Pernambuco Brasil - Foto/GB Blog 14-F FISIOTERAPIA

terça-feira, 23 de agosto de 2022

Informativo World Physioterapy - agosto 2022


World Physiotherapy congress update
August 2022

Chamada para revisores de resumos
  Você tem experiência em revisar resumos ou artigos de periódicos? O comitê do programa do congresso para o Congresso Mundial de Fisioterapia 2023 está agora recrutando possíveis revisores de resumos de plataforma e pôster enviados para possível apresentação no congresso.
  Você deve estar disponível para revisar envios de resumos a partir de 17 de outubro de 2022. Todas as revisões devem ser concluídas até 4 de novembro de 2022. 
 O número de resumos enviados aos revisores dependerá de sua área de atuação e do número de submissões recebidas. Atenção: talvez não possamos usar todos os voluntários, isso dependerá do número total de resumos recebidos em cada área de assunto. 
 Prazo de inscrição: 15 de setembro de 2022 
Call for abstract reviewers
Do you have experience in reviewing abstracts or journal articles? The congress programme committee for World Physiotherapy Congress 2023 is now recruiting potential reviewers of platform and poster abstracts submitted for possible presentation at congress.
You must be available to review abstract submissions from 17 October 2022. All reviews must be completed by 4 November 2022.
The number of abstracts sent to reviewers will depend on their area of expertise and the number of submissions received. Please note: we may not be able to use everyone who volunteers, this will depend on the total number of abstracts received in each subject area.
Deadline to apply: 15 September 2022
Just five weeks to submit your abstract
There are just five weeks left to submit your abstract for poster and platform presentations. 

The World Physiotherapy congress offers you a unique opportunity to present to a global audience at the profession’s largest international meeting. Whether you have been working on a research project or have an innovative service, practice, resource, or theory to share, World Physiotherapy is encouraging physiotherapists from all over the world, at every level of the profession, to submit their abstracts. 

Abstracts are invited that: 
  • report on the latest research with original scientific data (this includes systematic/narrative reviews and meta-analyses; submissions with pending results and study protocols will not be accepted)
  • address new and unique developments in practice, theory, education, management, policy and resources 
  • describe innovative ways in which established methods have been adapted to meet the changing needs of practice
Find out more:

Deadline for abstract submissions: 29 September 2022
Abstract mentoring   Abstract drop-in sessions
A mentoring programme programme is in place for all abstract submitters until 8 September 2022.

It aims to help authors present their material clearly and concisely prior to submitting the abstract to the formal abstract review process.

Find out more:

  Informal drop-in sessions are being held for abstract submitters to ask questions to congress programme committee members, Catherine Joy Escuadra and Nathan Hutting.

Sessions will be held on 24 August and 14 September.

Find out times and book your place:
Examples of abstracts from the online congress   Video tips for abstract submitters
If you're considering submitting an abstract, you could view examples of abstracts from World Physiotherapy Congress 2021 online.

These examples were delivered as poster or platform presentations and include a systematic review, quantitative research, qualitative research, and a case study.
  Watch CPC member Natasha Hinwood share her tips: My first abstract submission 

2021 outstanding platform presentation award winner Edward Gorgon shares his tips for abstract submission

CPC members from 2021 and 2023 share their top tips for abstract submissions in a series of videos in Arabic, English, Japanese, and Spanish.
Focused symposia announced
The first key sessions in the congress programme have been announced.

The congress programme includes 17 focused symposia featuring over 60 presenters from 31 countries/territories, including 10 countries/territories that have not been represented at a focused symposium for at least the past three congresses.

Focused symposia are core sessions where cutting edge relevant topics will be explored from an international and diverse perspective. Presenters will create insightful and engaging learning experiences that ultimately inform, inspire, involve and empower participants.

Read the press release with details of the newly announced symposia and the presenters.

Jackie Whittaker, chair of World Physiotherapy’s congress programme committee (CPC), said: “We were incredibly pleased with the breadth and quality of the many proposals we received. The focused symposia to be presented in Dubai combine truly global perspectives with content that we believe represents professional challenges that physiotherapists around the world are facing today. The topics cover a range of timely topics, such as pain management, services for refugees and migrants, health economics, and the role of technology, and are relevant to clinicians, managers, educators and researchers.”

Visit the congress website to find out more about the focused symposium sessions and presenters


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