Pernambuco Brasil - Foto/GB Blog 14-F FISIOTERAPIA

quinta-feira, 29 de julho de 2021

Informativo World Physiotherapy - Julho 2021

 July 2021
Dia Mundial da Fisioterapia 2021: materiais disponíveis em 13 idiomas 
Reabilitação e COVID Longa, e o papel dos fisioterapeutas no tratamento e gestão das pessoas afetadas por COVID Longa, é o tema para o Dia Mundial da Fisioterapia deste ano. 
 Os materiais agora estão disponíveis em: 
ÁrabeBúlgaro, Chinês tradicional, InglêsFrancês, HindiItaliano, Coreano, Malgaxe, Português - brasileiro, Romeno, Russo e Espanhol.
O Dia Mundial da Fisioterapia ocorre todos os anos em 8 de setembro. Os tradutores voluntários estão trabalhando em mais versões das fichas de informações e pôsteres, que serão adicionados ao site da World Physiotherapy assim que estiverem disponíveis.  
Texto original em inglês 
via:  World Physiotherapy  

World PT Day 2021: materials available in 13 languages

Rehabilitation and Long COVID, and the role of physiotherapists in the treatment and management of people affected by Long COVID, is the theme for this year's World PT Day.
The materials are now available in:

World PT Day takes place every year on 8 September. Volunteer translators are working on more versions of the information sheets and posters, which will be added to the World Physiotherapy website as and when they become available. 
Access the toolkit for World PT Day 2021

Annual review reflects on World Physiotherapy activities during 2020

Reflecting on 2020 in our recently-published Annual review, Emma Stokes, World Physiotherapy president, said: “for the first time in our history, we experienced collectively an event that, to a greater or lesser extent, changed everything for everyone almost simultaneously.”

Emma said the outbreak and spread of COVID-19 resulted in humanity facing the same challenge at the same time in almost all parts of the world. She said World Physiotherapy had developed and amplified technical information, created connection between physiotherapists around the world, established an education task group of physiotherapy educators, organised the organisation’s first online congress, and advocated with and on behalf of member organisations.
Find out more

Download the 2020 Annual review

Take part in our website evaluation survey

We launched our new brand and website in June 2020, and we would now like to know more about your experience of using the website

The website evaluation survey will help us evaluate your experience of using the website and help us shape future website development. Taking part in the survey should take less than 10 minutes.

The survey will close on 31 August 2021.

If you have any questions about the survey, please contact

Take part in the website evaluation survey

Congress programme committee for 2023 announced

World Physiotherapy has announced the members of the congress programme committee (CPC) for World Physiotherapy Congress 2023 in Tokyo, Japan. 

Chaired by Jackie Whittaker, assistant professor in the department of physical therapy at the University of British Columbia and research scientist at Arthritis Research Canada in Vancouver, the committee brings extensive and diverse geographical, professional, research, clinical and academic expertise to World Physiotherapy’s flagship event. Jackie has been a member of the congress programme committee for previous World Physiotherapy congresses in 2019 and 2021.
Find out more

Find out more about each congress programme committee member

World Physiotherapy publishes Framework for physiotherapist education

World Physiotherapy has published a framework to support and advance the development of education for physiotherapists around the world.

The framework positions components of physiotherapist education along the lifelong learning continuum, and provides guidance for physiotherapist entry level education and continuing professional development (CPD). It also provides a description of the domains of physiotherapist practice competence that must be achieved in an entry level education programme and maintained throughout active practice.

Download the Framework for physiotherapist education

Report focuses on strategy to improve global musculoskeletal health

A report published by the Global Alliance for Musculoskeletal Health (G-MUSC) has found that despite being the world’s leading cause of pain, disability and healthcare expenditure, the prevention and management of musculoskeletal health, including conditions such as low back pain, fractures, arthritis, and osteoporosis, is globally under-prioritised. 

The report, Towards a global strategy to improve musculoskeletal health, has been developed with input from almost 700 stakeholders from 70 countries/territories, and proposes a blueprint for actions that health systems need to take in all countries/territories to address this gap.

Download a copy of the G-MUSC report

The Lancet launches third series on physical activity

The Lancet has launched its third series on physical activity, which extends its knowledge base from the two previous series (in 2012 and 2016) on the importance of regular physical activity and sport to health and wellbeing. In the past decade, not enough progress has been made to improve physical activity worldwide, with adolescents and people living with disabilities (PLWD) among the least likely populations to have the support needed to meet WHO’s physical activity guidelines.

Access The Lancet series on physical activity

Online course: Understanding rehabilitation as a health strategy

Physiopedia is offering a free online course, Understanding rehabilitation as a health strategy, to help physiotherapists develop a comprehensive knowledge of rehabilitation within the global context.
Find out more about the free online course

Save the date: Physiotherapy in mental health conference

Physiotherapy in mental health; What’s next? is the theme for the 9th International Organisation of Physical Therapists in Mental Health (IOPTMH) conference, 3-6 May 2022.

Find out more about the conference


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