quinta-feira, 28 de maio de 2020

Informativo WCPT - Maio 2020

WCPT Eupdate
WCPT E-Update: 28 May 2020
Texto original em inglês 
WCPT briefing paper on impact of COVID-19 on rehabilitation
WCPT has published its second briefing paper as part of the response by the global physiotherapy profession to COVID-19. 

The briefing paper focuses on rehabilitation and the vital role of physiotherapy and looks at:
  • acute physiotherapy management of patients with COVID-19
  • rehabilitation of people after COVID-19
  • people living with a disability and frail older people: immediate and episodic rehabilitation
  • people with short-term rehabilitation needs where routine care has been suspended
  • return to work
  • rehabilitation with public health restrictions
  • service delivery
Download briefing paper 2: rehabilitation and the vital role of physiotherapy
WCPT calls on WHA73 to expand funding for rehabilitation
WCPT submitted a statement to last week's World Health Assembly calling on its members to commit to expanding funding for rehabilitation, as part of the global response to COVID-19.

Emma Stokes, WCPT president, said: ‘This is both a short-term measure so the human cost of this pandemic can be minimised, but also to ensure rehabilitation services are established as a key pillar of routine universal health coverage within national health systems across the globe.

‘Physiotherapy has a critical role to play in maintaining the health and wellbeing of the global community. However, with many services suspended during the period of physical distancing, people will likely experience a deterioration of other conditions unrelated to COVID-19.'

Access the statement
Survey: help us write history
WCPT has launched a survey with the International Physiotherapy History Association (IPHA) to gather information on how COVID-19 is redefining physiotherapy education, practice and the profession.

Reflecting that the impact of COVID-19 may change lives and communities forever, WCPT and IPHA would like to gather stories and experiences from physiotherapists around the world to help create a snapshot of the impact of COVID-19. Stories and experiences will be gathered at future dates to make sure we continue to collate the impact of COVID-19.

The survey is available in:
This first invitation to take part is open until 30 June 2020.
REMINDER: WCPT appeals committee - call for applications
The deadline to submit applications for the WCPT appeals committee is 3 June 2020.

The role of the appeals committee is to consider and determine the outcome of any appeals by organisations against membership-related decisions by the membership committee and the WCPT Board, in accordance with the constitution and relevant regulations. As the committee is being established for the first time there are five vacancies - one from each WCPT region. Applicants need to have prior experience considering and determining outcomes of complaints or appeals and must be supported by their national member organisation.

To apply and for further details see: www.wcpt.org/vacancies
World No Tobacco Day
The World Health Organization (WHO) has put together a toolkit of materials to mark this year's World No Tobacco Day on 31 May #TobaccoExposed.

This year WHO is launching a counter-marketing campaign in response to the tobacco and related industries’ systematic and sustained tactics to hook a new generation of users.The global campaign aims to debunk myths and expose devious tactics employed by these industries. It will provide young people with the knowledge required to easily detect industry manipulation and equip them with the tools to rebuff such tactics, thereby empowering young people to stand up against them. This is especially important right now as studies show that smokers have a higher risk for a severe case of coronavirus. WHO calls on all young people to join the fight to become a tobacco-free generation.

Find out more: www.who.int/news-room/campaigns/world-no-tobacco-day/world-no-tobacco-day-2020

quinta-feira, 21 de maio de 2020

Congresso WCPT 2021 - Atualização maio 2020


WCPT Congress Update
May 2020 
Submit your abstract
The call for abstracts for poster and platform presentations is now open. The deadline is 30 July.

The WCPT congress offers you a unique opportunity to present to a global audience at the profession’s largest international meeting. Whether you have been working on a research project or have an innovative service, practice, resource or theory to share, WCPT is encouraging physiotherapists from all over the world, at every level of the profession, to submit their abstracts. 

Abstracts are invited that:
  • report on the latest research with original scientific data
  • address new and unique developments in practice, theory, education, management, policy and resources
  • describe innovative ways in which established methods have been adapted to meet the changing needs of practice
Find out more: www.wcpt.org/wcpt2021/programme/abstracts
Focused symposia announced
Key speakers and sessions have been announced for congress.

The congress programme includes 12 confirmed focused symposia featuring 55 speakers from around the world. Focused symposia are core sessions where cutting edge relevant topics will be explored from an international and diverse perspective. High profile speakers will create insightful and engaging learning experiences that ultimately inform, inspire, involve and empower delegates.

“Focused symposia are a great opportunity to hear from world-renowned speakers that are experts in their area and gain a unique global understanding and insight into a particular field" said Shane Patman, chair of WCPT’s congress programme committee.

View focused symposia: www.wcpt.org/wcpt2021/programme/fs

View speakers: www.wcpt.org/wcpt2021/programme/speakers
Abstract presentation formats
There are two main ways to present your abstract at congress, either as a platform or poster presentation.

