Pernambuco Brasil - Foto/GB Blog 14-F FISIOTERAPIA

quinta-feira, 28 de junho de 2018

WCPT E-Update - Junho 2018

WCPT Eupdate
WCPT E-Update - June 2018
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Boa Leitura
World Physical Therapy Day 2018
Next week will see the launch of the toolkit for this year's World Physical Therapy Day. With a focus on the role of physical therapy and physical activity in mental health, the toolkit will include a set of brand new campaign materials including:
  • infographics
  • posters
  • flyer
  • postcard
  • social media graphics
The toolkit will be available from and will be launched in English, French and Spanish.
Danish physical therapists celebrate 100th anniversary
Congratulations to the Association of Danish Physiotherapists, Danske Fysioterapeuter, which this month celebrated its 100th anniversary.
Attending the celebrations were WCPT President Emma Stokes and CEO Jonathon Kruger. Emma congratulated the association and expressed great gratitude for decades of cooperation with successive leaders of the Danish organisation. In particular, she noted that the founding meeting of WCPT took place in Copenhagen in 1951 and that the Danish association had given WCPT a President, Rudie Agersnap, a Vice-President, Inger Brønsted, and very recently a Board member, Johnny Kuhr.  Emma also paid tribute to the current President Tina Lambrecht for her support on WCPT’s international work.
Read the full news story:
WCPT Congress 2019: registration fees now available
Registration fees for the WCPT Congress 2019 have been announced - online registration will open in July.
WCPT has introduced three brand new measures to enable as many people as possible to attend the congress.
  • Reduced registration fees for physical therapists from WCPT member organisations in lower-middle and low income countries.
  • Registration fees for the WCPT Congress 2019 have been kept at the same rate as the congress in 2017.
  • Introduction of a Super Early Bird rate offering savings of up to 35% on your registration fee.
View registration fees:
The call for abstracts is now also open. The submission deadline is 31st August.
WCPT awards programme - call for nominations
There are just two months left before the deadline for nominations on 31st August. WCPT is calling on its member organisations, regions and subgroups to submit nominations for physical therapists who have made an outstanding contribution to the profession internationally.
If you know a physical therapist you would like to nominate please contact the WCPT member organisation in your country:

The awards will be presented in Geneva at the time of the WCPT General Meeting and Congress in 2019.

See each of the award categories:
Global action plan for physical inactivity
Earlier this month WCPT reported on A Global Action Plan on Physical Activity (GAPPA) launched by the World Health Organization to reduce physical inactivity by 15% by 2030.

It recommends a set of 20 policy areas, which combined, aim to create more active societies through improving the environments and opportunities for people of all ages and abilities to do more walking, cycling, sport, active recreation, dance and play. It also calls for support to, for example, training of health care workers and other professionals.

WCPT was represented at the launch by Charlotte Chruzander, Swedish Association of Physiotherapists professional adviser. She said "With our specific expertise in using adjusted physical activity in the prevention and treatment of diseases for all ages and abilities, physiotherapists have a crucial role in implementing GAPPA.”
Read the full story:
Ivory Coast hosts first international physical therapy conference
More than 90 physical therapists from nine countries attended this week-long training event, organised by the Association Ivoirienne des Masseurs-Kinésithérapeutes (AIMK).

The conference marks the completion of the SUDA project (a partnership with HI funded by USAID). The SUDA project has strengthened the local ties between WCPT-Africa member organisations and there is broad commitment to organise further events to enable physical therapists in the region to share knowledge and experience, and gain CPD through collaboration.
Read the full story:
Free MOOC - Wheelchair Service Provision
Physiopedia has opened registrations for this year's free online course on Wheelchair Service Provision. The four-week course starts on 3rd September and will be available in French and English.
The course will be run in collaboration with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and Humanity & Inclusion (HI). It aims to provide a basic theoretical understanding of wheelchair mobility and to develop an understanding of the theoretical principles, skills and knowledge underlying the management skills and knowledge in the management of wheelchair service delivery.
Find out more:
International humanitarian law course
Are you working with an international or local organisation on humanitarian issues? Do you have to make decisions that can have a humanitarian impact in the field? .
Organised by the ICRC in Geneva from 23rd - 28th September 2018, this five-day course in international humanitarian law is open to senior humanitarian practitioners and policy-makers with extensive working experience in the humanitarian sector.
Find out more:

segunda-feira, 25 de junho de 2018

Recordando o VI Congresso Brasileiro de Fisioterapia

  A política de postagens do Blog 14-F FISIOTERAPIA, defende a preservação da memória dos fatos e eventos que contribuíram para o desenvolvimento e engrandecimento da história da profissão.

quinta-feira, 21 de junho de 2018

Atualização do Congresso WCPT - junho de 2018

WCPT Congress Update
June 2018 
Optamos pelo texto original em inglês para manter a originalidade e a credibilidade da fonte.

Use Google Translate se necessário.

