terça-feira, 30 de março de 2021

Informativo World Physiotherapy - março 2021


March 2021
World Physiotherapy publica relatório COVID-19
  Publicado em 11 de março, o relatório marca o primeiro aniversário da declaração oficial da OMS de uma pandemia global devido ao COVID-19. 
 O relatório Mundial de Fisioterapia, Impacto da pandemia COVID-19 nos serviços de fisioterapia globalmente, mostra como os serviços de fisioterapia foram gravemente interrompidos globalmente pelo COVID-19 e enfoca a primeira onda da pandemia. 
 Emma Stokes, presidente mundial da entidade mundial da fisioterapia, disse: “No ano passado, a pandemia COVID-19 afetou todas as nossas vidas - a nível pessoal e profissional. Este relatório mostra como o COVID-19 impactou nossa profissão global e como respondemos coletivamente. " 
 As principais descobertas do relatório incluem: 
  70% disseram que todos os serviços de fisioterapia foram interrompidos 
  87% disseram que as práticas privadas foram afetadas 
  81% disseram que os serviços de saúde pública foram afetados 
  77% disseram que lares de idosos foram afetados 
 Saiba mais e baixe o relatório  
Nota do Editor:

O Blog 14-F FISIOTERAPIA dedica grande parte do seu conteúdo ao processo histórico da profissão, no Brasil e no mundo, compartilhando textos e vídeos disponíveis na WEB, com citação das fontes produtoras para agregar credibilidade às postagens. Solicitamos portanto, aos seguidores e visitantes, levarem ao conhecimento da editoria do Blog qualquer fonte considerada suspeita ou de caráter meramente comercial.
A seguir texto original em inglês 

World Physiotherapy publishes COVID-19 report

Published on 11 March, the report marks the first anniversary of WHO officially declaring a global pandemic due to COVID-19.   

The World Physiotherapy report, Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on physiotherapy services globally, shows how physiotherapy services have been severely disrupted globally by COVID-19, and focuses on the first wave of the pandemic.

Emma Stokes, World Physiotherapy president, said: “In the past year, the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted all our lives – on a personal and professional level. This report shines a light on how COVID-19 has impacted our global profession, and how we have collectively responded."

Key findings in the report include:

  • 70% said all physiotherapy services had been disrupted
  • 87% said private practices were impacted
  • 81% said public health services were impacted
  • 77% said nursing homes were impacted
Find out more and download the report

Call for vaccine equity for all frontline workers

World Physiotherapy, as part of the World Health Professions Alliance (WHPA), is calling for early access to COVID-19 vaccines for frontline workers, including physiotherapists.

In a press release, WHPA members stress early access to vaccines is critical to ensure the health and safety of the global health profession workforce, protecting not only them but also their patients, families, communities, and the broader health of countries/territories.

World Physiotherapy supports the World Health Organization’s Vaccine Equity Declaration, which encourages countries/territories to ensure that access to immunisation is determined by need, rather than wealth or geographic location. 

The WHPA  brings together the global organisations representing the world’s dentists, nurses, pharmacists, physical therapists and physicians and speaks for more than 41 million health care professionals worldwide in over 130 countries.

Find out more about the call for vaccine equity

Subgroup events

World Physiotherapy subgroups are holding a series of webinars and online events this year.

The following subgroups are holding online events in 2021:

Find out more about these events

Board and regional elections

World Physiotherapy member organisations are currently electing three board members from the following regions:

  • Europe
  • North America Caribbean
  • South America

The new board members will begin their terms on 1 July 2021 and each will serve a 4-year term from 2021-2025.

Find out more

AWP elections
Candidates for election for the World Physiotherapy Asia Western Pacific (AWP) region executive committee have also been announced. An electronic vote will take place before the regional general meeting.

The results will be announced at the regional general meeting on 8 May 2021. The new board members will begin their terms on 1 July 2021. 

Find out more

New Physiopedia online courses

sexta-feira, 19 de março de 2021

Congresso Mundial de Fisioterapia 2021 - Atualização

World Physiotherapy congress update
18 March 2021
Explore o programa científico
 É hora de começar a planejar seus dias de congresso! 
 Os detalhes do programa científico completo já estão disponíveis - conheça a plataforma do evento do congresso e planeje como usar o seu tempo durante o congresso. 
 Acesse o planejador de sessão de evento e use-o para explorar a programação da transmissão ao vivo que será executada em seis canais. Você também pode pesquisar a seção sob demanda para ver todas as apresentações de plataformas e resumos ePoster.  Lembre-se de adicionar como favorito todas as sessões que deseja adicionar ao seu planejamento pessoal. 
 Para ver o programa rapidamente, baixe as visões gerais diárias. 
 Visite a plataforma de eventos online do Congresso Mundial de Fisioterapia 2021.
  Observe que apenas os participantes inscritos terão acesso a todas as seções da plataforma de eventos do congresso. 
A seguir texto original em inglês 
Explore the scientific programme
It's time to start planning your congress days!

Details are now available for the full scientific programme - get to know the congress event platform and plan how to spend your time during congress.

Access the event session planner and use it to explore the livestream schedule which will run across six channels. You can also search the on demand section to see all platform and ePoster abstract presentations. Remember to favourite all the sessions you wish to add to your own personal planner.

To see the programme at a glance, download the daily overviews

Visit the World Physiotherapy Congress 2021 online event platform

Please note that only registered participants will have access to all sections in the congress event platform.
Register now!
Register now to gain full access to the congress online platform.

Almost 2,000 people have already registered. Register NOW and join them to make sure you can connect with the global profession, and benefit from over 70 hours of live content delivered in 90 sessions across six parallel channels during the three days, as well as access everything available on demand.

