terça-feira, 20 de outubro de 2015

WCPT NEWS outubro 2015

Repassamos para os seguidores e visitantes do Blog 14-F FISIOTERAPIA a edição de outubro/2015 do WCPTNEWS, recebido da Confederação Mundial de Fisioterapia - WCPT, via e-mail. 

Conforme determinado para as publicações anteriores, optamos pela versão original em inglês, visando preservar a integralidade e credibilidade da fonte.
 Boa leitura.
 WCPT Mailer 
October 2015 www.wcpt.org/wcptnews
Look forward together: WCPT wants you to contribute to future strategy
New UN agenda provides an opportunity for physical therapists
WHO's new framework for ageing puts the emphasis on activity
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Look forward together: WCPT wants you to contribute to future strategy
WCPT has begun a major new conversation with the world of physical therapy to gather ideas on how the Confederation can continue to serve the needs of its member organisations and the profession globally over the next five years. 
New UN agenda provides an opportunity for physical therapists
The United Nations has formally adopted a new agenda for sustainable development, with a set of 17 global goals to end poverty, fight inequality, bring good health and tackle climate change over the next 15 years.
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WHO's new framework for ageing puts the emphasis on activity
The World Health Organization has published a new framework for public health action on ageing around the world, rejecting the stereotype of older people as frail and dependent. At the same time, it is consulting on a new action plan on ageing and health – and WCPT is encouraging physical therapists to take part.
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