quinta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2020

Informativo WCPT - Atualização janeiro 2020

WCPT Eupdate
WCPT E-Update - January 2020
Texto original em inglês 
Name change ahead for global physical therapy body
The World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT) will be changing its name to World Physiotherapy later this year.
World Physiotherapy will be used for all externally-facing communications and materials. World Confederation for Physical Therapy will continue to be used for all legal and governance matters.
Find out more about the name change: http://bit.ly/2tfd7WU.
WCPT admits new members
On 1 January 2020 three new member organisations were admitted to the World Confederation for Physical Therapy by electronic vote of the membership. 

The new member organisations are: WCPT now has 121 member organisations representing more than 625,000 physical therapists worldwide. 
WCPT Congress 2021: Call for focused symposia closes on 31 January 2020
The call for focused symposia for WCPT Congress 2021 in Dubai closes tomorrow. This is your opportunity to be involved in one of the key sessions at congress.

The sessions include high profile speakers, draw large audiences, and aim to create insightful and engaging learning experiences that ultimately inform, inspire, involve and empower delegates.

Lasting 1.5 hours, each symposium is organised by a recognised expert in the field who leads a coherent session with 3-4 speakers working together and engaging with the audience to draw out the relevance, challenges, applicability and take-home messages. The submissions should address the topic from an international/diverse perspective by including presentations from a range of countries and preferably from three different WCPT regions.

To access the online submission system and download the submission guidelines go to: www.wcpt.org/wcpt2021/programme/call-for-fs
WCPT vacancy for Education Professional Adviser
It is an exciting time for WCPT as it reviews its core business and new activities in the area of education for the physiotherapy/physical therapy profession.

If you are an experienced educator looking to use your knowledge and experience to advance education globally then this could be the role for you.

Deadline: 21 February

For more information about the role: www.wcpt.org/vacancies
Network for Physical Therapy Educators Facebook page launched
Are you a physical therapy educator? If you would like to take part in the global conversation join the Facebook group of the WCPT Network for Physical Therapist Educators: www.facebook.com/groups/2449987498652896/members/.

The latest WCPT President's blog reports on several conferences that took place around the world at the end of last year including the the European Network of Physiotherapy in Higher Education (ENPHE) conference and the Education Leadership Conference (ELC) organised by the Academy of Physical Therapy Education.

Read the blog here: www.wcpt.org/node/177827

Find out more about the WCPT Network for Physical Therapist Educators: www.wcpt.org/pte

Profiles show global state of the profession
Data from WCPT member organisations has been published on a range of issues, including professional regulation, practice, education, and the number of employed physical therapists.

This data provides a comprehensive and valuable global profile of the profession. The most recent data is based on surveys completed by 105 of WCPT’s 120 member organisations in mid-2019.

Access interactive maps showing variations in the profession around the world: www.wcpt.org/cds/globalprofile/2019/physnumber/

Individual profiles are available for download from each member organisation page: www.wcpt.org/members
Watch video interviews with participants at the SRSHS stakeholders' meeting in Tajikistan
WCPT and UCP Wheels are working collaboratively on a project, Strengthening Rehabilitation Services in Health Systems (SRSHS), to establish physical therapy services and raise awareness of rehabilitation services to improve the quality of life for people in Tajikistan.
Watch video interviews with some of the people who attended the stakeholders' meeting in October 2019. http://bit.ly/36AvyCQ
AEF celebrates 50th anniversary
The Spanish Association of Physiotherapists, Asociación Española de Fisioterapeutas (AEF), recently celebrated its 50th anniversary.  

