quarta-feira, 1 de julho de 2020

Informativo World Physioterapy - junho 2020

June 2020
Somos Fisioterapia Mundial

Lançamos nossa nova marca e site.

Este anúncio emocionante é o resultado de meses de planejamento e trabalho duro. A mudança de nome proposta foi levantada durante a assembléia geral em Genebra em maio de 2019, quando destacamos uma série de razões pelas quais era importante considerar uma mudança de nome. Após essa pesquisa e uma pesquisa subsequente de nossas organizações membros, o conselho endossou a proposta de mudar o nome para Fisioterapia Mundial para todos os materiais externos. Continuaremos a usar a Confederação Mundial de Fisioterapia em todos os assuntos legais e de governança.

Juntamente com a nova logomarca, o site foi completamente remodelado sob o novo nome de domínio www.world.physio. Todo o conteúdo do site é totalmente pesquisável e foi definido em um formato fácil de usar.
O Informativo a seguir é o original em inglês 

We are World Physiotherapy

We have launched our new brand and website.
This exciting announcement is the result of months of planning and hard work. The proposed name change was raised during the general meeting in Geneva in May 2019, when we highlighted a number of reasons why it was important to consider a name change. Following this and a subsequent survey of our member organisations, the board endorsed the proposal to change the name to World Physiotherapy for all externally-facing materials. We will continue to use World Confederation for Physical Therapy for all legal and governance matters.
Along with the rebrand, the website has been completely redeveloped under the new domain name www.world.physio. All content on the site is fully searchable and has been set out in a user-friendly format.
Visit the World Physiotherapy website

World Physiotherapy Congress 2021

As part of the rebrand, our flagship event is now World Physiotherapy Congress 2021.
Visit the rebranded website where you will find all the information about next year's event in Dubai, including:
Visit the World Physiotherapy Congress 2021 website
Explore the new World Physiotherapy website


All our policy statements, guidelines, and endorsements are available for download. The new search facility allows you to filter by topic type and language.
Find out more


The COVID-19 information hub continues to be updated to collate the latest information relevant to physiotherapists around the world.
Find out more


Our 121 member organisations are each profiled on a dedicated page, showcasing the association and profession in their country/territory, along with interactive maps.
Find out more


Take a look at our history page, which highlights key events in the organisation's past and find out when each member organisation joined.
Find out more

NEW briefing paper on impact of COVID-19 on physiotherapy students

World Physiotherapy has published its third briefing paper in the series looking at the immediate impact of COVID-19 on students and the response to delivering physiotherapist entry level education.
3,840 students enrolled in over 400 higher education institutions across 52 countries participated in a survey on the early experiences and consequences of COVID-19 on entry level physiotherapist education. The responses provided an insight into how students experienced this period of uncertainty and change as the programmes they followed resolved the immediate challenges and addressed short-term issues. The survey also captured students’ concerns and recommendations for the future post-pandemic return.
Access the briefing paper
News from World Physiotherapy regions

World Physiotherapy Europe region congress goes virtual

The World Physiotherapy Europe region has announced its 5th European congress will be a virtual event.
Following the global disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the World Physiotherapy Europe region 2020 congress will still take place 11-12 September 2020. The theme of the event is physiotherapy education.

Registration fees have been significantly reduced to offer more people the opportunity to take part. A further reduction on fees is available for World Physiotherapy and ENPHE members, attendees from lower income countries, and students.
Register now to benefit from the early bird registration fees. Deadline for registration has been extended to 31 July 2020.
Register for the World Physiotherapy Europe region congress
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