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quarta-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2018

WCPT E-Update - Fevereiro 2018

WCPT Eupdate
WCPT E-Update - February 2018
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WCPT Experts database
The WCPT Experts Database is being relaunched as the WCPT Database of Volunteers and Experts (WCPT DOVES). It will be a searchable database of people who have offered to volunteer their services to help develop the physical therapy profession internationally through support for WCPT member organisations and other organisations/institutes with which WCPT collaborates.
Please register if you are willing to support the development of the profession. It is an opportunity to share your expertise / experience / interest in physical therapy practice, education, research, professional issues and global health.
To register please login or register to the WCPT website:
President's blog
"... many of us face personal and professional challenges. Understanding resilience, and how to develop it, can be key. We seek resilience for ourselves and for patients, clients, students and the teams and organisations in which we participate and practice", writes Emma Stokes in her latest blog.

Read how the Nepalese Physiotherapy Association's (NEPTA) knowledge, and database of local physiotherapy resources, allowed them to mobilise personnel before requesting international expertise in specialised areas identified as gaps in service provision.
Gillian Webb and Nishchal Shakya at the 2015 WCPT General Meeting in Singapore
Free online course: Global health and disability
This three week course aims to raise awareness about the importance of health and well-being of people with disabilities in the context of the global development agenda: Leaving no one behind.

The course is designed for anyone with a professional or personal interest in disability as it relates to health, rehabilitation, international development and humanitarian assistance. There is a particular focus on low and middle income countries – both in the content of the course and the target learners.
WHO MENTOR-VIP programme: now accepting applications
Developed through the efforts of the World Health Organization (WHO) and a network of global injury prevention experts, MENTOR-VIP is a global injury and violence prevention mentoring programme. Mentoring allows for skills development through exchange of experience between a more skilled or experienced person and a person seeking to develop those skills.

Applicants who wish to apply to be mentored during 2018-2019, or individuals who would like to volunteer to be mentors, may find more information at: Deadline: 4 May 2018
WCPT Congress 2019
Record breaking submissions: a total of 103 focused symposium submissions have been received. This is a hugely exciting start on the first step to the Congress in Geneva.

Legacy of congress: watch the video where WCPT accepts the Incredible Impacts Award given to the WCPT Congress 2017 in Cape Town for its range of outstanding legacy activities that benefitted Africa and the wider community.
6th February was International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).

To promote the abandonment of FGM, coordinated and systematic efforts are needed, and they must engage whole communities and focus on human rights and gender equality. These efforts should emphasise societal dialogue and the empowerment of communities to act collectively to end the practice. They must also address the sexual and reproductive health needs of women and girls who suffer from its consequences.

Access the United Nations website to find out more:
Access World Health Organization resources:
Access the WCPT Policy statement:
Physiopedia adds four new shoulder courses 
WCPT Partner, Physiopedia, has recently added four new shoulder courses to PP+. “Introduction to the shoulder”, "Shoulder Assessment", "Clinical Presentations of Shoulder Pain"  and "Therapeutic Interventions for the Shoulder".

Each of these courses can be completed individually and each course will provide a separate course completion certificate.
The 7th International Conference of Physiotherapy in Psychiatry and Mental Health
Registration is now open for the 7th International Conference of Physiotherapy in Psychiatry and Mental Health, taking place in Reykjavik, Iceland, from 10th - 12th April 2018.

The conference aims to increase the knowledge of mental health issues and the connection between mental and physical health among physical therapists around the world.

Find out more and register:
International conference on health professional regulation
Attend the leading international conference on health professional regulation.

The fifth World Health Professions Regulation Conference scheduled to take place 19th - 20th May 2018 in Geneva, will provide participants with insights, perspectives and discussion on current challenges in health professional regulation. Key speakers will explore the lessons learned from competence-based approaches to regulation, compare regulatory models and examine ways of promoting best practice in regulatory governance and performance.
International Conference on Physical Therapy in Oncology (ICPTO)
The first International Conference on Physical Therapy in Oncology (ICPTO) will take place on 5th June in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

The conference aims to bring together physical therapists working in oncology from around the globe, to discuss the way forward for oncology PT and to exchange knowledge and best practices.

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