quinta-feira, 16 de agosto de 2018

Congresso da WCPT atualização agosto 2018

WCPT Congress Update
August 2018 

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Boa Leitura
Final call for abstracts
There are just three weeks left to submit an abstract before the 6th September deadline. Don't miss this opportunity to present to a global audience. Whether you have research to present or an innovative service, practice, resource or theory to showcase - WCPT encourages physical therapists from all over the world, at every level of the profession, to submit an abstract that:
  • reports on the latest research with original scientific data
  • addresses new and unique developments in practice, theory, education, management, policy and resources
  • describes innovative ways in which established methods have been adapted to meet the changing needs of practice
Submit your abstract: www.wcpt.org/wcpt2019/programme/abstracts

Take a look at the following guidelines and tips:
Give the Gift of Congress
WCPT is inviting donations to a bursary programme to help physical therapists from low and lower middle-income countries attend congress in 2019. Your donation to the bursary programme will benefit not just the individual physical therapist but will also have a lasting legacy in their own country, for the profession and the general public.

WCPT is aiming to raise £20,000 for delegates who otherwise wouldn't be able to attend congress. If donations exceed this target, it will mean more physical therapists could attend.

Over £2,600 has already been raised through donations from delegates who have registered and from the Incredible Impacts award WCPT received for its range of outstanding legacy activities at the WCPT Congress 2017.

How to donate
Whatever the size of your donation, it will help support a physical therapist to attend WCPT Congress 2019. Thank you!

You can find out more about the bursary programme: www.wcpt.org/wcpt2019/registration/bursary
Details on how to apply for a bursary will be available shortly.
Beat the Super Early Bird deadline
Save up to 35% and book your registration at the Super Early Bird rate.

Whether you are a loyal fan or have decided that this will be your first WCPT Congress - make the most of the brand new Super Early Bird rate and save €£$ on your registration fee. Join us in Geneva in May 2019 where you will be able to hear from world experts, listen to global perspectives and make connections with international colleagues.

Here are a few comments from previous congress delegates:

"The experience of WCPT surpassed my expectations"
"The WCPT Congress was truly one of the most inspirational experiences of my career"
"The event was an eye opener, offering more learning, sharing and engagement opportunities than I had expected"
"Being part of the Physiotherapy family is such a big privilege"
"It is magic … absolute magic … it fills your soul"

What are you waiting for? Register now: www.wcpt.org/wcpt2019/registration
Language support at Congress Final call for abstract reviewers
Although the official language of the congress is English and all sessions must be submitted and presented in English, WCPT recognises that for many delegates English will not be their first language. WCPT will therefore be running some clinical visits in other languages, as well as facilitating interactions in other languages at selected coursesnetworking sessions and Indaba sessions.

If English is not your first language there are more tips on how to get the most out of congress at: www.wcpt.org/wcpt2019/language
Do you have experience in reviewing abstracts or journal articles? The Congress Programme Committee is now recruiting potential reviewers of abstracts submitted for presentation at congress.

Find out more: www.wcpt.org/wcpt2019/reviewers

Closing date for applications: 23rd August 2018

Please note that you will need to be available to review abstracts between 24th September and 12th October 2018.
Choose your party night
Tickets are already selling fast so don't forget to add a party night event to your congress registration. You can choose from two options: a three-course Swiss dinner at the Bâtiment des Forces Motrices (105 EUR) or drinks and canapés at the Brasserie des Halles de l'Île (50 EUR).

Find out more: www.wcpt.org/wcpt2019/programme/social
Opportunities to exhibit at congress
Position your company or organisation as a world leader and innovator in physical therapy and take part in the profession’s largest international physical therapy congress. This leading four-day congress and exhibition attended by international physical therapy clinicians, researchers, educators, management professionals and practice owners offers a unique opportunity to meet the global profession face-to-face. 
  •  Presentations by the world’s leading experts will attract over 4,000 delegates from across the globe. 
  •  Unique and engaging partnership opportunities will help you build brand awareness and loyalty. 
  •  Exhibition hall will be a lively place bringing traffic to your space  
Download the prospectus: www.wcpt.org/wcpt2019/exhibition

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