sábado, 11 de maio de 2019

Voto unânime das organizações membros da WCPT para nova Constituição

Delegados votantes de  106 delegações (Associações Nacionais de Fisioterapeutas) votaram por unanimidade uma nova Constituição para a Confederação Mundial de Fisioterapia WCPT.
A votação ocorreu no dia 9 de maio de 2019, o segundo dia da Reunião Geral da WCPT no Starling Hotel Geneva, Suiça.
Para saber mais leia o texto abaixo, em inglês, divulgado pela WCPT


Other business at the General Meeting included:
  • approval of a motion on climate change proposed by the Japanese Physical Therapy Association
  • approval of a policy statement on diversity and inclusion
  • endorsement of ethical principles of health care in times of armed conflict and other emergencies
  • confirmation of awards recognising the contribution of individual physical therapists to the global profession and to WCPT
  • election of President, Vice President, Regional Board members.
Three new WCPT subgroups were also approved:
  • International Organisation of Aquatic Physical Therapists (IOAPT)
  • International Federation of Physical Therapists working in Occupational Health and Ergonomics (IFPTOHE)
  • International Physical Therapy for HIV/AIDS, Oncology, Hospice and Palliative Care (IPT-HOPE).
Theo Ruitenbeek, IPT-HOPE board member, said: ‘We are grateful and proud to be acknowledged and recognised by WCPT member organisations at the General Meeting. Our mission is to advance physical therapy management and prevention for people affected by oncology, palliative care, and HIV/AIDS throughout the world and across cultural groups.

‘Now we can spread out this mission among all WCPT’s member organisations. We hope WCPT’s member organisations will join us in this important area of work and help make a difference to people’s lives.’

About the WCPT General Meeting
The WCPT General Meeting took place on 8 and 9 May. The WCPT General Meeting takes place every four years. The next General Meeting will take place in Tokyo, Japan, in 2023.

Note to WCPT member organisations
Please use this information in your magazine, journal, newsletter or social media channels. It may also be forwarded to your local or national media.

Contact            Freya Rodger on frodger@wcpt.org
Twitter             @WCPT1951 
Hashtag           #WCPT2019GM
Facebook         @WCPT1951
Website           https://www.wcpt.org/

For further information please contact:  Freya Rodger on frodger@wcpt.org, +44 (0)20 7931 6465

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