quinta-feira, 30 de julho de 2020

Informativo World Physioterapy - Julho 2020

July 2020


World PT Day 2020


The theme for World PT Day 2020 will focus on rehabilitation and COVID-19.

The toolkit for this year's World PT Day will be available soon on the World Physiotherapy website. It includes infographics and posters aimed at the general public promoting the role of physiotherapy in rehabilitation and COVID-19, and infographics focusing on the delivery of physiotherapy via telehealth.

Volunteers are already working on translations of the World PT Day materials into Arabic, Bangla, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Chinese, French, Gujarati, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Kurdish, Latvian, Montenegrin, Norway, Romanian, Serbian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swahili, Vietnamese. If you are interested in translating any of the materials, please contact communications@world.physio

As part of the response to COVID-19, many countries have introduced restrictions about holding large events and gatherings. Please consider this when making plans for World PT Day. We will be producing a series of graphics to promote the day via social media.
Visit World PT Day

Call for abstracts - last chance to submit!

Today is the last day you can submit an abstract for the World Physiotherapy Congress 2021.
Whether you have research to present or an innovative service, practice, resource or theory to showcase this is your last opportunity to submit an abstract before tonight's deadline.
Submit your abstract
News from around the world

Amnesty International report

A new report from Amnesty International highlights failures to protect health workers, including physiotherapists, during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Read the full story

Predatory events

World Physiotherapy is urging physiotherapists to be vigilant against predatory events, an increase has been seen as part of the move to online events due to COVID-19.
Read the full story

New offerings from World Physiotherapy partner, Physiopedia

Physiopedia launches a telehealth consultation platform and new courses on post-acute COVID-19 rehabilitation.
  • Telehealth: this new feature in Physioplus includes exercise software, online consultation options and patient management tools to help shift your organisation online. https://bit.ly/3jxRiqU
  • Courses: with rehabilitation a key strategy for the COVID-19 pandemic Physiopedia has released five new courses related to rehabilitation and COVID-19. Physiopedia is offering all of its COVID-19 courses available for free through a trial account. https://bit.ly/3hnjzOO
Explore the Physiopedia website
News from World Physiotherapy regions

Early bird deadline for World Physiotherapy Europe region congress

The deadline to register at the early bird rate for the World Physiotherapy Europe region congress is 31 July.
Following the global disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the World Physiotherapy Europe region 2020 congress will now be hosted as an online event.

Registration fees have been significantly reduced to offer more people the opportunity to take part. A further reduction on fees is available for World Physiotherapy and ENPHE members, attendees from lower income countries, and students.
Register for the World Physiotherapy Europe region congress

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