   
COVID-19 - the response from the global physiotherapy profession
This E-Update includes information and resources about COVID-19.

Many WCPT member organisations and their members are involved with responses to COVID-19 across a range of settings. We have collated information and resources about COVID-19 for physiotherapists on our website and have highlighted some of these in this E-Update.

We know some physiotherapists are already working on issues related to COVID-19, for example, telehealth, changes to education provision, health and wellbeing, returning to fitness, flexibility, strength, coordination, endurance, stamina. 

If you or your colleagues are involved in any research or activities related to COVID-19, please let us know on
Guidelines for physiotherapy management of COVID-19 in acute hospital settings
An international team of expert researchers and clinicians in the intensive care and acute cardiorespiratory fields have produced guidelines, endorsed by WCPT and others, for Physiotherapy management for COVID-19 in the acute hospital setting.

Thank you to all the people who have provided and are working on translations. The guidelines are now available in:
Simplified Chinese: COVID-19

Croatian/Bosnian: Fizioterapijski management za COVID-19 u akutnom bolničkom smještaju
Dutch: Fysiotherapie management van COVID-19
French: Physiothérapie et COVID-19
German: Physiotherapie Management für COVID-19 im Akutkrankenhaus
Portuguese: Manejo fisioterapêutico para COVID revisado
Spanish: Fisioterapia en el manejo del paciente COVID19 en fase aguda hospitalaria
Translations are also being produced in Traditional Chinese, Croatian, Greek, Japanese, Vietnamese. If you are able to translate the guidelines into other languages, please contact

The Journal of Physiotherapy has now published this paper online.
Education and professional development
Our partners Physiopedia have produced a package of resources to help in COVID-19 knowledge translation. WCPT has provided support to Physiopedia to make sure these resources are free for physiotherapists to access and use, regardless of where they live and work.

The Physiopedia free online programme of COVID-19 courses cover COVID-19, infection prevention and control, the role of physiotherapy, and respiratory management of people with COVID-19.
To support universities, Physiopedia is providing 30 days free access to Physioplus
The WCPT network for physiotherapy educators Facebook group is an important platform for resources to support many of the changes happening for educators arising from COVID-19, including developments in online education and assessment.
Digital physical therapy practice and telehealth
If you want to develop digital physical therapy practice and telehealth options, please take a look at these resources:
Information and resources produced by WCPT member organisations
A number of WCPT member organisations have published information about COVID-19: Australian Physiotherapy Association offering resources on advocacy, infection prevention and control, telehealth and business continuity. Coronavirus (COVID-19) – what you need to know
Canadian Physiotherapy Association resources for advocacy, telehealth, and webinar series CPA COVID-19 resource centre
Colombian Association of Physiotherapy information and resources for physiotherapists and the general public Estrategias y lineamientos técnicos sobre el Covid-19
Union of Physiotherapists of the Czech Republic resource area covering local advice for members Information about the situation with COVID-19 for physiotherapists
French National Council of Physiotherapists resource area covering practice advice, working conditions and digital tools
German Association for Physiotherapy advice for members on infection prevention, working conditions and financial support. Current information for physiotherapy practices around coronavirus
Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists resources for practice, infection prevention, telehealth and national direction. Member update: COVID-19
Italian Association of Physiotherapists  guidance for practice developed with the Italian Association of Respiratory Physiotherapists (ARIR) available in Italian Information about COVID-19 for physiotherapists and patients and English
Philippine Physical Therapy Association produced an FAQ guide for its members Statement on COVID-19
Polish Chamber of Physiotherapists resources and information in Polish and English and guideline for physiotherapy of adult patients produced by the Polish Respiratory Physiotherapy Expert Group in Polish and English
Physiotherapy New Zealand guidance for members and telehealth advice Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Portuguese Association of Physiotherapists resource area for physiotherapists and patients including links t national advice COVID-19 resources
Taiwan Physical Therapy Association exercise and wellbeing videos Video: relaxation and respiratory exercises and Video: exercises to boost the immune system
Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (UK) resource centre including advice for practice, education, workplace, private practice, digital health and mental health and wellbeing. Information and guidance about coronavirus
American Physical Therapy Association resource area including practice guidance for members Coronavirus: Information for APTA Members
If you are a WCPT member organisation and have open access resources you would like to share, please contact
WHO information and resources
WHO has a dedicated COVID-19 area on their website, with daily situation reports and regular updates. WHO has produced a report on Strategic preparedness and response plan for the new coronavirus
There is advice for the public on protecting yourself and they have produced a Handwashing video as well as myth busters.
The technical guidance section includes infection and prevention adviceadvice for health workers including, rights, roles and responsibilitiesmaintaining good mental health, and patient management.
WHO’s online courses relevant to COVID-19 are available in a range of languages.
Sign up to receive updates from WHO's information network for epidemics, EPI-WIN.
Resources on exercise and physical activity
The International Association of Physical Therapists working with Older People (IPTOP) are collating Resources for exercise and physical activity
The Taiwan Physical Therapy Association has produced two exercise and wellbeing videos: Video: relaxation and respiratory exercises and Video: exercises to boost the immune system

If you would like to share resources about exercise and physical activity you are using as part of a response to COVID-19, please contact
Postponed and cancelled events
A number of events have been cancelled or postponed due to COVID-19.

A page has been set up on the WCPT website giving updates about events we know have been cancelled or postponed. If your organisation has cancelled or postponed an event and would like details included on our website, please contact
Share a photo of yourself as part of the physiotherapy response to COVID-19
Reuben is a respiratory physiotherapist in Chile.

He is one of many physiotherapists around the world who are involved with the response to COVID-19.

Some are working in acute hospital settings, others are transitioning to telehealth, caring in the community for people who have been quarantined or are in self-isolation, providing rehabilitation for people recovering from COVID-19, and are being redeployed to different areas of practice.

If you would like to share a photo of yourself, please send it to

By sending us a copy of your photo, you are giving WCPT permission to share the photo, your first name, and the country where you work on WCPT's website, social media platforms, and printed publications. If anyone else appears in your photo, you must confirm to us you have their permission for the photo to be used by WCPT. Photos should not include patients.