terça-feira, 30 de outubro de 2018

WCPT Congresso 2019

WCPT Congress Update
29 October 2018 
Final chance for Super Early Bird registration
Quick! Quick! Only three days left to register at the Super Early Bird rate.

Over 1,000 people have already taken the opportunity to save up to 35% and registered at the Super Early Bird rate. If you register before 31st October, you could join them and gain a global perspective of the profession, make long-lasting connections with international colleagues, and hear from world experts on the latest topics. Here’s what previous delegates have said about congress:
  • "The combination and variety of methods of learning were terrific – it works, in my opinion don’t change a thing."
  • "The WCPT Congress was truly one of the most inspirational experiences of my career…The insights, the connections and the knowledge I gained are things I will carry with me forever."
  • It is magic … absolute magic … it fills your soul. You cannot go away and not feel warm, and enriched and have a little bit of encouragement for the time going forward."
  • "The overwhelming feeling here is that it is wonderful to be in such a global environment with delegates being able to learn from each other and constantly challenge local assumptions we make about what it is to ‘be a physiotherapist’."
  • "The event was an eye opener, offering more learning, sharing and engagement opportunities than I had expected."
  • "I had a chance to not only meet and network with PT leaders from a variety of countries, cultures, and practice settings, but also gain a new perspective on how physical therapists fit into the global healthcare picture."
Register now www.wcpt.org/wcpt2019/registration and be a part of the global profession in Geneva.
Add to your congress experience
Make the most of your congress experience and trip to Geneva.
  • Pre- and post-congress courses: over 19 courses are available to add to your congress registration. A wide range of subjects are on offer, with a number of courses offering support in other languages.
  • Clinical visits: if you are attending the whole congress add a clinical visit to benefit from this unique opportunity to see how physical therapy is practised in Switzerland. All are offered in French, most in English and some have support for other languages.
  • Party night: choose either a three-course Swiss dinner at the Bâtiment des Forces Motrices (105 EUR) or drinks and canapés at the Brasserie des Halles de l'Île (50 EUR). Both include a DJ and dancing.
  • Accommodation: save time, money and hassle by booking your accommodation at a congress hotel. All those staying at a congress hotel will receive a free public transport ticket.
  • Tours: take a look at the physical therapy study tour on offer.

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