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terça-feira, 1 de maio de 2018

Confira no Blog 14-F FISIOTERAPIA: WCPT E-Update April 2018

WCPT Eupdate
WCPT E-Update - April 2018
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Boa Leitura
Do you have a project you need assistance with or are you looking for an expert opinion? The recently relaunched experts database, the WCPT Database of Volunteers and Experts (DOVES), is now open to search. It contains a list of international volunteers who are willing to develop the profession by supporting WCPT member organisations and their collaborators.

The DOVES database offers the chance to search for professional expertise and connect with practitioners who have world-class insights on global health. More than 300 physical therapists have already registered, creating a major resource offering advice on practice, education, research and policy.

Read the full article:
Low back pain
Earlier this month WCPT published an article showing how physical therapists are joining the call to further develop evidence-based low back pain treatments, asserting that patients are better-served by advice that enables active lifestyles rather than high-cost ineffective treatments.

A major study on low back pain has resulted in calls to stop harmful treatment practices, and a worldwide recognition of disability arising from the condition. The series of papers, published in The Lancet, asks the medical profession to stop ineffective and potentially damaging treatments such as the prescription of strong drugs and opioids, injections, and unnecessary surgery.

Read the full article:
World Physical Therapy Day 2018
Work has started on the materials for this year's World Physical Therapy Day. The message will be focused on the role of physical therapy in mental health.

WCPT is working closely with the WCPT subgroup, the 
International Organization of Physical Therapists in Mental Health (IOPTMH), to produce the materials.

This year's toolkit will be available for download from the WCPT website in June.
WCPT Congress 2019
Physical therapists around the world are being encouraged to start preparing their abstract submission ahead of the call opening next month. The call for poster and platform presentations offers the unique opportunity for a physical therapist to present their work on the global stage to an international audience.

Download the submission guidelines and start planning your abstract:

The deadline is 6th September.

#WCPT2019 #globalpt
WCPT launches call for awards nominations
This week saw the launch of the WCPT awards programme for 2019. Established to recognise outstanding contributions by physical therapists to the profession internationally, a call has been sent to WCPT member organisations, regions and subgroups requesting nominations.

There are several categories of award, all presented every four years, with the next presented in Geneva at the time of the WCPT General Meeting and Congress in 2019.

An awards committee has been established to oversee the programme: George Chigali (Zambia), Ibtissam M Saab (Lebanon), Judy King (Canada), Oscar Ronzio (Argentina), Shirley Ngai (Hong Kong).

See each of the award categories and view previous recipients:
To nominate an individual contact the WCPT member organisation in your country:
WCPT celebrates success of SUDA project in Capitol Hill meeting
WCPT President Emma Stokes and CEO Jonathon Kruger, along with leaders of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), met last week with representatives from the Leahy War Victims Fund. The grant, a special USAID programme, funded the SUDA project that has enabled WCPT to strengthen the physical therapy profession in West Africa. The project has bolstered the physical therapy associations in Mali, Niger and Senegal to improve the quality and standards of physical therapist education programs, and establish a model for capacity-building that can be transferred to other low-resource countries.
Taking place in Capitol Hill, Washington, the meeting gave WCPT the opportunity to thank the representatives for the $1.2 million grant, as well as outline ideas for expanding or replicating the project in other countries.

Read the full story:
Regulation conference
Setting the right standards and ensuring safety, quality and compliance in professional regulation are some of the challenges that will be considered at the World Health Professions Regulation Conference, taking place 19-20 May 2018 in Geneva.

Join your peers at this global platform for shared learning and discussion. Speakers will include WCPT Vice President, Margot Skinner, who along with other experts will explore the lessons learned from competence-based approaches to regulation, compare regulatory models, consider quality in lifelong learning and examine ways of promoting best practice in regulatory governance and performance.

Deadline for online registration: 14th May 2018
NCDs in focus
In the lead up to the third UN High-Level Meeting on non-communicable diseases (NCDs), the Lancet family of journals start a year-long focus to publish several major initiatives to ensure the best evidence is at the heart of policies to reduce the global burden of NCDs.

NCDs such as stroke, heart disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer account for over 70% of all deaths, of which nearly half are in people younger than 60 years.

#beatNCDs #LancetNCDs
WCPT seeks Professional Adviser
  • Are you passionate about supporting the development of the global physical therapy profession?
  • Do you want to help deliver an exciting and ambitious strategic plan?
  • Are you an innovative and creative physical therapist who focusses on solutions not problems?
  • Are you interested in a unique professional opportunity with international exposure and impact?
WCPT is looking for someone with these qualities to work as a professional adviser on a range of projects that support the development of high quality physical therapy practice and education. The position will be based in the London office.

For further details go to:

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