quinta-feira, 30 de julho de 2015

WCPT e-update julho 2015

Repassamos para os seguidores e visitantes do Blog 14-F FISIOTERAPIA a edição de julho /2015 do WCPT e-update, recebido da Confederação Mundial de Fisioterapia WCPT via e-mail. 

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WCPT E-Update
July 2015
World Physical Therapy Day
Health Care in Danger
Ebola update
Bone and Joint Decade World Summit
WHO online consultation: Human Resources for Health
World Physical Therapy Day
There is now just over one month left to plan your activities to celebrate World Physical Therapy Day 2015. This year the theme is “Fulfilling potential”, emphasising physical therapists’ role in supporting people with long-term health conditions or disabilities achieve their goals, fulfil their potential and participate fully in society.
Posters, flyers and postcards with this year's theme are available for download from the toolkit page: www.wcpt.org/wptday-toolkit. From here you can also access a resources booklet with a list of facts and resources about physical therapy, independence and participation, as well as an article by the WCPT President (found in the resources booklet).
The posters, flyer and postcard are also available in Spanish at: www.wcpt.org/wptday-posters-spanish. 
Remember to send us a brief report and photographs of how you celebrated the day to info@wcpt.org.  
World PT Day 2015 poster
Health Care in Danger
Photograph courtesy of the Health Care in Danger project Health Care in Danger (HCiD) is an ICRC-led project of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement aimed at improving the efficiency and delivery of effective and impartial health care in armed conflict and other emergencies.
Several initiatives and publications have been launched as part of this project, including:
  • e-learning module on legal protection of health care in war (available in French and English)
  • Health Care in Danger Report: The untold suffering
  • Position paper on Health care and violence: The need for effective protection
  • e-learning on health care responsibilities in times of conflict
For further information go to: bit.ly/1SbA1TX
WCPT has been an official partner of the Health Care in Danger project since July 2014.
Ebola update
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has created an interactive story of the Ebola response in action. Since July 2014, there has been some real progress towards tackling the Ebola outbreak, but new cases continue to emerge. Scroll through the interactive story of the progress made and the challenges that remain, as work continues towards the final goal of #GettingtoZero bit.ly/1OysIiS.
Photograph courtesy of the World Health Organisation
Bone and Joint Decade World Summit
The Bone and Joint Decade logo The Scientific Programme Committee is seeking abstract submissions for oral or poster presentation at the BJD World Summit and the 4th Norwegian Musculoskeletal Research Network Conference 2015. The deadline for submission is 16th August 2015. www.bjd2015.com/new-page-1/
Titled "Breaking down the barriers - towards integrated care", the summit will focus on:
  • how to promote musculoskeletal health and research
  • developing integrated models of musculoskeletal care
  • implementation of targeted treatment in primary and secondary care
  • presentation of original research by leading scientists
The summit will be held in Oslo, Norway, 8th - 9th October 2015. www.bjd2015.com/
WHO online consultation: Human Resources for Health
The draft Global Strategy on Human Resources for Health: Workforce 2030 is now open for public consultation until 31st August 2015. Feedback is invited via an online consultation, which is open to individuals as well as Member States of the WHO, institutions, networks, civil society groups, and relevant organisations with an interest in human resources for health. 
For further information go to: www.who.int/hrh/en/
© Educata One of WCPT's continuing education partners, Educata, has launched a new two hour online course on fall prevention. It covers the many simple, evidence-based, user-friendly tools to empower PTs and all health care practitioners to proactively identify those at higher risk for falling. bit.ly/1h2x2w8
A free peer-reviewed research paper on the effects of a fall prevention exercise programme on muscle strength and balance of the elderly is also available for download at: www.educata.com/articles.aspx
For further information about Educata go to: www.wcpt.org/node/29540
If you are unable to access our website using the links within this email, you may need to copy and paste the hyperlinks directly into your internet browser. If you have problems reading this email, you can view it online at www.wcpt.org/eupdate
The World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT) is a registered charity in the UK, no. 234307

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