Pernambuco Brasil - Foto/GB Blog 14-F FISIOTERAPIA

quarta-feira, 30 de junho de 2021

Informativo World Physiotherapy - Junho 2021

June 2021
Texto original em inglês 
via:  World Physiotherapy 

World Physiotherapy board members are elected

Representatives of World Physiotherapy member organisations in the Europe, North America Caribbean, and South America regions have elected new board members.

The new board members will begin their terms on 1 July 2021 and each will serve a 4-year term from 2021-2025.

The following people have been elected to serve on the board:

Europe region
John Xerri de Caro, member of the Malta Association of Physiotherapists

North America Caribbean region
Stacy de Gale, member of the Physiotherapy Association of Trinidad and Tobago

South America region
Karim Martina Alvis Gómez, member of the Colombian Association of Physiotherapy

Read the news story and press release

World PT Day 2021: new materials published

The focus for this year’s World PT Day on 8 September is rehabilitation and Long COVID, and the role of physiotherapists in the treatment and management of people affected by Long COVID.

Following on from the materials produced for World PT Day 2020, which focused on rehabilitation and COVID-19, this year's materials will have a specific focus on Long COVID. The information sheets and posters are currently available in English, Spanish, Arabic and Bulgarian. French and Italian translations will be added very shortly. We have also had offers from volunteers to translate the materials into more than 50 additional languages, these will be added to the World Physiotherapy website as and when they become available. 

Access the toolkit for World PT Day 2021

NEW briefing paper on Long COVID published

The latest World Physiotherapy briefing paper focuses on safe rehabilitation for people living with Long COVID.

World Physiotherapy has published a new briefing paper, Safe rehabilitation approaches for people living with Long COVID: physical activity and exercise. The briefing paper presents considerations for safe rehabilitation specific to physical activity, including exercise or sport, for people living with Long COVID.

The statements presented in the briefing paper may be used by physiotherapists, and other healthcare professionals, assessing and treating people living with Long COVID, to consider how post-exertional symptom exacerbation, cardiac impairment, exertional oxygen desaturation, and autonomic nervous system dysfunction impact on safe prescription of rehabilitation, including physical activity.

Versions of the briefing paper in Bulgarian, French, Polish, Portuguese (European and Brazilian), and Spanish will be available on the World Physiotherapy website shortly. Volunteer translators are working on versions of the briefing paper in more languages.

Download the briefing paper

Materials added to positive practice environments campaign 

The World Health Professions Alliance (WHPA) has added materials on the mental wellbeing of health professionals.

Evidence shows that that poor mental health and wellbeing among health professionals impairs quality of patient care. Poor mental health can drive health professionals away from their caregiving roles, increasing the gap between the supply of health professionals and the demand for their services.

As part of its positive practice environments (PPE) campaign, WHPA has produced a series of posters, factsheets and social media graphics on the importance of good mental wellbeing for health professionals.

Access the materials

New Facebook groups
Participants at the World Physiotherapy Congress 2021 online have initiated two Facebook groups to see if there is longer term interest in networking and building a community of practice in the areas of digital health, and hospital-based practice, that could potentially lead to new World Physiotherapy networks. See the groups below for more information and to join.  

Physiotherapy in the digital age networking group

This Facebook group is open to all physiotherapists around the world interested in digital physiotherapy and/or informatics.

Join the Facebook group

Hospital based physiotherapists networking group

A new Facebook group will help physiotherapists working in a hospital setting (private and public sector) around the world to network.


Representantes da World Physiotherapy elegem novos conselheiros

Representantes de organizações membros da World Physiotherapy nas regiões da Europa, América do Norte, Caribe e América do Sul elegeram novos membros para o Conselho.


 - Região da Europa

Das 44 organizações membros na Região da Europa, 41 eram elegíveis para votar.

 Os votos foram lançados da seguinte forma: Maria Fernandez Munoz, membro da Associação Espanhola de Fisioterapeutas 3.

 John Xerri de Caro, membro da Associação de Fisioterapeutas de Malta 25.

 Pascale Mathieu, membro do Conselho Nacional de Fisioterapeutas da França 8.

 Abstenção 1 Não votaram 4 TOTAL 41


 - Região caribenha da América do Norte

 Das 15 organizações membros da região do Caribe na América do Norte, 14 eram elegíveis para votar. 

