Pernambuco Brasil - Foto/GB Blog 14-F FISIOTERAPIA

quarta-feira, 12 de maio de 2021

Congresso Mundial de Fisioterapia 2021 - Atualização 12/05/2021

World Physiotherapy congress update
May 2021 
Conteúdo do congresso disponível sob demanda
 Não se esqueça que se você perdeu alguma sessão, ou ainda não se inscreveu, ainda poderá acessar o conteúdo apresentado no congresso sob demanda até 8 de julho de 2021. 
Isso inclui mais de 50 horas de conteúdo gravado e mais de 1.180 apresentações de pôsteres e resumos de plataforma. 
Os resumos incluem muitas contribuições importantes para a prática, educação e pesquisa. Nós o encorajamos a usar a função de pesquisa para explorar e descobrir a variedade de resumos em suas áreas de interesse.
 Visite a plataforma de eventos online do Congresso Mundial de Fisioterapia 2021.
 World Café, sessões de networking e acesso instantâneo para fazer perguntas aos palestrantes não estão disponíveis sob demanda. 
 Apenas os participantes registrados têm acesso ao conteúdo sob demanda até 8 de julho de 2021.  
  Texto original em inglês 
via World Physiotherapy 
Congress content available on demand
Don't forget that if you missed any sessions, or you haven't yet registered, you can still access content presented at congress on demand until 8 July 2021.

This includes over 50 hours of recorded content and more than 1,180 poster and platform abstract presentations.

The abstracts include many important contributions to practice, education, and research. We encourage you to use the search function to explore and discover the range of abstracts in your areas of interest.

Visit the World Physiotherapy Congress 2021 online event platform

World Café, networking sessions, and instant access to ask questions of speakers are not available on demand.

Only registered participants have access to on demand content until 8 July 2021.
Register now with 25% discount
Registration to access the on demand content is available at 25% discount of the live congress rate.

If you couldn't make the live event, you can still register and access more than 50 hours of recorded content and over 1,180 poster and platform abstract presentations.

Get a taste of what you missed - view the opening and closing sessions, and the daily highlights show in the highlights section of the community hub on the congress platform. Take the opportunity to see the quality of the content and discussions with the following open access sessions: Registered participants have access to all on demand content until 8 July 2021.

Register now!
Watch reflections on our congress   New Facebook group for digital practice
Emma Stokes, president, and Jonathon Kruger, chief executive officer, reflect on some of their highlights of our first online congress.

Shane Patman, chair of the congress programme committee for 2021, and Jackie Whittaker, chair of the congress programme committee for 2023, reflect on their journey to develop and shape the congress programme.

Watch Emma Stokes and Jonathon Kruger videos

Watch Shane Patman and Jackie Whittaker videos
  Most of the networking sessions at congress came from established subgroups and networks with social media platforms to keep conversations going.

As a result of discussions at the session, Physiotherapy in the digital age, a new Facebook group has been established to assess levels of interest for ongoing conversations.

Find out more and join the Facebook group  
Final call for congress programme committee
This is your last chance to be part of the World Physiotherapy congress programme committee (CPC) for World Physiotherapy Congress 2023 in Tokyo.

World Physiotherapy Congress 2023 is due to take place in Tokyo, Japan, 1-4 June.

Membership of the CPC requires commitment of time and dependable availability to participate in meetings and undertake activities as required, working closely with and supported by World Physiotherapy staff. 

Applications must be submitted to, no later than 16 May 2021Find out more 

Watch the video with Jackie Whittaker, chair of the CPC for 2023, as she talks about shaping the programme for World Physiotherapy Congress 2023.
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