WCPT E-Update - October 2017
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Childhood and adolescent obesity |
To mark World Obesity Day on 11th October, the World Health Organization (WHO) published a press release stating
that the number of obese children and adolescents (aged five to 19
years) worldwide has risen tenfold in the past four decades. If current
trends continue, more children and adolescents will be obese than
moderately or severely underweight by 2022, according to a new study led
by Imperial College London and WHO.
The study
was published in The Lancet - it analysed weight and height
measurements from nearly 130 million people aged over five years (31.5
million people aged five to 19, and 97.4 million aged 20 and older),
making it the largest ever number of participants involved in an
epidemiological study. More than 1000 contributors participated in the
study, which looked at body mass index (BMI) and how obesity has changed
worldwide from 1975 to 2016.
Access the WHO press release: bit.ly/2gHs7Xd
Access The Lancet study: bit.ly/2yLOhMy
Download the WHO Ending Childhood Obesity Implementation Plan: executive summary: bit.ly/2yKAaHa
Access the WHO obesity and overweight factsheet: www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs311/en/ |
WCPT Congress |
website for the WCPT Congress 2019 will be launched shortly with the
announcement of the members of the Congress Planning Committee, who will
shape the scientific programme. In the meantime, save the date for this
international event that brings together the global profession: 10 - 13
May, Geneva.
To view the proceedings from the WCPT Congress which took place earlier this year in Cape Town go to: www.wcpt.org/wcpt2017/proceedings. From here you can also access recordings of many of the focused symposia. |
WCPT Governance Review |
this year the Executive Board agreed to establish a project to review
the governance of WCPT. It is anticipated that this will lead to the
drafting of contemporary Articles of Association, which will be
submitted to the WCPT General Meeting for approval in May 2019. To
support and guide this work a Governance Review Expert Working Group
(GR-EWG) will be formed. An open call to all member organisations was
sent out in September seeking nominations and the successful candidates
will be announced next month. |
Cochrane Rehabilitation |
The second issue of the Cochrane Rehabilitation Newsletter was recently published: bit.ly/2iyhtm7.
Linda Woodhouse (former President of the Canadian Physiotherapy
Association) is the WCPT representative and physical therapist Tracey
Howe, Director of the Cochrane Global Ageing Field and Member of the
Cochrane Rehabilitation Executive Committee, has been elected as
internal member in the Cochrane Governing Board for a term of three
The Cochrane Rehabilitation Field can serve as a bridge between all
the stakeholders in rehabilitation and Cochrane. Cochrane Rehabilitation
on one side drives evidence and methods developed by Cochrane to
the world of rehabilitation and on the other conveys priorities, needs
and specificities of rehabilitation to Cochrane. |
WCPT awards programme |
month WCPT will be issuing a call to all member organisations with
a request for nominations for the awards committee. The call for award
nominations will subsequently be launched next year.
The WCPT awards programme recognises outstanding contributions by
physical therapists to the profession and/or global health at an
international level. There are several categories of award, all
presented every four years at the time of the WCPT General Meeting. To
see the 2015 WCPT award recipients go to: www.wcpt.org/awards2015. |
Progress report on prevention and control of NCDs |
The WHO Global Coordination Mechanism on the Prevention and Control
of NCDs (GCM/NCD) Progress Report for 2014-2016 has been released: bit.ly/2h9PEx8.
The report highlights the achievements of the GCM/NCD in helping
countries to achieve the nine voluntary targets of the Global Monitoring
Framework and reduce the burden of NCDs and their shared risk factors,
including unhealthy diet, lack of physical activity, tobacco use and
harmful use of alcohol.
International conference on health professional regulation |
The fifth World Health Professions Regulation Conference
is scheduled to take place immediately before the World Health
Organization’s World Health Assembly in Geneva on 19-20 May 2018. It
will provide participants with insights, perspectives and discussion on
current challenges in health professional regulation.
The 7th International Conference of Physiotherapy in Psychiatry and Mental Health |
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