To help you decide which format is right for your abstract, watch the video by congress programme committee member Jackie Whittaker: How to choose the right format - platform presentation, printed poster, e-poster

Poster presentations
  • Printed posters: changed daily, they are grouped by topic within the poster area in the exhibition hall, with presenters attending their poster for 45 minutes for discussion with delegates.
  • E-posters: available for the first time at a WCPT congress, they will be accessible through terminals and grouped by topic, with each presenter given a short presentation slot. Delegates can search the e-posters by keywords and topic areas.
Platform presentations
  • State of the art: 12-minute platform presentations from the highest quality, cutting edge abstracts that are likely to influence practice, with an 18-minute moderated discussion at the end led by a leader in the field.
  • Classic: eight platform presentations of eight minutes, followed by three minutes for questions in each presentation.
  • Rapid five: a platform presentation session of 10 abstracts each delivering key messages using no more than five slides in five minutes (5 x 5), with moderated discussion times.
Platform and poster presentations are considered by the congress programme committee to be of equal standing and judged by the same criteria. Although you may indicate your preferred presentation format when submitting, there is limited space for platform presentations in the programme and many more posters can be accommodated. The decision of what format to assign to any abstract rests with the congress programme committee.
Resources for abstract submitters
If you have limited experience of abstract submissions, presenting at a WCPT congress, or if English is not your first language, we have put together several tools to help you.
With the fast evolving global situation created by the spread of COVID-19, we are aware that many of you have been impacted by the pandemic and the uncertainty it has created. WCPT and the congress programme committee will continue to monitor the situation relating to COVID-19. For now, planning is proceeding for an exciting WCPT congress in Dubai next April and we will advise you if there are any changes likely to impact the event.

WCPT is supporting its member organisations and their members with a COVID-19 information hub: www.wcpt.org/covid19

quarta-feira, 13 de maio de 2020

Informativo WCPT - Atualização maio 2020

WCPT Eupdate
WCPT E-Update: May 2020
Texto original em inglês 
WCPT briefing paper on impact of COVID-19 on entry-level education
WCPT has published a briefing paper on the immediate impact on the higher education sector and response to delivering physiotherapist entry level education.

The paper has been informed by an online survey, which was one of the first activities of a global task force on physiotherapist education launched by WCPT in April 2020. The responses provide insights into how the programmes have resolved the immediate challenges, how they have addressed near-term issues and, at the date of the survey responses, what barriers they anticipate to a return to post-pandemic operations.

The briefing paper is the first in a series planned by WCPT exploring the response of the global physiotherapy profession to COVID-19. The next briefing paper will focus on rehabilitation.

Download the briefing paper: immediate impact on the higher education sector and response to delivering physiotherapist entry level education
WCPT appeals committee: call for applications
WCPT is seeking applications for the WCPT appeals committee.

The purpose of the committee is to consider and determine the outcome of any appeals by organisations against membership-related decisions by the membership committee and the WCPT Board, in accordance with the constitution and relevant regulations. As the committee is being established for the first time there are five vacancies - one from each WCPT region. Applicants need to have prior experience considering and determining outcomes of complaints or appeals and must be supported by their national member organisation.

For further details see www.wcpt.org/vacancies.

The deadline to submit applications is 3 June 2020.
COVID-19: resources for physiotherapists
WCPT has launched a #PPE4PT campaign and created a global information hub on its website with information and resources about COVID-19 relevant to the physiotherapy profession.

Resources have been collated from reputable sources and organised into categories including:
Access the information hub: www.wcpt.org/covid19
COVIDPhysio Registry
The COVIDPhysio Registry is a register of physiotherapy-related work in progress in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Several items have already been added and include projects such as guidelines, policy statements, campaigns, online continuing professional development, research, new education delivery and assessment methods, and the translation of material, providing a hub to support opportunities for collaboration and to avoid duplication of effort.

We urge all those who are involved in COVID-19 projects to log their project on the registry as it will be a valuable resource for the global physiotherapy community.

Entries can be made using the online form and a record of projects and activities will be updated and published frequently.

Access the CovidPhysio Registry: www.wcpt.org/covid19/registry
Survey: health and safety of health workers
An international group of experts convened by the World Health Organization and International Labour Organization are conducting a survey to collect data about risk factors and their controls for health and safety of health workers in COVID-19. The data collected through this survey will inform high level actions and recommendations through the expert group, and additional comments are welcomed in the “Other” fields, as well as any follow-up you would like to send directly.

The survey is available in English, Chinese, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Swahili: www.surveymonkey.com/r/OSHofHealthWorkersinCOVID19

To change the language of the survey click the button in the top right hand corner.
Postponed and cancelled events
WCPT has compiled a page on its website with updates about events we know have been cancelled or postponed: www.wcpt.org/news/postponed-and-cancelled-events

A list of events that are currently going ahead may be found on the events page at: www.wcpt.org/events

If your organisation has resecheduled or cancelled an event and you would like details to be included on the WCPT website, please contact communications@wcpt.org