quinta-feira, 23 de abril de 2020

Informativo WCPT - Campanha de advocacia em apoio ao acesso aos EPI

WCPT Eupdate
WCPT E-Update: #PPE4PT campaign launches
Atualização eletrônica do Informativo WCPT: lançamento da campanha
Os Fisioterapeutas têm um papel crítico a desempenhar na manutenção da saúde e bem-estar de indivíduos e comunidades em todo o mundo durante a pandemia de coronavírus.

Porém, muitos Fisioterapeutas, como seus colegas em outras funções da área de saúde, estão sendo colocados em risco inaceitável, porque não recebem o equipamento de proteção individual correto necessário para realizar seu trabalho.

Para ajudar a resolver esse problema, a WCPT está lançando um pacote de campanha # PPE4PT, com materiais em inglês, francês e espanhol:

    fichas técnicas sobre proteção aérea, proteção contra gotículas e recomendações para fisioterapeutas
    vídeos com legendas

    kit de ferramentas de advocacia

    carta dirigida aos ministros da saúde do governo para uso das organizações membros do WCPT

Todos eles podem ser usados ​​para apoiar fisioterapeutas em diferentes países e elevar o perfil dos fisioterapeutas e seu papel na resposta ao COVID-19.
Texto original em inglês 
WCPT launches advocacy campaign in support of access to PPE
Physiotherapists have a critical role to play in maintaining the health and wellbeing of individuals and communities around the world during the coronavirus pandemic.

But many physiotherapists, like their colleagues in other healthcare roles, are being placed in unacceptable risk because they are not being provided with the correct personal protective equipment they need to do their jobs.

To help address this WCPT is launching a #PPE4PT campaign pack, with materials in English, French, and Spanish:
  • factsheets about airborne protection, droplet protection and recommendations for physiotherapists
  • videos with subtitles
  • advocacy toolkit    
  • letter addressed to government health ministers for use by WCPT member organisations
These can all be used to support physiotherapists in different countries and raise the profile of physiotherapists and their role in the response to COVID-19.

Access the campaign materials: www.wcpt.org/covid19/campaigns/ppe
COVIDPhysio Registry
The COVIDPhysio Registry is a register of physiotherapy-related work in progress in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

It includes projects such as guidelines, policy statements, campaigns, online continuing professional development, research, new education delivery and assessment methods, and the translation of material, providing a hub to support opportunities for collaboration and to avoid duplication of effort.

We urge all those who are involved in COVID-19 projects to log their project on the registry as it will be a valuable resource for the global physiotherapy community.

Entries can be made using the online form and a record of projects and activities will be updated and published frequently.

Access the CovidPhysio Registry: www.wcpt.org/covid19/registry
COVID-19 information hub
WCPT has created a global information hub on its website with information and resources about COVID-19 relevant to the physiotherapy profession.

Resources have been collated from reputable sources and organised into categories including:
Access the information hub: www.wcpt.org/covid19

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