The celebration took place at the 16th national congress of AEF, in collaboration with the Galician Physiotherapy Professional Association, in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. More than 600 physical therapists attended the congress, which took as its theme healthy and active aging. 
WCPT region and network events in 2020
International Organization of Physical Therapists in Mental Health (IOPTMH): Linking Body and Mind - the key to effective physiotherapy is the theme for the 8th International Conference of Physiotherapy in Psychiatry and Mental Health. Helsinki, Finland, 12-14 May. www.icppmh2020.com

Africa Region of WCPT: The 11th WCPT Africa Region Congress will take place on 10-13 July in the Republic of Benin. www.wcptafrica.org/wcpta-conferences/benin2020/

European Region of WCPT: The 5th European Congress of the ER-WCPT on Physiotherapy Education will take place 11-12 September in Leuven, Belgium. The deadline for abstract submission is 1 February. https://kuleuvencongres.be/er-wcpt2020/home

International Federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Physical Therapists (IFOMPT): IFOMPT 2020 will take place in Melbourne on 6-8 October in Melbourne, Australia. The deadline for abstract submission has been extended to 31 January. https://ifomptconference.org/
Second International Conference on Physical Therapy in Oncology
Physical therapists play a pivotal role in helping patients cope with side- and long-term effects of cancer and cancer treatment such as fatigue, deconditioning, musculoskeletal impairments and lymphedema.

Physical therapy in oncology has made marked steps forward in the past two decades.

This second International Conference on Physical Therapy in Oncology (ICPTO) aims to bring together physical therapists from around the globe, to share knowledge, exchange best practice, and update knowledge based on recent scientific developments.

Find out more about the International Conference on Physical Therapy in Oncology (ICPTO), 14-15 May, in Copenhagen: http://bit.ly/38PtYPc
World Cancer Day
World Cancer Day is on 4 February.

Marking its 20th anniversary in 2020, World Cancer Day is the global uniting initiative led by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) and has grown into a positive movement for everyone, everywhere to unite under one voice.
Each year, hundreds of activities and events take place around the world, gathering communities, organisations and individuals in schools, businesses, hospitals, marketplaces, parks, community halls, places of worship - in the streets and online - acting as a powerful reminder that we all have a role to play in reducing the global impact of cancer.
Find out more about WCPT's subgroup International Physical Therapists for HIV/AIDS, Oncology, Hospice and Palliative Care (IPT-HOPE): www.wcpt.org/ipt-hope

Keep moving after cancer treatment was the theme of a session at WCPT2019 in Geneva: http://bit.ly/2vwzcAY

terça-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2020

Congresso WCPT 2021 - Atualização janeiro 2020

WCPT Congress Update
Texto original em inglês
28 January 2020 
Final chance to submit focused symposia
The submission deadline for focused symposium proposals is 31 January.

You have just four days to submit a proposal for a focused symposium. These key congress sessions include high profile speakers, draw large audiences, and aim to create insightful and engaging learning experiences that ultimately inform, inspire, involve and empower delegates.

Lasting 1.5 hours, each symposium is organised by a recognised expert in the field who leads a coherent session with 3-4 speakers working together and engaging with the audience to draw out the relevance, challenges, applicability and take-home messages. The submissions should address the topic from an international/diverse perspective by including presentations from a range of countries and preferably from three different WCPT regions.

To access the online submission and download the submission guidelines go to: www.wcpt.org/wcpt2021/programme/call-for-fs.

All submissions will be notified of the outcome on 26 March 2020.

quarta-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2020

Em 2021 será comemorado o Centenário da Associação Americana de Fisioterapia APTA

Em 2021 a Associação Americana de Fisioterapia APTA  celebrará 100 anos.

Nesta ocasião marcante  a Associação promoverá uma série de atividades abraçando a história da profissão e gerando impulso para o futuro. 

terça-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2020

Congresso WCPT 2021 - Atualização janeiro 2020

WCPT Congress Update

Versão original em inglês 
January 2020 
Last call for focused symposia
With the submission deadline for focused symposium proposals on 31 January, you now have less than three weeks to be involved in one of the key sessions at congress.

The sessions include high profile speakers, draw large audiences, and aim to create insightful and engaging learning experiences that ultimately inform, inspire, involve and empower delegates.

Lasting 1.5 hours, each symposium is organised by a recognised expert in the field who leads a coherent session with 3-4 speakers working together and engaging with the audience to draw out the relevance, challenges, applicability and take-home messages. The submissions should address the topic from an international/diverse perspective by including presentations from a range of countries and preferably from three different WCPT regions.

