Pernambuco Brasil - Foto/GB Blog 14-F FISIOTERAPIA

terça-feira, 30 de abril de 2019

#50AnosFisioterapia V Fórum Clínica Escola da UFPE

Auditório Prof. Jorge Lobo - Centro de Ciências da Saúde da UFPE. Mesa de Abertura do Fórum com Representantes da Reitoria.

Mesa Redonda: Os Primeiros Anos da Profissão. Participantes: Prof. Dr. Alberto Galvão de Moura Decano do Departamento de Fisioterapia da UFPE, Prof. Dr Joaquim Sérgio Coordenador do V Fórum Clínica Escola da UFPE, Dr. Silano Barros Presidente do CREFITO 1, Dra. Agélia Pinheiro Ramos Ferreira Fisioterapeuta, Dr. Geraldo Barbosa Fisioterapeuta e o Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos Tavares de Lucena.

Alunos da 100ª Turma de Fisioterapia da UFPE recebendo homenagem da Coordenação do Fórum

Concluída a Mesa Redonda os participantes Alberto Galvão de Moura, Agélia Pinheiro Ramos, Geraldo Barbosa e Antônio Carlos Lucena recebem homenagem da Coordenação do Fórum

Atualização WCPT abril 2019

WCPT Eupdate
WCPT E-Update - April 2019
Texto originalmente em inglês 
NEW for WCPT Congress 2019: live streaming sessions
For the first time at a WCPT Congress, some key sessions will be live streamed so that those who are not attending the event will still be able to watch and listen live.  These 11 focused symposia will cover topics including: 
  • cardiorespiratory
  • leadership
  • stroke
  • modern technology
  • mental health
You can watch these sessions, regardless of where you live in the world, in real time and listen to the high profile speakers. After each live streamed session has finished, you’ll be able to watch a recording of the session at a time that suits you.

For more information go to:

To view the focused symposia to be featured see all those taking place in Room A on the iPlanner:
WHO releases first guideline on digital health interventions
Earlier this month the World Health Organization (WHO) released new recommendations on 10 ways that countries can use digital health technology, accessible via mobile phones, tablets and computers, to improve people’s health and essential services.

“Harnessing the power of digital technologies is essential for achieving universal health coverage,” says WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. “Ultimately, digital technologies are not ends in themselves; they are vital tools to promote health, keep the world safe, and serve the vulnerable.”

Read the press release:

Access the recommendations:
World health days
The following world health days are taking place in May which may be relevant to physical therapists: © Brian Cassar
WCPT region events
Asia Western Pacific Region of WCPT Congress: 6 - 8 June 2020, Hong Kong

Africa Region of WCPT Congress: 10 - 13 July 2020 Congress Center of Cotonou, Benin Republic

European Region of WCPT Congress: 11 - 12 September 2020, L

quarta-feira, 24 de abril de 2019

WCPT Congresso - Atualização abril 2019

WCPT Congress Update
April 2019 
Optamos pelo texto original em inglês para manter a originalidade e a credibilidade da fonte. Boa leitura.
Congress app is now available!
The WCPT Congress 2019 app is now live and available on the Apple Store and Android Play. 

The app will help you keep track of all news and information about congress.

You can download the app NOW to your smartphone or handheld device and plan your days at congress in advance.
To download the app:
  • go to Apple Store or Android Play
  • search and download the Conf2Go app
  • enter the code WCPT2019 to access the congress app.
To get the best from the app, please make sure you change the settings in the app to:
  • update automatically
  • receive alerts for any sessions you have made your favourites
  • provide anonymous usage statistics
If you have multiple devices (eg smartphone, tablet), or you wish to synchronise your selected favourites from the iPlanner, we recommend you login/register. You will also be able to use the app to complete evaluations at the end of each session. To do this, find the relevant session in the app and click on session evaluation at the bottom of the page.

