terça-feira, 16 de julho de 2019

Congresso WCPT 2019 - atualização julho 2019

WCPT Congress Update
 Texto originalmente em inglês
July 2019 
Catch up with congress proceedings
If you missed a session at congress or want to remind yourself about a session you attended, you can search the archive of congress proceedings NOW. You can access abstracts, posters, presentation slides, recordings of focused symposia - where presenters have given permission.

To search the archive of congress proceedings:


You can also watch 11 of the focused symposia sessions:

Bursary recipients share their experiences
More than 30 physical therapists attended WCPT Congress 2019 in Geneva, thanks to the generosity of congress delegates and WCPT’s partners.

To watch and read more about bursary recipients' experiences:

President Emma Stokes shares her reflections on congress
President Emma Stokes shares her reflections on recent and past WCPT congresses

To watch a video of Emma Stokes:

Facts and figures   News and views
Did you know:
  • 4,500 delegates attended congress
  • People from 128 countries took part in congress
  • 64% of delegates were attending their first WCPT congress
We'll be sharing more facts and figures about congress over the next few weeks.
  We’ve collated some of the blog posts and media coverage about WCPT Congress 2019.

Please let us know about any items that can be added to this list.

Save the date for Dubai!
If you enjoyed WCPT Congress 2019, make a date to join us in Dubai for WCPT Congress 2021.

WCPT Congress 2021 will take place in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, from 8-10 April 2021.

We'll be announcing the members of the Congress Programme Committee later this month and the committee will then start to consider the content and format of the programme.
Workshop report for ICRC-sponsored delegates to WCPT Congress 2019
More than 50 physical therapists working for the ICRC or in ICRC-supported rehabilitation centres in countries affected by conflict were sponsored by ICRC to attend WCPT Congress 2019.

After congress, 34 sponsored delegates from 19 countries took part in a workshop. ICRC staff Cornelia Anne Barth, Michaela Björk, Valentina Cemulini, and Cliona O’Sullivan provided a report from the workshop.

To find out more: https://www.wcpt.org/news/Workshop-report-for-ICRC-sponsored-delegates-to-WCPT-Congress-2019

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