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quinta-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2019

WCPT atualização janeiro 2019

WCPT Eupdate
WCPT E-Update - January 2019
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Boa Leitura 
WCPT Congress 2019
Hurry! Hurry! Only a few hours left to register at the Early Bird rate.

Register before midnight (GMT) on 31st January to take advantage of the Early Bird rate - save up to 25% on your registration fee and join the 3,000 delegates who are already registered to attend. Register NOW:

Call for Indaba proposals: Want to share your knowledge or seek help from your colleagues at WCPT Congress 2019? In an Indaba session you can help create content and lead conversations – propose a session before the 27th February deadline. Watch testimonials from previous Indaba presenters and find out how you can propose a session:

Scientific programme: read the latest press release highlighting some of the new topics for presentation and discussion and take a look at the preliminary programme.
Profiling the profession globally
As the global body for the profession, WCPT is uniquely placed to provide an important service by collating international data about the physical therapy profession. Through surveys completed by its member organisations WCPT is able to publish data on a range of issues, including professional regulation, practice, education, and the number of physical therapists.

The latest data is now available with a country profile published for every member organisation that completed the 2018 survey. Interactive maps are also available allowing people to see the state of the global profession:

Access individual reports by visiting country pages in the member organisation section of the website:
Physical therapy championed at cultural festival in Ivory Coast
A WCPT provisional member organisation, Association Ivoirienne des Masseurs-Kinestherapeutes (AIMK), treated almost 150 people during a cultural festival in Ivory Coast.

Matthias Ahissan Krou, AIMK President, said: ‘The best way to promote a profession is to show the primary beneficiaries, the general public, how it could improve their health and quality of life.’

Read the full story:
World Cancer Day
4th February marks World Cancer Day which aims to save millions of preventable deaths each year by raising awareness and education about cancer, and pressing governments and individuals across the world to take action against the disease.

The World Health Organization states that "Regular physical activity and the maintenance of a healthy body weight, along with a healthy diet, considerably reduce cancer risk." (

Find out more about the day:

Access toolkit of resources:


See also the WCPT Network for HIV/AIDS, Oncology, Hospice and Palliative Care which is applying for subgroup recognition at the WCPT General Meeting in May.
New policies for approval at GM
The following new policies and endorsement are being put forward for approval at WCPT's next General Meeting (GM) in May in Geneva.
View existing WCPT policies at
WCPT glossary now available in Spanish
A Spanish translation of the WCPT glossary is now available as a pdf to download.

WCPT would like to thank the Spanish Association of Physiotherapists for providing this translation.

Access the glossary:
Cochrane Rehabilitation Newsletter - latest issue published
The 16th issue of the Cochrane Rehabilitation Newsletter has recently been published: Cochrane Rehabilitation NL Issue 16| January 2019

The Newsletter contains an update on the Cochrane Rehabilitation activities, Cochrane Systematic Reviews and blogshots of rehabilitation interest.
SCAM email alert
WCPT is aware a scam email is circulating which appears to have been sent from WCPT President Emma K Stokes. The email asks people to send money to support a stranded colleague.

The email has NOT been sent by Emma K Stokes. Please do not send any money and delete the email.

Pesquisas revelam estado global da profissão fisioterapêutica

As respostas à última pesquisa da Confederação Mundial de Fisioterapia (WCPT) revelam que o acesso direto ao Fisioterapeuta está disponível em 48 países e não há restrições à prática privada em 77 países.

Leia a versão original em inglês

Surveys reveal global state of the physical therapy profession

Responses to the latest World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT) survey reveal direct access is available in 48 countries and there is no restriction on private practice in 77 countries.
For a number of years WCPT has published data from its member organisations on a range of issues, including professional regulation, practice, education, and the number of employed physical therapists. This data provides a comprehensive and valuable global profile of the profession.

The most recent data is based on surveys completed by 89 WCPT member organisations in mid-2018. The data gives a global snapshot of the physical therapy profession across the world, showing variations in the density of physical therapists in different countries and between WCPT regions.

Highlights of the 2018 data include:

  • 54% of respondents said there was direct access in their country and people could refer themselves to a physical therapist without a referral
  • 86% of respondents said there was no law preventing private practice in their country
  • globally, 60% of physical therapists are women, however this varied from countries where it was as high as 80% (17 respondents) to as low as 40% (four respondents).
WCPT Chief Executive Jonathon Kruger said: ‘The responses to the surveys from our member organisations continue to provide rich and valuable international comparisons which WCPT and its members can use to influence policy decisions around health, health service delivery, human resource planning, and education.’

