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quinta-feira, 27 de maio de 2021

Informativo World Physioterapy - Maio de 2021

May 2021
Materiais do Dia Mundial PT 2021 serão lançados em breve 
 Os materiais da campanha para o Dia Mundial da Fisioterapia 2021 incidirão sobre o papel da fisioterapia e da reabilitação na Long COVID (COVID Prolongada). 
 Na sequência dos materiais produzidos para o Dia Mundial da Fisioterapia 2020 que incidiu sobre a reabilitação e COVID-19, os materiais deste ano terão um enfoque específico no Long COVID. Os materiais serão produzidos inicialmente em inglês, francês e espanhol. Tradutores voluntários fornecerão versões dos materiais em mais idiomas. 
 Os materiais estarão disponíveis para download no site World Physioterapy a partir do próximo mês. 
 Assista ao vídeo sobre fisioterapia e a pandemia de COVID-19  
Texto original em inglês 
via World Physiotherapy 

World PT Day 2021 materials launching soon

The campaign materials for World PT Day 2021 will focus on the role of physiotherapy and rehabilitation in Long COVID.

Following on from the materials produced for World PT Day 2020 which focused on rehabilitation and COVID-19, this year's materials will have a specific focus on Long COVID. The materials will initially be produced in English, French, and Spanish. Volunteer translators will provide versions of the materials in more languages.

The materials will be available for download from the World Physiotherapy website from next month.

Watch the video on physiotherapy and the COVID-19 pandemic

NEW briefing papers published on COVID-19 overview and vaccines

The latest World Physiotherapy COVID-19 briefing papers give an overview of COVID-19, and highlight COVID-19 vaccines and immunisation.

Efficacious safe vaccines have the potential to control the COVID-19 pandemic if there is sufficient production capacity and if they are distributed fairly and equitably. Successful immunisation programmes need to ensure effective community engagement, building local vaccine acceptability and confidence, and overcoming cultural, socioeconomic, and political barriers that lead to mistrust and hinder uptake of vaccines.

Access all briefing papers in the series

Asia Western Pacific region elects new executive committee

Representatives of World Physiotherapy member organisations in the Asia Western Pacific region have elected a new executive committee.

Suh-Fang Jeng, member of Taiwan Physical Therapy Association

Vice chair
Dinesh Verma, member of Singapore Physiotherapy Association

Executive committee members
Gillian Webb, member of Australian Physiotherapy Association

Shinichi Daikuya, member of Japanese Physical Therapy Association

Thanh-Van Le, member of Vietnam Physical Therapy Association

Tin Hlaing Soe, member of Myanmar Physiotherapy Association

Find out more about the AWP region elections

The Lancet: women and cardiovascular disease commission 

The Lancet women and cardiovascular disease commission: reducing the global burden by 2030 is the first global report on cardiovascular disease in women.

Despite being responsible for causing 35% of deaths in women each year, cardiovascular disease (CVD) in women remains under-studied, under-recognised, under-diagnosed, and under-treated, with women under-represented in clinical trials. To tackle these inequities, 17 experts from 11 countries have authored the first-ever global report on CVD in women.

The all-female-led commission outlines 10 ambitious new recommendations, some of which are aimed at allied health professionals, to tackle inequities in targeting diagnosis, treatment, and prevention to reduce CVD in women.

Read the commission's report

WHO launches reINVENT & reBUILD webinar series 

WHO has launched a webinar series: reINVENT & reBUILD: Working together for a stronger, fairer and more inclusive physical activity and sport system for all.

COVID-19 has impacted on how, where and when people can be physically active and play sport, disrupting access to facilities, clubs, community programmes and services. It has increased the importance of being active for mental and physical health and yet exacerbated inequalities. Many now call for COVID-19 to be a catalyst for change and an opportunity to build forward better a stronger, fairer and more inclusive system that provides equitable opportunities for more people of all ages and abilities, everywhere.

  • 27 May, 08:00-09:30 UTC: Build forward stronger: opportunities for exercise, fitness and health 
  • 3 June, 11:00-12:30 UTC: Ready for change: the future of sport, exercise and fitness
  • 10 June, TBC: From evidence to policy: Physical activity and COVID-19
  • 17 June, TBC: Hidden in plain sight: Realizing the full potential of civil society
  • 24 June, TBC: Innovation as an accelerator: from start up to scale
  • 1 July, TBC: Measure what you treasure: strengthening impact and investment in sport and physical activity
  • 8 July, TBC: An Active Future: Youth Forum to co-create an active generation
  • TBC, TBC: Active for All: Action through stronger partnership
Find out more about the WHO reINVENT & reBUILD webinar series

World Physiotherapy Congress 2021: content available on demand

Get a taste of congress

All content available until 8 July

If you could not join the live event, you can still register and access more than 50 hours of recorded sessions and over 1,180 poster and platform abstract presentations.

The online congress was a huge success and is summarised in the words of one participant: "Thank you all for putting together an excellent congress. It isn't easy to create a great event such as this. Well done global PT community!"

Registration to access the on demand content is available at 25% discount of the live event rate.

Access the congress online platform


quinta-feira, 20 de maio de 2021

Projeto de Lei 1731/2021 - Piso salarial nacional de Fisioterapeutas e Terapeutas Ocupacionais


Emenda de Plenário apresentada pelo Senador Romário aumenta o valor do Piso Salarial Nacional dos Fisioterapeutas e Terapeutas Ocupacionais para R$ 7.315,00

Atividade Legislativa Projeto de Lei n° 1731, de 2021

 DOCUMENTO SPL 1731/202106/05/2021 Data: Senador Angelo Coronel (PSD/BA) Autor: Plenário do Senado Federal Local: Altera a Lei nº 8.856, de 1º de março de 1994, para estabelecer o piso salarial nacional dos Profissionais Fisioterapeuta e Terapeuta Ocupacional.

Descrição/Ementa: Avulso inicial da matéria06/05/2021 Data: Senado Federal Autor:Plenário do Senado Federal Local:Encaminhado à publicação, em 06/05/2021.

.Ação Legislativa: -Descrição/Ementa: EMENDA 1 PLEN - PL19/05/2021 Data: Senador Romário (PL/RJ) Autor: Plenário do Senado Federal Local:  Recebida a Emenda nº 1, do Senador Romário.

 Ação Legislativa: Altera o art. 2º do Projeto de Lei nº 1.731, de 2021 Descrição/Ementa: EMENDA 2 PLEN - PL19/05/2021 Data Senador Romário (PL/RJ ) Autor: Plenário do Senado Federal Local: Recebida a Emenda nº 2, do Senador Romário.

 Ação Legislativa: Altera o art. 1º -A da Lei nº 8.856, de 1º de março de 1994, na forma do art. 2º do PL 1731/2021.Descrição/Ementa: RQS 1549/202119/05/2021 Data: Senador Romário (PL/RJ) Autor: Plenário do Senado Federal Local: Recebido o Requerimento nº 1549, de 2021, do Senador Romário, solicitando a retirada da Emenda nº 1. 

Ação Legislativa: Requeiro, nos termos do art. 256 do Regimento Interno do Senado Federal, retirada da emenda 1-PLEN ao PL 1731/2021, para correção. 


Fonte:  Site do Senado Federal, Instagram CREFITO 9 e Twitter do Senador Romário (@RomarioOnze).