Os votos foram lançados da seguinte forma: Stacy de Gale, membro da Associação de Fisioterapia de Trinidad e Tobago 10.

 Janet Bezner, membro da American Physical Therapy Association 2.

 Alice Aiken, membro da Associação Canadense de Fisioterapia 2.

 Abstenção 0 Não votaram 0 TOTAL 14


 - Região da América do sul

 Das 11 organizações membros da Região da América do Sul, 10 eram elegíveis para votar.

 Todos os 10 votaram pela aprovação da nomeação de Karim Martina Alvis Gómez, membro da Associação Colombiana de Fisioterapia, como conselheiro regional da região da América do Sul. 


 Resultado da eleição:

 As seguintes pessoas foram eleitas para servir no conselho: 

Região da Europa John Xerri de Caro, membro da Associação de Fisioterapeutas de Malta.

 Região caribenha da América do Norte Stacy de Gale, membro da Associação de Fisioterapia de Trinidad e Tobago.

 Região da América do Sul Karim Martina Alvis Gómez, membro da Associação Colombiana de Fisioterapia.

 Os novos membros da diretoria começarão seus mandatos em 1º de julho de 2021 e cada um cumprirá  um mandato de 4 anos, de 2021 até 2025. 



Via: World Physiotherapy


sábado, 19 de junho de 2021

História da Fisioterapia: Defesa do Projeto de Lei 1265/68


Atendendo solicitação da Associação Brasileira de Fisioterapeutas ABF, o Presidente da Associação Pernambucana de Fisioterapeutas APERFISIO,  enviou 14 telegramas e 9 cartas para Deputados e Senadores da Bancada de Pernambuco no Congresso Nacional e, de maneira singular, para o Deputado Breno Da Silveira, Presidente  da Comissão de Saúde da Câmara Federal. Conforme registrado no Livro de Atas N° 1 da APERFISIO (25ªReunião, 28 de agosto de 1968, p.32).

No dia 15 de agosto de 1968 a Comissão de Saúde acusa o recebimento do "Telegrama do Presidente da Associação Pernambucana de Fisioterapeutas, solicitando a interferência desta Comissão para que seja desanexado o Projeto nº 1265/68 do de n° 3768/66". (Publicado no Diário do Congresso Nacional, em 24.10.68, p. 7543, coluna 01).



O texto acima está contido página  38 do livro Reconhecimento do Fisioterapeuta: fatos e controvérsias / Alberto Galvão de Moura Filho. - Recife: Ed. UFPE. 2020.

Ilustração: Arquivo pessoal/Blog 14-F Fisioterapia

quinta-feira, 17 de junho de 2021

O Dia Mundial da Fisioterapia 2021 terá como foco a reabilitação e a COVID Persistente

World Physiotherapy


O foco para o Dia Mundial da Fisioterapia deste ano é  reabilitação e  COVID Persistente bem como o papel dos fisioterapeutas no tratamento e gestão de pessoas afetadas pela  COVID prolongada. 

Confira o texto original em inglês:

World PT Day 2021 will focus on rehabilitation and Long COVID

The focus for this year’s World PT Day is rehabilitation and Long COVID and the role of physiotherapists in the treatment and management of people affected by Long COVID. 

Long COVID is:

  • common – 1 in 10 of people living with Long COVID will exhibit symptoms for a period of 12 weeks or longer 
  • a multi-system disease – there are over 200 listed symptoms which occur in variable combinations and can fluctuate in both predictable and unpredictable patterns
  • the presence of signs and symptoms that develop during or following an infection consistent with COVID-19, which continue for 12 weeks or more.

Emma Stokes, World Physiotherapy president, said: “The most common symptoms of Long COVID, after six months, include extreme exhaustion, post-exertional symptom exacerbation, and problems with memory and concentration. 

“A physiotherapist can help people living with Long COVID as part of a rehabilitation programme and make sure exercise prescription is approached with care to minimise risk and to ensure exercise programmes are restorative and do not make an individual’s symptoms worse.

“Long COVID is different for everyone. A physiotherapist can help people manage their symptoms and work with them to support their recovery.”

World PT Day toolkit

The World PT Day toolkit includes a range of materials to share the campaign in your country/territory. Please note: the materials may not be amended without the permission of World Physiotherapy.

The information sheets and posters will be available shortly in French and Spanish. We have also had offers from volunteers to translate the materials into more than 50 languages, these will be added to the World Physiotherapy website as and when they become available.

