Acompanhando o Congresso Mundial de Fisioterapia WCPT2017 pelas redes sociais. Para saber mais acesse:
News 03 jul 2017
Specialisation: is there a danger of the profession losing its holistic outlook?
03 Jul 2017
congress sessions allowed delegates to explore the possibilities,
challenges and practicalities of specialisation and advanced practice –
and the prospect of moving into independent prescribing as they
Criticising ourselves is the mark of a positive, confident profession
03 Jul 2017
critically about physical therapy education, research and practice –
asking questions about what we do, why we do it, and how it might be
different – is the positive, creative act of a confident profession.
Physical therapists “uniquely placed” to further self-management in MSK
03 Jul 2017
therapists have a vital role to play in giving patients the ability,
knowledge and self-confidence to self-manage chronic musculoskeletal
Meeting of minds reveals common challenges in member organisations
03 Jul 2017
packed room of leaders and professional staff from WCPT’s member
organisations, regions, subgroups and networks all over the world got
their heads together and shared common challenges at an innovative WCPT
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