domingo, 28 de fevereiro de 2016

WCPT e-update - February 2016

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WCPT E-Update
February 2016
WCPT Board meeting
WCPT publishes disability access briefing paper
ER-WCPT Congress: final call for abstracts
Educata: free article
WCPT subgroup events
Regulation conference
WCPT Board meeting
The current WCPT Board held its third face to face meeting last week. Find out what was discussed - watch Emma Stokes report from the meeting in a video at and read the written narrative of the meeting at
WCPT Board at face to face meeting February 2016
WCPT publishes disability access briefing paper
© ICRC / KOKIC, Marko Kabul, ICRC limb-fitting centre
WCPT has published a new briefing paper on Access to Physical Therapy Education and Practice for People with Disabilities, in response to a General Meeting motion that the Confederation should encourage a disability rights-based approach to educational access and professional support.
Download the briefing paper at:
ER-WCPT Congress: final call for abstracts
There are just a few days left to the deadline for the call for abstracts for the 4th European Congress. Submit your proposal before the 29th February deadline:
The congress takes place 11th - 12th November 2016 in Liverpool, UK.
Image for ER-WCPT Congress, Liverpool 2016
Educata: free article
One of WCPT's continuing education partners, Educata, has published a new free article looking at the interaction between statins and exercise. It examines the mechanisms and strategies to counter the musculoskeletal side effects of this combination therapy.
Access this and other free papers to download at:
View the online education courses available at: Courses available include:
  • Functional assessment and exercise for the aging adult
  • Physical therapy for children with Type 1 diabetes
  • Fall prevention
WCPT subgroup events
International Conference of Physical Therapy in Psychiatry and Mental Health (ICPPMH): co-hosted by the WCPT subgroup, the International Organization of Physical Therapists in Mental Health (IOPTMH), 9th - 11th March 2016 in Madrid, Spain.
International Neurophysiotherapy Conference: hosted by the WCPT subgroup, the International Neurological Physical Therapy Association (INPA) and ACPIN, 17th - 18th March 2016 in London, UK.
IFOMPT Conference 2016: organised by the WCPT subgroup, the International Federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Physical Therapists (IFOMPT), 4th - 8th July 2016 in Glasgow, Scotland.
WCPT subgroup logo
Regulation conference
The World Health Professions Regulation Conference 2016 will be held 21st - 22nd May 2016 in Geneva, Switzerland.
To view the programme, see the speakers and register go to:
Scheduled to run over 1.5 days, immediately before the World Health Organization’s World Health Assembly in Geneva, the conference will provide participants with insights, perspectives and discussion on current challenges in health professional regulation.

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