As part of the response to COVID-19, many countries/territories have restrictions about holding large events and gatherings. Please consider this when making plans for World PT Day and make sure you follow any guidelines in your country/territory about social distancing.

You may want to consider developing campaigns and activities on social media, radio and TV.

World Physiotherapy would like to express its sincere thanks to the following physiotherapists (from our member organisations: American Physical Therapy Association, Canadian Physiotherapy Association, Chartered Society of Physiotherapy) for their input and assistance in the production of the materials for World PT Day 2021: Simon Décary, Ted DeChane, Jessica DeMars, Rebecca Martin, and Catherine Thomson.



For more information please contact: Mia Lockner,

quarta-feira, 16 de junho de 2021

Informativo da World Physiotherapy - 16/06/2021 Long COVID


Resumo de Artigo  da World Physiotherapy enfoca a reabilitação segura para pessoas que vivem com Long COVID (COVID Prolongada)

A reabilitação segura e eficaz é uma parte fundamental da recuperação de uma doença e pode melhorar a função de pessoas que vivem com deficiência.


Texto original em inglês


World Physiotherapy briefing paper focuses on safe rehabilitation for people living with Long COVID

Safe and effective rehabilitation is a fundamental part of recovery from illness and can improve function for people living with disability. 

World Physiotherapy has published a new briefing paper, Safe rehabilitation approaches for people living with Long COVID: physical activity and exercise. The briefing paper presents considerations for safe rehabilitation specific to physical activity, including exercise or sport, for people living with Long COVID. 

The statements presented in the briefing paper may be used by physiotherapists, and other healthcare professionals, assessing and treating people living with Long COVID, to consider how post-exertional symptom exacerbation, cardiac impairment, exertional oxygen desaturation, and autonomic nervous system dysfunction impact on safe prescription of rehabilitation, including physical activity. 

The paper is the result of efforts from key opinion leaders and stakeholders from across the global community in Long COVID and physiotherapy. Individuals from across the World Physiotherapy regions, community groups, organisations, interdisciplinary clinical practice, and academia have collaborated to identify statements on safe rehabilitation approaches for people living with Long COVID. 

Darren Brown, a physiotherapist, person living with Long COVID and co-founder of Long COVID Physio, said: “This briefing paper is led by people living with Long COVID, in collaboration with community and allies, centring the expertise of those living with and affected by Long COVID. This briefing paper presents vital considerations for the prescription of rehabilitation. Safe and effective rehabilitation is a fundamental part of recovery from illness and can improve function in people living with disability. Millions of people globally are living with Long COVID and experiencing disability, and disability inclusion must be central to all responses to Long COVID. This paper addresses an existing literature gap, to support communities, clinicians, researchers, service providers and policy makers in delivering safe rehabilitation approaches.”

Read the news story

Read the briefing paper



terça-feira, 15 de junho de 2021

Primeiro Congreso Brasileiro de Fisioterapeutas

Fonte: Reprodução/ Imagem Figura 5 - página 26. Reconhecimento do Fisioterapeuta, Alberto Galvão de Moura Filho. Recife: Ed. UFPE. 2020 


Nota do Editor:

A política de publicação de postagens do Blog 14-F FISIOTERAPIA defende a preservação da memória dos fatos e eventos que contribuíram para o desenvolvimento  e engrandecimento da  história da profissão.


sexta-feira, 4 de junho de 2021

Revivendo a História: Primeira Gestão do Conselho Federal de Fisioterapia e Terapia Ocupacional

Em pé, da esquerda para a direita: Marcio Delano Cruz, Laurentino Pantaleão Neto Costa, Wladimiro Ribeiro de Oliveira e Luciano Castelo Branco Rebouças. Sentadas da esquerda para a direita: Dayse Dantas Oliveira, Sônia Gusman, Veridiana Arb, Hinda Burlamaqui e Abigail Ribeiro Barros.
Portaria  Nº 3459 de 15 de agosto de 1977 assinada pelo Ministro do Trabalho Arnaldo Prieto, tendo em vista o artigo 24 da Lei Nº 6.316 de 16 de dezembro de 1975, designando os membros da primeira gestão do Conselho Federal de Fisioterapia e Terapia Ocupacional.


Foto e reprodução de documento cedidas pelo Prof. Rivaldo Novaes.
