Pernambuco Brasil - Foto/GB Blog 14-F FISIOTERAPIA

quarta-feira, 16 de junho de 2021

Informativo da World Physiotherapy - 16/06/2021 Long COVID


Resumo de Artigo  da World Physiotherapy enfoca a reabilitação segura para pessoas que vivem com Long COVID (COVID Prolongada)

A reabilitação segura e eficaz é uma parte fundamental da recuperação de uma doença e pode melhorar a função de pessoas que vivem com deficiência.


Texto original em inglês


World Physiotherapy briefing paper focuses on safe rehabilitation for people living with Long COVID

Safe and effective rehabilitation is a fundamental part of recovery from illness and can improve function for people living with disability. 

World Physiotherapy has published a new briefing paper, Safe rehabilitation approaches for people living with Long COVID: physical activity and exercise. The briefing paper presents considerations for safe rehabilitation specific to physical activity, including exercise or sport, for people living with Long COVID. 

The statements presented in the briefing paper may be used by physiotherapists, and other healthcare professionals, assessing and treating people living with Long COVID, to consider how post-exertional symptom exacerbation, cardiac impairment, exertional oxygen desaturation, and autonomic nervous system dysfunction impact on safe prescription of rehabilitation, including physical activity. 

The paper is the result of efforts from key opinion leaders and stakeholders from across the global community in Long COVID and physiotherapy. Individuals from across the World Physiotherapy regions, community groups, organisations, interdisciplinary clinical practice, and academia have collaborated to identify statements on safe rehabilitation approaches for people living with Long COVID. 

Darren Brown, a physiotherapist, person living with Long COVID and co-founder of Long COVID Physio, said: “This briefing paper is led by people living with Long COVID, in collaboration with community and allies, centring the expertise of those living with and affected by Long COVID. This briefing paper presents vital considerations for the prescription of rehabilitation. Safe and effective rehabilitation is a fundamental part of recovery from illness and can improve function in people living with disability. Millions of people globally are living with Long COVID and experiencing disability, and disability inclusion must be central to all responses to Long COVID. This paper addresses an existing literature gap, to support communities, clinicians, researchers, service providers and policy makers in delivering safe rehabilitation approaches.”

Read the news story

Read the briefing paper



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