quarta-feira, 14 de junho de 2023

Fisioterapeutas reconhecidos pela contribuição à comunidade global da Fisioterapia

World Physiotherapy congress update

5 de junho de 2023
Atualização do Congresso Mundial de Fisioterapia
5 Junho 2023
Fisioterapeutas reconhecidos pela contribuição à comunidade global de fisioterapia.
A fisioterapeuta neozelandesa Margot Skinner foi uma das fisioterapeutas reconhecidas por sua contribuição para a comunidade global de fisioterapia.

Physiotherapists recognised for contribution to global physiotherapy community

New Zealand physiotherapist Margot Skinner was among the physiotherapists recognised for their contribution to the global physiotherapy community.

Margot was awarded the Mildred Elson award, World Physiotherapy’s highest honour, for her outstanding contribution to the physiotherapy profession as a clinician, teacher, and researcher. 

After announcing the Mildred Elson Award at the 20th General Meeting in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, on 31 May 2023, Margot’s contribution was recognised before more than 2,000 physiotherapists at the World Physiotherapy Congress 2023 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. 

Find out more about the awards: Physiotherapy’s highest global honour awarded to Margot Skinner  | World Physiotherapy

Watch a recording of the World Physiotherapy awards presentation

Closing session celebrates connection and inspiration
The World Physiotherapy Congress 2023 closing session celebrated connection and inspiration.

The closing session included thanks and tributes to individuals and organisations, including Emirates Physiotherapy Society, congress programme committee, congress partners and suppliers, World Physiotherapy board, and staff.

The contribution of individual physiotherapists was recognised as poster, platform, regional, and subgroup awards were announced.

Outgoing World Physiotherapy president Emma Stokes announced Catherine Joy Escuadra as the chair of the congress programme committee for Tokyo in 2025.

Emma also introduced World Physiotherapy's new president, Michel Landry, and new vice president, Suh-Fang Jeng.

Watch a recording of the closing session
Watch a session again or catch up with a session you missed!
If you registered for the full three days of the in-person congress in Dubai, you can access recordings of many sessions.

You can watch sessions again or catch up with a session you missed.

Visit the webpage for the session you want to watch and click on the link.


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