Find out more about the congress app:

Printed final programme and iPlanner

You can also download the printed final programme or use the iPlanner. Copies of the printed final programme will be available onsite in Geneva.
NEW for 2019: livestreaming sessions from congress
WCPT will be livestreaming 11 focused symposia - every session which is due to take place in Room A. 

Livestreaming sessions makes it possible for people who aren’t able to attend congress in Geneva to hear and watch these key sessions featuring high profile speakers.

For more information about livestreaming:
NEW for 2019: presentation skills webinars
Are you presenting at congress?

Did you know WCPT recently held a series of webinars on presentation skills for presenters? The webinars were presented by Helen von Dadelszen from Present Potential. You can watch the webinars and find more tips, advice, and resources to help you make sure everyone gets the most from your presentation - whether you're delivering a platform or poster presentation.

To view tips, advice, and resources on presentation skills:
NEW for 2019: It's my first time at congress!
Will you be attending your first WCPT congress in Geneva?

4,500 people have registered to attend congress - for more than 60% of delegates this will be their first WCPT congress, and some people may be visiting Europe for the first time.

If you're a first-timer, make sure you visit the WCPT stand in the exhibition hall and pick up a sticker to let people know 'It's my first time at congress!' And remember to join us at the WCPT Friends session in the Indaba Zone on Saturday 11 May, 10:45-11:30, to meet other delegates who are new to the congress experience and get some tips and advice from more experienced congress delegates.

You can start connecting with other delegates NOW on the Congress Connect Facebook group.
Congress certificates   Health and wellbeing @ congress
We know many of you require certificates of attendance and presentation to provide to funders, employers, and professional associations.

All certificates will be sent to delegates by 24 May.
  Take time to look after your health and wellbeing during congress.

Find out about the range of activities taking place during congress at the Health and wellbeing area in Hall 1.
You can still register onsite
Online registration has closed.
Onsite registration will open on Friday 10 May at Palexpo, Geneva.
Call for committee members for WCPT Congress 2021
WCPT is looking for people to be part of the WCPT Congress Programme Committee (CPC) and help develop the programme for WCPT Congress 2021 in Dubai.

WCPT Congress 2021 will take place in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, from 8-10 April 2021.

CPC members must be able to serve from July 2019 until the end of the congress evaluation period in 2021. They will be expected to join a face-to-face meeting in September 2019 to start preparations for the WCPT Congress 2021. The provisional dates for this meeting are 7/8 or 28/29 September.

For more details, including eligibility criteria and the application process: 

terça-feira, 16 de abril de 2019

#50AnosFisioterapia Projeto de Lei 8.074 de 1986


Projeto de Lei nº 8.074 de 1986, do Deputado Samir Achôa; fixa o Salário Mínimo Profissional dos Fisioterapeutas e Terapeutas Ocupacionais em Cz$ 4.800,00 cruzados.

domingo, 7 de abril de 2019

#50AnosFisioterapia Ação política em defesa da Classe Profissional

Junho de 1986 - Proposta do então Conselheiro Federal Geraldo Barbosa ao Plenário do COFFITO tendo em vista a Assembleia Nacional Constituinte e defesa dos interesses das classes profissionais dos Fisioterapeutas e Terapeutas Ocupacionais

segunda-feira, 1 de abril de 2019

#50AnosFisioterapia A luta pela Regulamentação Profissional

#50AnosFisioterapia - O IV Congresso Brasileiro de Medicina Física e Reabilitação aconteceu em Recife de 14 a 18 de janeiro de 1969 e contou com expressiva presença de Fisioterapeutas e Estudantes de Fisioterapia. Na oportunidade  o então Presidente do Congresso Dr. Hélio Neves Baptista enviou ao Presidente da Câmara dos Deputados telegrama considerando justo o Projeto de Lei do Deputado Gastone Righi  (PL Nº 1265/68), propondo a Regulamentação da Fisioterapia em nível superior. No mesmo telegrama solicitou que a Lei fosse extensiva aos Terapeutas Ocupacionais. Para saber mais sobre o citado Projeto de Lei acesse