sexta-feira, 30 de novembro de 2018

WCPT e-update - novembro 2018

WCPT Eupdate
WCPT E-Update - November 2018

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Boa Leitura
WCPT advocates for strong rehabilitation workforce
WCPT, together with the World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) and the International Society of Physical the Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM), has undertaken some collaborative advocacy to ensure rehabilitation is a key component of any health care strategy that has a goal of maintaining functional capacity and independence.

This advocacy was during the second Global Conference on Primary Health Care, in Astana, Kazakhstan, in October. The conference was held to reaffirm the principles of the Declaration of Alma-Ata which was signed 40 years ago. Read the full article

During the same meeting WCPT, as part of the World Health Professions Alliance (WHPA), also welcomed the strong emphasis to strengthen health care systems and support the global health workforce. Read the full article
Global Burden of Disease Study
The 2017 Global Burden of Disease Study (GDB) released this month shows a slowdown of progress across the world.

Published in the Lancet, the study shows that: 'Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) accounted for 73% of all global deaths in 2017, with over half of all deaths (28·8 million) attributable to just four risk factors: high blood pressure, smoking, high blood glucose, and high body-mass index. Obesity prevalence has risen in almost every country in the world—leading to more than a million deaths from type 2 diabetes'.

Access GBD 2017 and all open access GBD studies published by the Lancet:

Regular physical activity is proven to help prevent and treat NCDs. More than any other profession, physical therapists prevent chronic disease by helping people become more active. For additional resources see WHO's global action plan on physical activity 2018 - 2030.
WCPT advocacy and engagement in South America
President Emma K Stokes, Chief Executive Officer Jonathon Kruger, and Professional Adviser Pablo Davo Cabra attended a meeting of WCPT’s South America Region (SAR) in November. Discussions covered a wide range of issues, including migration movements within the region and how this impacted on the recognition of physical therapy qualifications and programmes, online entry level education programmes and finance.

Jonathon and Pablo subsequently delivered an advocacy workshop on ways to develop the physical therapy profession in South America and to discuss national advocacy issues and solutions amongst member organisations.

Following the SAR meeting, 1,500 delegates attended the XX Congreso Latinoamericano de Fisioterapia y Kinesiología (V Congreso WCPT SAR), 7th - 9th November.

Read the full article
WCPT Board meet in London
The WCPT Executive Board held a productive three-day meeting in London in November. The Board was joined by Scott Ward, who will act as the Presiding Officer for the General Meeting in Geneva in May 2019.

Pictured: back row, left to right, Jonathon Kruger, Marco Pang, Esther Munalula Nkandu, Gabriela Mallma, John Xerri de Caro; front row, left to right, Emma K. Stokes, Scott Ward, Margot Skinner. Not pictured: Stacy de Gale
Congress registrations selling fast
With over 2,000 delegates already registered, the WCPT Congress 2019 promises to be one of our biggest events yet.

If you are looking to add a clinical visit or pre- or post-congress course to your registration - don't delay as some have already sold out!

Remember to register before the 31st January deadline to benefit from the Early Bird discount.

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