Never attended a World Physiotherapy congress before? With the event being held entirely online, this is the perfect opportunity to make this your first congress and benefit from reduced fees and no travel or accommodation costs.

Registered participants will have access to all content for three months after the event until 8 July.

Access the online registration system

Find out why you should attend
Take a look at the online exhibition   Resources for chairs and speakers
Discover the innovative products and services our partners and exhibitors are offering in the congress online exhibition. Each exhibitor has a dedicated page with videos to watch and resources and information to download.

Visit the exhibition
  Is presenting at an international online congress a new experience for you? World Physiotherapy has put together several resources for chairs, speakers and abstract presenters, including a series of webinars with tips and suggestions for your presentation.

Find out more
Be part of the congress opening session
Would you like to be part of the opening session for World Physiotherapy Congress 2021 online?

We’re inviting physiotherapists around the world to send us a short video (no more than 30 seconds) showing us what their working day has been like during this past remarkable year. Selected videos will be included in the opening session for congress.

You may already have a video to send us, or use a smartphone to make the video recording and send it to communications@world.physio via https://wetransfer.com/Please make sure your video is in landscape format.

Deadline to submit video: 26 March 2021.

By sending us a copy of your video, you are giving World Physiotherapy permission to share the video, your first name, and the country/territory where you work on our congress event platform, website, social media platforms, and printed publications. If anyone else, including patients, appears in your video, you must confirm to us you have their permission for the video to be used by World Physiotherapy.
Call for 2023 congress programme committee
Could you be part of the World Physiotherapy congress programme committee (CPC) and help develop the programme for World Physiotherapy Congress 2023 in Tokyo?

CPC members must be able to serve from July 2021 until the end of the congress evaluation period in 2023.

World Physiotherapy Congress 2023 is due to take place in Tokyo, Japan, 1-4 June 2023.

Individuals wishing to serve as a CPC member should submit a letter of application, providing evidence that addresses the person specification, and a curriculum vitae (max four pages). A letter of support from their World Physiotherapy member organisation must accompany the submission.

Membership of the CPC requires commitment of time and dependable availability to participate in meetings and undertake activities as required, working closely with and supported by World Physiotherapy staff. 

Applications must be submitted to info@world.physio, no later than 16 May 2021.

Find out more


quarta-feira, 3 de março de 2021

Congresso Mundial de Fisioterapia - Atualização Março 2021

World Physiotherapy congress update
3 March 2021
 Lançada plataforma de congresso! 
 A plataforma do evento para o Congresso Mundial de Fisioterapia 2021 online está no ar! Visite a plataforma do evento AGORA e comece a planejar como usar o seu tempo durante o congresso, de 9 a 11 de abril de 2021.  
Acesse o planejador de sessão de evento e use-o para explorar a programação da transmissão ao vivo que será executada em seis canais. Aqui você pode começar a construir seu cronograma à medida que explora todas as sessões-chave, juntamente com quando e onde elas serão mostradas. 
 O planejador de sessão de evento lhe dará acesso ao título, descrição geral, presidente e palestrantes de cada sessão. Lembre-se de adicionar como favorito todas as sessões que deseja adicionar ao seu planejador pessoal. 
 Não se esqueça de também pesquisar a seção 'on demand' para ver todas as apresentações de plataforma e resumos ePoster. 
 Visite a plataforma de eventos online do Congresso Mundial de Fisioterapia 2021
A seguir texto original em inglês 
Congress platform is launched!
The event platform for World Physiotherapy Congress 2021 online is live!

Visit the event platform NOW and start planning how to spend your time during congress, 9-11 April 2021.

Access the event session planner and use it to explore the livestream schedule which will run across six channels. Here you can start to build your timetable as you explore all the key sessions, along with when and where they will be shown. 

The event session planner will give you access to the title, general description, chair, and speakers for each session. Remember to favourite all sessions you wish to add to your own personal planner.

Don't forget to also search the on demand section to see all platform and ePoster abstract presentations. 

Visit the World Physiotherapy Congress 2021 online event platform

Please note that only registered participants will have access to some of the sections in the congress event platform. All registered participants will receive an email with their login details today.
Scientific programme
Session details are now available on the congress event platform.

Get to know the congress event platform ahead of the live event on 9-11 April. This is the perfect time to familiarise yourself with the livestream schedule and decide which sessions you would like to attend. You can also select sessions based on type, and use the search facility to find specific speakers or topics. 

Start building your own personal timetable and discover what topics will be covered and who will present the following sessions: Abstract presentations: please note that only titles and presenting authors are currently listed. Full abstracts will be visible from 31 March.
Register now!
Register now to gain full access to the congress online platform.

Almost 2,000 people have already registered. Register NOW and join them to make sure you can connect with the global profession, and benefit from over 70 hours of live content delivered in 90 sessions across six parallel channels during the three days, as well as access everything available on demand.

Registered participants will have access to all content for three months after the event until 8 July.

Access the online registration system
Real time translation service   Resources for chairs and speakers
For the first time, World Physiotherapy will be offering a translation service using artificial intelligence technology. This will give participants the opportunity to see and hear real time translations in a number of languages during live sessions (except for networking sessions). Find out more   Recognising that presenting at an international online congress is a new experience for many people, World Physiotherapy has put together several resources for chairs, speakers and abstract presenters. These include a series of webinars with tips and suggestions for your presentation. Find out more
Online exhibition
Make time to visit the online exhibition to find out more about our partners and exhibitors.

Discover the products and services our partners and exhibitors are offering in the congress online exhibition. Each exhibitor has a dedicated page with videos to watch and resources and information to download.