Pernambuco Brasil - Foto/GB Blog 14-F FISIOTERAPIA

terça-feira, 30 de março de 2021

Informativo World Physiotherapy - março 2021


March 2021
World Physiotherapy publica relatório COVID-19
  Publicado em 11 de março, o relatório marca o primeiro aniversário da declaração oficial da OMS de uma pandemia global devido ao COVID-19. 
 O relatório Mundial de Fisioterapia, Impacto da pandemia COVID-19 nos serviços de fisioterapia globalmente, mostra como os serviços de fisioterapia foram gravemente interrompidos globalmente pelo COVID-19 e enfoca a primeira onda da pandemia. 
 Emma Stokes, presidente mundial da entidade mundial da fisioterapia, disse: “No ano passado, a pandemia COVID-19 afetou todas as nossas vidas - a nível pessoal e profissional. Este relatório mostra como o COVID-19 impactou nossa profissão global e como respondemos coletivamente. " 
 As principais descobertas do relatório incluem: 
  70% disseram que todos os serviços de fisioterapia foram interrompidos 
  87% disseram que as práticas privadas foram afetadas 
  81% disseram que os serviços de saúde pública foram afetados 
  77% disseram que lares de idosos foram afetados 
 Saiba mais e baixe o relatório  
Nota do Editor:

O Blog 14-F FISIOTERAPIA dedica grande parte do seu conteúdo ao processo histórico da profissão, no Brasil e no mundo, compartilhando textos e vídeos disponíveis na WEB, com citação das fontes produtoras para agregar credibilidade às postagens. Solicitamos portanto, aos seguidores e visitantes, levarem ao conhecimento da editoria do Blog qualquer fonte considerada suspeita ou de caráter meramente comercial.
A seguir texto original em inglês 

World Physiotherapy publishes COVID-19 report

Published on 11 March, the report marks the first anniversary of WHO officially declaring a global pandemic due to COVID-19.   

The World Physiotherapy report, Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on physiotherapy services globally, shows how physiotherapy services have been severely disrupted globally by COVID-19, and focuses on the first wave of the pandemic.

Emma Stokes, World Physiotherapy president, said: “In the past year, the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted all our lives – on a personal and professional level. This report shines a light on how COVID-19 has impacted our global profession, and how we have collectively responded."

Key findings in the report include:

  • 70% said all physiotherapy services had been disrupted
  • 87% said private practices were impacted
  • 81% said public health services were impacted
  • 77% said nursing homes were impacted
Find out more and download the report

Call for vaccine equity for all frontline workers

World Physiotherapy, as part of the World Health Professions Alliance (WHPA), is calling for early access to COVID-19 vaccines for frontline workers, including physiotherapists.

In a press release, WHPA members stress early access to vaccines is critical to ensure the health and safety of the global health profession workforce, protecting not only them but also their patients, families, communities, and the broader health of countries/territories.

World Physiotherapy supports the World Health Organization’s Vaccine Equity Declaration, which encourages countries/territories to ensure that access to immunisation is determined by need, rather than wealth or geographic location. 

The WHPA  brings together the global organisations representing the world’s dentists, nurses, pharmacists, physical therapists and physicians and speaks for more than 41 million health care professionals worldwide in over 130 countries.

Find out more about the call for vaccine equity

Subgroup events

World Physiotherapy subgroups are holding a series of webinars and online events this year.

The following subgroups are holding online events in 2021:

Find out more about these events

Board and regional elections

World Physiotherapy member organisations are currently electing three board members from the following regions:

  • Europe
  • North America Caribbean
  • South America

The new board members will begin their terms on 1 July 2021 and each will serve a 4-year term from 2021-2025.

Find out more

AWP elections
Candidates for election for the World Physiotherapy Asia Western Pacific (AWP) region executive committee have also been announced. An electronic vote will take place before the regional general meeting.

The results will be announced at the regional general meeting on 8 May 2021. The new board members will begin their terms on 1 July 2021. 

Find out more

New Physiopedia online courses

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