To access the online submission and download the submission guidelines go to: www.wcpt.org/wcpt2021/programme/call-for-fs.

All submissions will be notified of the outcome on 26 March 2020.
Focused symposia topics
The call is open to any topic relevant to the profession. However, the Congress Programme Committee (CPC) is particularly interested in proposals that address any of the following areas identified through the WCPT congress market research survey:
  • professional challenges across all areas, such as diversity and inclusion, quality assurance, implicit bias, mental health, and wellbeing
  • how physical therapy needs to change to address global health issues, such as the demands of an ageing population, multi-morbidity and topics identified in the Rehabilitation 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals
  • the unique contribution of physical therapists in the physical activity agenda
  • challenging perceptions of pain management across the lifespan and across all fields of practice
  • innovative approaches to address policy and advocacy issues, such as health system funding, cost-effectiveness and the unique role of physical therapy.
Where applicable to the topic, priority will be given to symposia that include perspectives from low-resource countries.
Focused symposium format   Watch the videos
Each focused symposium consists of:
  • an introduction by the chair
  • a maximum of three 20-minute or four 15-minute presentations
  • 15 minutes of questions and answers with the audience spread across the session
  • a 10-minute summary by the chair highlighting the implications, applicability and relevant messages to take away. 
  Watch the videos from members of the CPC as they share their experiences of visiting Dubai for a Congress Programme Committee meeting and encourage submission for focused symposium proposals for #WCPT2021.

Selection principles
The CPC is seeking sessions that comply with the submission guidelines and deliver against the following principles.
  • Explore: the most recent ideas, evidence, methods and areas of controversy in the literature related to outcomes for people and populations and to moving the profession forward.
  • Inspire: with a clear purpose and applicable outcomes for delegates.
  • Connect: related research and innovations, and internationally diverse delegates through active engagement.
  • Include: speakers with international experience and standing  in the topic area, representing a range of global and possibly service user perspectives.
  • Impact: practice, education, research and/or policy by making clear the implications arising from the presentations.

domingo, 5 de janeiro de 2020

Fisioterapeutas do Reino Unido homenageados pela Rainha

Quatro membros da
Chartered Society of Physiotherapy CSP receberam reconhecimento na lista de honra do Ano Novo da Rainha 2020 por serviços de fisioterapia, pesquisa e comunidade de etnia negra e minoritária  Member of the British Empire (BME).
Karen Barker, diretora clínica de trauma e ortopedia da Oxford University Hospitals Foundation Trust e diretora clínica de trauma e ortopedia da Oxford University Hospitals Foundation Trust e Chefe de Fisioterapia do Nuffield Orthopaedic Center em Oxford, foi nomeada oficial da Ordem do Império Britânico (OBE) por suas realizações em Fisioterapia pesquisa e implementação de evidências de pesquisa na prática.

Também recebeu uma homenagem, Susan Greenhalgh, Fisioterapeuta consultora do Bolton NHS Trust, cuja honra foi o reconhecimento de seu trabalho na identificação de 'bandeiras vermelhas' na apresentação da síndrome da cauda eqüina.
 Melrose Stewart, professora de Fisioterapia e membro da Academia de Educação Superior, tornou-se Membro do Império Britânico (MBE), por seu trabalho substancial para a comunidade de BME e para os idosos.

Jane Pyman, Fisioterapeuta consultora dos hospitais universitários Bristol NHS Foundation Trust, também recebeu um MBE por seus serviços de fisioterapia e reabilitação em pediatria e cirurgia ortopédica.

O Dr. David McDonald também foi homenageado como Membro do Império Britânico (MBE) por serviços de assistência médica e por seu trabalho como líder nacional para recuperação aprimorada no NHS Escócia. Ele passou grande parte de sua carreira como Fisioterapeuta ortopédico e agora trabalha no Governo Escocês (Programa de Modernização de Caminhos de Pacientes) como pesquisador sênior da Universidade Caledoniana de Glasgow (Unidade de Pesquisa Profissional de Enfermagem, Obstetrícia e Saúde Aliada).