The country profile maps allow people to see how the global profession has evolved since 2013. The maps are an interactive resource that can be printed or downloaded, and can be accessed here.

Feedback from WCPT member organisations has been overwhelmingly positive:

‘The infographic presentation of the global survey allows us to clearly understand our current status compared to other WCPT member organisations in the region and the whole world. It is a very useful reference for us to decide the next steps of professional development as well as to advocate our needs to the government. It is our honour, as a member organisation, to be a significant and integral part of WCPT.’
Taiwan Physical Therapy Association

Related links

Contact            Freya Rodger on Twitter             @WCPT1951   Facebook         @WCPT1951 Website 

quarta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2019

Saúde dos migrantes no programa do Congresso WCPT 2019

Reabilitação, diversidade, inclusão e saúde dos migrantes estão entre os tópicos do programa para o maior e mais influente encontro de Fisioterapeutas do mundo em Genebra, de 10 a 13 de maio.

Rehabilitation, diversity and inclusion, and migrant health feature on WCPT Congress programme

SEF physical therapists provide support to people affected by volcano in Guatemala

Rehabilitation, diversity and inclusion, and migrant health are among the topics on the programme for the world’s largest and most influential gathering of physical therapists in Geneva, 10-13 May.

Organised by the World Confederation for Physical Therapy at Palexpo in Geneva, the WCPT Congress 2019 will include 26 focused symposia and 12 discussion sessions, featuring speakers from a range of specialisms and from across WCPT’s five regions. Focused symposia are core congress sessions providing a forum where cutting edge research and practice perspectives can be explored and debated.

WCPT Congress Programme Chair Charlotte Häger said: ‘The focused symposia are very popular features of WCPT’s congress and draw large audiences. The symposia offer an opportunity to hear the most recent evidence from and engage with experts in their fields, and the discussion sessions explore current and critical issues and tap into the experience and knowledge of everyone in the room.

‘Some of the subjects on the programme should be familiar to delegates but, in addition to presenting updates in important areas, we’ve also included some new topics, for example diversity and inclusion and migrant health. Rehabilitation is an important issue for physical therapists and I’m pleased we’ve been able to include a number of novel sessions exploring this, rehabilitation in humanitarian emergencies, strengthening rehabilitation leadership, and rehabilitation in low-resource countries.’

The programme also includes networking sessions, clinical visits, and pre and post congress courses.

Professor Häger said: ‘WCPT’s priority is to make congress as relevant and engaging as possible for as many people as possible. It’s an opportunity to share professional knowledge and experience, gain insights, and build networks in an international context.’

Related links
Contact            Freya Rodger on
Twitter              @WCPT1951   
Hashtag            #wcpt2019
Facebook         @WCPT1951

terça-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2019

Atualização do Congresso WCPT 2019 - chance final de inscrição antecipada

WCPT Congress Update
28 January 2019 
Final chance for Early Bird registration
Hurry! Hurry! Only three days left to register at the Early Bird rate.

Register before midnight (GMT) on 31st January to take advantage of the Early Bird rate and save up to 25% on your registration fee.

Nearly 3,000 physical therapists have already registered to attend. Join them to gain a global perspective of the profession, make long-lasting connections with international colleagues, and learn from world experts on the latest topics. Register now:
Call for Indaba proposals
Share your experience at an Indaba session

Want to share your knowledge or seek help from your colleagues at WCPT Congress 2019? In an Indaba session you can help create content and lead conversations – and you can propose a session NOW.
There are three different types of Indaba sessions:
  • Got a problem to solve? Harness the power of global thinking to address local challenges and use the collective experience of delegates to help find solutions to a local problem.
  • My light-bulb moment. Has there been a pivotal event that has impacted your professional life? What can we all learn from it?
  • Get on the soapbox in your preferred language. You may prefer to discuss a topic or issue in your own language. 
Watch the testimonials from WCPT Congress 2017 Indaba presenters and find out how you can propose a session:

Deadline for proposals: 27th February
Add to your congress experience
Make the most of your congress experience and trip to Geneva.
  • Pre- and post-congress courses: over 19 courses are available to add to your congress registration. A wide range of subjects are on offer, with a number of courses offering support in other languages. Register by 31st January as the viability of all courses will then be decided and those with low numbers may be cancelled.
  • Clinical visits: if you are attending the whole congress add a clinical visit to benefit from this unique opportunity to see how physical therapy is practised in Switzerland. Most are offered in French and English and some have support for other languages.
  • Party night: choose either a three-course Swiss dinner at the Bâtiment des Forces Motrices (105 EUR) or drinks and canapés at the Brasserie des Halles de l'Île (50 EUR). Both include a DJ and dancing.
  • Accommodation: save time, money and hassle by booking your accommodation at a congress hotel. All those staying at a congress hotel will receive a free public transport ticket.

quinta-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2019

Recordando Revista O CREFITO1 - março de 2003

Revista O CREFITO 1 ano 1 - nº 1 março de 2003 página 05 (jurisdição Al - PE - PB - RN) #HistóriadaFisioterapia #50AnosFisioterapia #GlobalPT

quinta-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2019

Congresso WCPT 2019 - atualização janeiro 2019

WCPT Congress Update
January 2019 
Optamos pelo texto original em inglês para manter a originalidade e a credibilidade da fonte.

Use Google Translate se necessário.

Boa Leitura 
Two weeks to Early Bird deadline
The deadline for Early Bird registration is just two weeks away.

Don't miss this opportunity to take advantage of the Early Bird rate and save up to 25% on your registration fee - register before 31st January 2019.

Places for courses, clinical visits and party night are selling fast with some already sold out – so don’t delay!

Register now:
Book your place on a congress course
Pre- and post-congress courses are selling fast - register by 31st January. 

Courses give delegates the opportunity to make the most of attending congress and learn directly from experts via a range of learning formats. They focus on applied knowledge and skills, giving an additional opportunity to explore issues in depth and gain practical experience.

A wide range of subjects are on offer with half, one and two day courses available. A number of courses are also offering support in other languages.
See the full list: If you are planning to attend a course make sure you register by 31st January as the viability of all courses will then be decided. Those with low numbers may be cancelled.

If you have already registered you can still add a course to your registration via the online registration system.

If you are registering from a low or lower middle-income country, WCPT has reserved at least three spaces on each course that will be available at a reduced fee for those delegates. To apply for one of these places enter the course lottery by 31st January: No pre-booking is necessary, but you must be registered for the congress.
Tickets now available for opening ceremony
Tickets are now available for the opening ceremony and welcome networking reception. If you are not registered for the full congress but would still like to attend these events, you can now purchase a ticket via the online registration system. Tickets may also be bought for accompanying colleagues and friends who may not be attending congress.

Find out more:

Add tickets to your registration:
Join party night   Add a clinical visit
Don't forget to book one of our party night options when you register.

Option 1: book Bâtiment des Forces Motrices for a three-course Swiss dinner followed by a DJ and dancing at this historical setting on the River Rhône. Price: 105 EUR.

Option 2: book Brasserie des Halles de l'Île for drinks and canapés with DJ and dancing. Price: 50 EUR.

Find out more:
Attending the whole of congress? Make the most of your registration and add a clinical visit - a unique opportunity to see how physical therapy is practised in Switzerland.

Most clinical visits will be supported in English and French and some will offer additional language support. See the full list:

Add a clinical visit to your registration via the online registration system
Be inspired by our exciting programme
Take a look at the latest version of the congress programme.

See the outstanding calibre of speakers who will be presenting at congress and the diverse range of programming on offer.

Start planning your time in Geneva - see the programmed focused symposia, discussion sessions, networking sessions and seminars.

You can view the daily overviews online or download a pdf of the preliminary programme:
Ramadan   Visas
In order to accommodate delegates who will be observing Ramadan during congress, WCPT will ensure that food and drink will be made available after sunset at all social events taking place at this time.   Have you checked your travel visa requirements for congress? WCPT is providing all the information you may need concerning travelling to Geneva, including the option to download letters of invitation. See
Book your congress hotel
Save time, money, and hassle by booking your accommodation at a congress hotel - hotels nearest to the congress venue are selling out with some already fully booked.

All those staying at a congress hotel will receive a free public transport ticket. If you would prefer to stay in the centre of Geneva near the lake, public buses are available which will take you directly to the congress centre in approximately 25 minutes.

Book now to avoid disappointment: