quarta-feira, 1 de março de 2017

WCPT E-Update - February 2017

WCPT Eupdate

WCPT E-Update - February 2017
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Boa leitura.
Rehabilitation 2030: A Call for Action
Earlier this month WCPT attended the WHO Rehabilitation 2030: A Call for Action meeting. According to the WHO ‘there is a substantial and ever-increasing unmet need for rehabilitation worldwide, which is particularly profound in low- and middle-income countries. The availability of accessible and affordable rehabilitation is necessary for many people with health conditions to remain as independent as possible, to participate in education, to be economically productive, and fulfil meaningful life roles’.
At the meeting WCPT committed to exploring the development of a global collaborative alliance to raise the profile of rehabilitation.

Find out more: www.who.int/disabilities/care/rehab-2030/en/
WCPT and INPTRA announce formal collaboration
© Canadian Physiotherapy Association Last week saw WCPT and the International Network of Physiotherapy Regulatory Authorities (INPTRA) announce a formal collaboration.

A recently executed Memorandum of Understanding lays the foundation for the two organisations to share information in biannual meetings and coordinate efforts on projects of mutual interest.

Read the press release: bit.ly/2lhyG27
WCPT Congress 2017
With abstract notices sent out last week, the final programming for the WCPT Congress 2017 is now taking place. Take a look at the latest highlights and find out what will be happening in Cape Town.
Rehabilitation fact sheets available
Handicap International and WCPT, along with the International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics and the World Federation of Occupational Therapy, have released seven factsheets on the added value of rehabilitation.

The factsheets are aimed at improving the awareness and understanding of the role that rehabilitation plays in global health and cover the following areas:
  • maternal health
  • child health
  • diabetes
  • cardiovascular diseases
  • road traffic injuries
Find out more: bit.ly/2jTJEH6
6th February was International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). The theme for 2017 is: "Building a solid and interactive bridge between Africa and the world to accelerate ending FGM by 2030".

The Sustainable Development Goals in 2015 calls for an end to FGM by 2030 under Goal 5 on Gender Equality, Target 5.3 Eliminate all harmful practices, such as child, early and forced marriage and female genital mutilation.

Access the United Nations website to find out more: www.un.org/en/events/femalegenitalmutilationday/
Access World Health Organization resources: who.int/reproductivehealth/topics/fgm/en/
Access the WCPT Policy statement: www.wcpt.org/policy/ps-FGM

WCPT-AWP & PTAT Congress 2017
The congress theme is “Moving towards health, longevity, and sustainability". It offers an opportunity for physical therapists in the Asia Western Pacific Region to present their work and share experiences with peers to enhance collaborations in the region and worldwide. The congress will be held 27th to 30th June 2017 in Bangkok, Thailand.

View the preliminary programme and register: awp2017ptat.com/


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