Boa Leitura
Registration fees now available
Registration fees for the WCPT Congress 2019 have been announced - online registration will open in July WCPT has introduced three brand new measures to enable as many people as possible to attend the congress.
  • Reduced registration fees for physical therapists from WCPT member organisations in lower-middle and low income countries.
  • Registration fees for the WCPT Congress 2019 have been kept at the same rate as the congress in 2017.
  • Introduction of a Super Early Bird rate offering savings of up to 35% on your registration fee.
View registration fees:
Read why you should attend and our useful tips on getting the most from your congress experience available in English, French and Spanish​.
Call for abstracts is open
The submission deadline for the call for abstracts is 6th September.

If you have you been working on a research project or have an innovative service, practice, resource or theory to share - this is your opportunity to present to a global audience at the profession’s largest international congress. WCPT is encouraging physical therapists from all over the world, at every level of the profession, to submit their abstracts.

Abstracts are invited that:
  • report on the latest research with original scientific data
  • address new and unique developments in practice, theory, education, management, policy and resources
  • describe innovative ways in which established methods have been adapted to meet the changing needs of practice
Submit your abstract:
Are you looking for help with your abstract submission?
If you are new to presenting at a WCPT Congress or English is not your first language, make the most of the tools WCPT has put together to help you.
  • Abstract mentoring programme: this programme is only in place until 31st July 2018 and aims to help authors present their material clearly and concisely prior to submitting the abstract to the formal review process.
  • Top tips for abstract submissions: four members of the Congress Programme Committee give their top tips via video in English, French, Spanish and Arabic.
  • Writing an abstract for a WCPT congress: guidelines designed to assist you prepare a well written abstract that meets the criteria for WCPT congresses.
  • My personal story about writing an abstract for a WCPT Congress: written by Jonathan Quartey, member of the International Scientific Committee for the WCPT Congress 2017.
Sponsorship and exhibition prospectus launched
Join us at this exciting and innovative event and position your company or organisation as a world leader and innovator in physical therapy - take part in the profession’s largest international physical therapy congress. 
  • This leading four day congress and exhibition will be attended by international physical therapy clinicians, researchers, educators, management professionals and practice owners who make purchasing decisions.
  • Presentations by the world’s leading experts will attract over 4,000 delegates from across the globe.
  • Unique and engaging partnership opportunities will help you build brand awareness and loyalty.
  • Exhibition hall will form the hub of the event ensuring a lively atmosphere and bringing traffic to your space.
Download the exhibition prospectus:
Avoid disappointment and book early - stands and partnership opportunities will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis.
Call for abstract reviewers Volunteers are needed!
Do you have experience in reviewing abstracts or journal articles? The Congress Programme Committee is now recruiting potential reviewers of abstracts submitted for presentation at congress.

Please note that you will need to be available to review abstracts between 24th September and 12th October 2018.
Closing date for applications: 26th July 2018
Are you an enthusiastic, committed individual with a keen interest in physical therapy? Do you like helping others? Do you want to expand your network of colleagues to include those from around the world? Do you want to be part of the largest international gathering of physical therapists?

Find out more:
Closing date for applications: 14th December 2018

Lei Nº 6839 de 30 de outubro de 1980

Nota do Editor: A política de postagens do Blog 14-F FISIOTERAPIA, defende a preservação da memória dos fatos e eventos que contribuíram para o desenvolvimento e engrandecimento da história da profissão.

sexta-feira, 8 de junho de 2018

Programa de premiação da WCPT - convocação de indicações

Você conhece algum Fisioterapeuta que tenha contribuído de maneira notável para a profissão internacionalmente? A Confederação Mundial de Fisioterapia WCPT está pedindo que suas organizações nacionais, regiões e subgrupos apresentem indicações - se você conhece um Fisioterapeuta que gostaria de indicar, entre em contato com a organização membro da WCPT em seu país :
Os prêmios serão entregues em Genebra na época da Assembleia Geral e do Congresso da WCPT em 2019.

O prazo para as indicações é 31 de agosto.

quarta-feira, 6 de junho de 2018

Fórum sobre Questões do Envelhecimento 2018 - 12 de junho

Fórum sobre Questões do Envelhecimento


Virginia Lucia Costa Neves
Psicóloga. Especialista em Gerontologia 

Cirlene Francisca Sales da Silva
Psicóloga. Doutoranda em Psicologia pela UNICAP

Data/Hora – 12 de junho (terça-feira), 14h30 às 17h
Local – Universidade Católica de Pernambuco
Auditório G1 – 1º andar do bloco G da Católica Recife
Entrada Franca

Mais informações
Pró-reitoria Comunitária. Fone: 81 2119 4146
Instituto Humanitas. Fones: 81 2119 4346 / 4348

terça-feira, 5 de junho de 2018

História e Organização Profissional da Fisioterapia no Brasil

Palestra ministrada no dia 05 de maio de  2018 no Curso de Fisioterapia da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco UFPE sobre a História e Organização Profissional da Fisioterapia no Brasil. Na foto O Fisioterapeuta Geraldo Barbosa o Professor Joaquim Sérgio e alunas do Primeiro Período da Graduação em Fisioterapia da UFPE.

sábado, 2 de junho de 2018

Visualizações de página por país 03/05/2018 – 01/06/2018

Visualizações de página por país

Gráfico dos países mais populares entre os visualizadores do blog
Entrada                                                                                                   Visualizações de página
Estados Unidos
Emirados Árabes Unidos